31 December 2015

Coffee Talk - 2016.....I GOT this!!!

Happy NEW Year's EVE my lovelies!!!!! Seriously, can you even freaking BELIEVE that 2015 is over and we are now looking at a FRESH new year full of possibility!!?? So I took a minute to look at my "goals" from last year because I don't do resolutions since we all know damn well they hardly ever never last!!!! ;)  I have to say I really am doing better at this GOAL thing!! I didn't think I would TRULY accomplish a lot of them, but WOO HOO....I DID!!! Go ME!! (There were of course those couple that ALWAYS seem to carry over! Here is where you can see what I wanted for 2015!

So 2016 let's see what you have in store for me GOAL wise:

  • to really commit to my Beach Body business and no matter how well or not well it goes keep pushing on because in the end I joined this for all the positives it had on MY life, getting to help others was just an added "bonus"
  • this is a HUGE one for me.....and I have already started the transition as some of you may know.....cutting out the chemical filled coffee creamer and DRUM roll please......making my OWN healthy version of flavored coffee creamer!!! What the?! I know, I know...more on this later! ;)
  • to pick up my camera at LEAST a couple times a week and capture my OWN family! This is a carryover from last year because I still feel like I NEED to get better at this. Time is precious and is flying by I don't want to regret or forget a second of it. 
  • to embrace 40 with open arms and totally SQUASH the comparison game that is soooooo readily available and EASY to fall into with social media these days
  • try not to over book my photography sessions so I can thoroughly keep enjoying it, not feel stressed from it (this is an easy trap as well because I'm a people pleaser and don't always know how to say no....this year will have limited sessions so I can keep my passion alive and my sanity in tact.)
  • to live in THIS moment, enjoy the here and now
  • to keep reading more personal development books because they have honestly changed my whole attitude and outlook and a girl can use more of that in her life. 
  • to keep believing in dreams, wishes and some kind of wonderfuls.
I'm sure I could sit here ALL DAY LONG with goals that I should/could have, but who am I kidding...I NEED to keep it short and sweet. What are YOUR goals for 2016? Whatever they may be go after them with full determination and passion....you never know what might happen to change your path. Happy New Year again.....now go show 2016 who is BOSS!

30 December 2015

Salmon Quinoa Burgers

Ok so who LOVES a quick and easy lunch alternative??!!! Um, THIS GIRL does for sure! A couple nights a week I work later and lunch becomes more like "linner" (you know a cross between lunch and dinner) so I try to take stuff with me that has more substance because I don't want to get home ravenous after 8pm!!!  Enter these little beauties.....Salmon Quinoa Burgers! Seriously, the aroma coming from the kitchen when I was making them may or may not have lured a certain teen out of her room because she said they smelled AMAZING!!!! SCORE! (you score big whenever a teen has something positive to say and DOUBLE  points when you get them to VACATE their room!! If you don't have a teen yet, get ready this is what you have to look forward to!)

I digress. Like I said above I HEART quick and easy and these fit the bill for both. I will probably make a few modifications to these because they did fall apart a little easy but other than that I will definitely be making these regularly. Go ahead and give them a try and let me know what you think. XO


3 cans of Wild Alaskan Salmon
1 tsp olive oil
1 - 2 cloves minced garlic
1 cup spinach chopped
sea salt and ground pepper to taste
3/4 cup cooked quinoa
2 Tbsp dijon mustard
1/2 tsp Old Bay
1 egg beaten
1/2 cup to 1 cup bread crumbs (adjust this accordingly to how your mixture is holding up)

1. Heat a large skillet over medium heat, add the oil and saute the spinach and garlic.  Season with salt and pepper and cook until spinach is wilted 4 to 5 minutes.

2. Transfer to a bowl with the quinoa, salmon, dijon,, Old Bay & egg. Mix well and form into patties. You should get about 5 or 6 depending on the size you make.

3. Heat a grill pan or skillet over medium heat sprayed with Olive Oil. Cook 4 to 5 minutes until they are a nice golden brown and crisp. Flip and do the same on the other side.

That's literally IT!!! I had mine with a side of cous cous, but you can serve this soooo many ways. (with a salad, on a crusty bun, by itself....experiment and see how you like it!)

27 December 2015

Coffee Talk!!! (The Christmas Eve edition....a few days LATE!!!)

(So obviously I had this drafted up for Christmas Eve and I seriously do NOT have time to redo it, so now you have to sit thru my Christmas Eve post!!! Don't judge, the memory is the first to go and evidently even though this was drafted up it NEVER got posted!!! LOL Getting OLDER  wiser SUCKS!!!)

Merry Christmas EVE my loves!!!!! Ahhhh I can't EVEN believe it is here already!!!! This holiday season has been so FULL and I have thoroughly ENJOYED every. single. minute. I wasn't going to do my random thoughts today but heck....I'm already blabbering away so might as well just continue on with our norm!

5 Random Thoughts:

1 - We went to Philly this past weekend with our besties and had an ABSOLUTE blast!!! We hadn't been so this was a first and we definitely will do more next time but our FAVORITE part by far was Winter Lodge at Penn's Landing. There was adult hot chocolate (don't judge, everyone needs vanilla vodka from time to time), smores, cocktails and LOTS & LOTS of laughs while enjoying some ice skating!!!! My family ADORES ice skating.  We ALL really enjoy it no matter how much we are flat on our butts!!!! ;)

2 - Made an appt with a Holistic doctor. Yep, I'm going to try a new route. I have had stomach issues my WHOLE life that are getting worse by the day now and I flat out refuse to go to see my normal Dr, get sent for a bunch of tests and then be put on medicine!!! It's not happening! Not after the year I had so 2016 is going to be a year of BIG changes for me! Lots more info to come!!!

3 - All of the Christmas cards are really rolling in now and it just amazes me and makes my heart happy to see all of the special people in my life from ALL. OVER. THE. WORLD! You never can imagine how many amazing people will cross your path in your life but I am incredibly lucky and so happy to have EACH and EVERY one of you in mine!!! XO

4 - I feel like I may NOT sleep tonight!! For some reason I am OVERLY excited for Christmas morning this year!!! I can't wait to see my kiddos tomorrow morning. We definitely aren't a family who has a tree over flowing with presents but what we do have are carefully chosen gifts that will mean something special to each person. I LOVE LOVE LOVE giving gifts!!! It's my FAVORITE!!! I'm pretty much 100% certain this is the LAST year our little guy will even "entertain" the Santa & Buddy the Elf story so I'm soaking up these memories. Littles go by soooo fast! Enjoy and cherish each little moment!

5 - Arizona....I MISS you. Not because the weather is bad here because we have been EXTREMELY lucky this year, but because you have my heart. That is all.

That's it loves!!! Go enjoy your families and have the most WONDERFUL Christmas spending it with those you love! Make memories. Laugh. Eat. Drink. Tell Stories. Play Games. And then Eat some more!!!!

17 December 2015

Coffee Talk!!! The WARM edition...

It's beginning to look feel a lot like Christmas  SPRING!!! LOL!!! Fine, ok, ok.....it definitely is NOT feeling like Christmas! Now quit acting like ME! Quit your whining, grab your mug and let's get to it!!! ;)

5 Random Thoughts:

1 - Let's not act like the fact that we AREN'T frozen solid and bundled up like Eskimos is a BAD THING!!! (of course today is a little chillier) LOL I know ALL you snow lovers are SAD, but this AZ weather lover is seriously in LOVE with these temps!!!!! The 4 letter word could just STAY away forever and my heart would be happy! Of course, you know, that's just my little opinion....to each his own!!!  :)

2 - We had a seriously FUN time with my sister, brother in law and nieces for our Christmas celebration this past weekend! Here's what I did learn.....I LOVE being an Auntie, but I would NOT want my own littles now!!!! They are a TON of work and lots of ENERGY and quite honestly I'm getting too old for that and too TIRED! I get to spoil them, love on them and then send them home. I would call that PERFECTION!!! Long story short the weekend did NOT disappoint...yummy food, yummy dessert, vino, family games, photos......SUCCESS!

3 - I am currently participating in a Challenge Group with my challengers to get my butt back in GEAR!!! Happy to report that my new routine of waking up and IMMEDIATELY pushing play is proving to be a HUGE help in me actually getting my work out DONE!! I used to come down, make coffee, turn on the TV, sit on the couch, turn the space heater on.....do you see what is about to happen here? Couch + Heat + Coffee + TV = COZY = NO WORKOUT!!!!! I always had REALLY good intentions of getting it done. Alarm set, wake up, go down and then BOOM.....if it doesn't happen first thing with me, it's just not going to happen. Not proud of that, just keeping it real.

4 - The news today. Um, yeah, I recommend you don't even bother watching it unless you want to be full blown depressed and at odds with EVERY ONE around you. I used to be really faithful about watching it, but now the world is just so darn scary and everyone is always angry. Let's be nice to each other whether you agree with each other or not. Just agree to disagree. Be adults, set good examples. You know the way everyone should have been raised to be. Instead friends are turning on friends, social media is blowing up with political/religious banter, negativity in full force......please! Life is short. Enjoy it. End rant.

5 - I literally can NOT believe we are half way thru December already!!! Where is the time going? ohhhh and I don't know how I forgot to mention this little tid bit....drum roll!!!!  Just got my test results back from my FINAL test and I am ALL clear! No aneurysm!!!!! So flipping happy that ordeal is OVER! My wish for 2016....to NEVER see a doctor!!! (a girl can dream can't she)

Thank you for another fun edition of Coffee Talk! I seriously look forward to these each week so thank you!!!!! Muahhh!!!

10 December 2015

Coffee Talk!!

Well helllllloooo my beautifuls!!! Thursday is here, I'm sipping on some Gingerbread and ready to gossip my booty off!!! ;)

5 Random Thoughts:

1 - All of my fall sessions are COMPLETE!!! Edited and OUT. THE. DOOR.....the feeling?....um, PURE BLISS!!!! Not because I don't LOVE photography or my clients but because I was just flat out EXHAUSTED and totally ready to soak up the holiday season with my little family!!!! Bring it Christmas! What holiday traditions are special to you and your family? :)

2 - So I had a "moment" of feeling like I was in QUICK SAND and there was no way out between working 4 days a week, doing photography and trying to run my Beach Body biz so I started becoming SUPER quiet. My workouts were happening but NOT consistently (hey I'm not proud of it, in fact I feel like CRAP, but I'm turning that around so don't JUDGE!) ;)  I started pulling away from things I ENJOYED and brought me happiness because I was worried about what people were thinking of me. Well, that is OVER!!!! I ended up feeling like a slug, being miserable, negativity crept back in (do you get the gist?) I was getting ALL down on myself. I FINALLY had a wake up call and remembered WHY I got so hooked on Beach Body. Not because I was coaching but because of how it made me feel on the INSIDE and OUT. I miss my challengers. I miss the positive vibes. I miss my coach pals. I miss my general healthy lifestyle. Every once in awhile you just need a good swift kick in the "you know what" to snap your life back into focus. So I'm OVER worrying what others think. Those that matter won't mind and those who mind don't matter!!! Words to live by!

3 - Um, I don't know what is up with this weather BUT you won't hear ME complain!!! That is all. ;)

4 - The Christmas Movie marathon has begun. Seriously ELF, Four Christmases, Christmas Vacation, It's A Wonderful Life, Turbo Man, The Santa Clause, A Christmas Story, etc. etc. etc. The FUN never ends! If you haven't watched any this season.....DO IT!!! It will make your heart happy I PROMISE!!!

5 - Get ready for some adorable pics next week!!! Yep, that's right it's Auntie Loving time this weekend! We have our Christmas with my nieces and their parents, of course! I can NOT wait!!! Ugh, those girls bring a HUGE smile to our faces! Like seriously each one of our faces!!! Especially Uncle Mike's...he's a MAJOR softy when it comes to those girls. And sister time isn't a rough gig either! It's going to be a fabulous weekend I can already tell!!!!

Alright I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! Thanks for sticking around with me! I truly appreciate it!!!! XO

03 December 2015

Coffee Talk!!

Wooo hooo my loves!!! I'm back after a short hiatus!!! ;)  So no messing around it's time to put your feet up, grab your coffee, and gripe whine wine  ok, FINE....catch up together!!!!

5 Random Thoughts:

1 - Thank you for all the sweet comments on My Pushing 40 edition!! I did want to clarify that it wasn't meant to seem like I was saying that 40 is horrible or anything of that nature. Heck it's coming whether I'm ready or not, it was just purely a reflection of the things I REALIZE as I get older that I may not have realized when I was younger! That's all, not bad, not good....just the things that have become more clear to ME as I come up on this milestone birthday. ;)

2 - Can we talk about how FABULOUS this fall weather has been!!!!??? I will TAKE it! Warmer temps, no snow....YES, PULEEEEEZZZEEE!!!!

3 - I am DONE with my sessions for this year (well the shooting part finishing up the editing as we speak) and with that brings a mix of emotions. I'm thrilled on one hand because I can really use the time to just relax and unwind with my family but on the other hand I'm kind of sad because photography ALWAYS ignites the creative side of my inner being and I really truly adore it. However, my family is first and foremost to me and I worked really hard to make my schedule flexible during my busy season this year to have enough time with them as well as being able to accommodate my clients. It was a seriously AH-MAZING season and I am sooooo soooo very grateful for each and every one of my clients!!!! Thank you all so much! Now it's time to soak up the Christmas month making memories with my loves!!! I will start booking again in January!!! :)

4 - Is anyone else OD' ing on Christmas movies??!!! Hayley & I have been watching them but it's about to become BINGE watching time come this weekend!!! EEEEEEKKKK! I can NOT get enough of the holiday season!  I  will officially finish up my shopping this Friday and the sense of relief and straight up pride that I feel...um, no WORDS!!! I'm usually a last minute shopper...down to the wire, stressing about EVERYTHING!!! Not this year peeps! Bring it Christmas!!!! (and did I mention how EXCITED I am for everyone to see what I got them this year!? I HEART giving gifts!!!)

Alright luv bugs! That's it for today! It's back to the editing grind!!!! Muahhhh!!! XO

12 November 2015

Coffee Talk - The Pushing 40 Edition...

Helllloooo my little coffee sipping/gossip loving/vent session LOVES!!!! It's Thursday and the coffee is HOT so let's get to guzzling sipping.....

These past few weeks have really been a reflection period for me...so as I am only oh, a little over 5 months away from the B I G 40....I thought I would mix it up and do a Pushing 40 Edition!!!! ;)

Things you begin to realize as you approach 40:

- Time waits for NO ONE....it's flying by EVERY SINGLE SECOND, so hold on and enjoy every minute. This is particularly HARD for me right now. Freshman year of high school is seriously taking a TOLL on me. Um, 1 - because I'm not ready for her to grow up 2 - because I can't CONTROL absolutely every little thing and that is HARD for a control freak type personality!!! (honesty is the best policy you know)

- Babies grow up to become teenagers - no you can't get rid of them, yes you still need to LOVE them! (see explanation above) For REAL though...if you are lucky enough to have little ones NOW is the time to go ahead and enjoy every morsel of being worshiped. Every non stop chit chat moment. Every wanting to be JUST like you moment. Every toy left out. Every sleepless night. Every whining tantrum. Enjoy EVERY everything because You will BLINK (literally blink) and it will be OVER faster than you can say "I want it all back". I am like a leaking water faucet right now. I can literally pour tears out in a millisecond over this whole transition. I look at her and still see my sweet little baby I brought home from the hospital.....well you know until she gives me that eye roll 'oh God' look and snaps me back to reality. I guess the point here is I went from 24 yrs old to 40 lightening FAST and I think we ALL think we have sooo much time when the truth is it's ticking away uber duber quickly!

- Relationships WILL change no matter how close you were to someone. It's inevitable, it's the nature of the beast. In the past I would let this just EAT me ALIVE!!! (ya know until I was just a carcass) Now I realized that everyone is changing and evolving and you are either changing with people or you are growing apart and either way hurts but it's a part of life. Inhale peace and exhale all the bad thoughts/resentment that may be taking up space in your sweet little mind!

- When you are younger it's ALL about how you look on the outside! As you get older you realize EVERYONE is going to AGE, it's unavoidable (unless you want your face frozen and drooling everywhere that is) So do what you can to stay HEALTHY. Healthy on the inside as well as the outside. Find inner happiness and it will seep through your pores to the outside. Yes we all wish we were super models, the fact remains we aren't...well a good majority of us aren't. ;) Work with what you have! The happiest people are the prettiest people....be HAPPY!!!! For me working out and eating as clean as I possibly can with a total 80/20 attitude is key to me staying healthy!!! Not only do I feel better physically but mentally it is complete THERAPY for me! I don't care if it's a mind game I play with myself or if it's the real deal.....all I know is I am one miserable Beeeeee if I am lazy and eating lots of crap!!!

- Relax and take time for YOU! Do things that you enjoy! Read, workout, take a bath, enjoy a glass of wine, enjoy coffee, color (yes I am partaking in the adult coloring/meditation and LOVING it)....whatever brings you down to being like a noodle, less stressed and puts a smile on your face, take the time no matter how short of a span it is....and DO it!

Alright my loves....there are plenty more words of nonsense wisdom, but that's ALL I got for today!!!
It's editing time and gearing up for a bestie getaway weekend!!!! Have a fabulous rest of your week!!!! XO

29 October 2015

Coffee Talk!!

4 Random Thoughts (yep, no time for small talk today, we are just getting right to it!) ;)

1 - This rain, in particular that storm last night....um, I know we needed it, but I'm DONE! That is all!!! Ugh....seriously though when I have a lot to do I don't feel like being sluggish and curled up in a blankie ready to fall asleep! Let there be SUN, darn it!!! (well until I'm caught up on my sessions at least!)

2 - Insanity would be my life this past weekend....7 shoots in 2 days! Um and these were straight up shoots, not mini shoots, so this girl was T. I. R. E. D!!!!! It was such a blast and each of the sessions was so fun and different! I FINALLY have all of the sneak peeks posted and now I am working on finishing up each of the sessions before my 3 this weekend!!! Is it November 30th yet?! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this season but by then I will definitely be ready to hibernate and rock myself back and forth in a corner curl up in a ball and RELAX for the rest of winter!

3 - Fell off the WAGON full force!  Do you ever feel completely out of control in EVERY aspect of your life???? Yeah, that's where I am at right now! From my eating, my working out, my photography, my mental well being, my health, my family.....this list could be NEVER ending so I will stop here, but you get the idea. I am feeling completely STRESSED which leads to me feeling completely, utterly out of control, which leads to me slacking on my workouts, which leads to me putting a TON of crap into my mouth, which leads to me being MISERABLE! I finally woke up today and said ENOUGH is ENOUGH! I am committing to feeling better AGAIN asap! Luckily my next challenge group starts up Monday, November 2nd! I want to be healthy going INTO the New Year, not be a train wreck the WHOLE holiday season and find myself saying 'in the New Year....blah blah blah'. So if you want to jump in and help me stay consistent and accountable, message me! I would LOVE to have peeps along with me for the ride!

4 - My final medical test is tomorrow and I'm hoping this brings the answers we are waiting for!!! If it doesn't well, that's fine we will deal but finding a clear cut reason for some of my issues would be HUGE!!! Fingers crossed!

Well that's a wrap for this round of java.....I am off to edit and prep my dinner for tonight!!! Have a fabulous Halloween weekend with your friends and family my loves!!!! XO

28 October 2015

Broiled Parmesan & Lemon Chicken!

Helllooo my loves!! Ok, if you are like me I am ALWAYS on the hunt for quick, healthy dinners for my family! When I found this little beauty my life got a whole LOT easier! I can make this in no time at ALL and it's yummy, the family LOVED it and it's good for you!!! Sign me up!!!! I served this with one of my favs which I just can't get ENOUGH of.....roasted garlic & parmesan brussel sprouts which you can get the recipe for here. Definitely give this recipe a try if you are pressed for time and let me know how you like it!


1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
3 Tbsp - plain greek yogurt
2 Tbsp - fresh lemon juice (about 1 lemon)
1/4 tsp dried basil
1/8 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1 pound of boneless, skinless chicken breasts (I always use the thin ones)


1. Preheat your oven's broiler. Line a baking sheet with foil and lightly spray with cooking spray.

2. In a bowl, mix together the cheese, greek yogurt, lemon juice & spices. Mix well and set aside.

3. Arrange the chicken breasts in a single layer on baking pan. Lightly season each side of chicken with a dash of salt and pepper. Broil a few inches from the broiler for 4 -5  minutes. Flip the chicken over and broil for about 4 minutes more (these times will vary depending on thickness of your chicken).

4. Remove baking sheet from the oven and spread the parmesan mixture evenly on each breast. Broil for another 2 - 3 minutes until the topping is bubbly and golden brown and chicken is completely cooked through.

The obligatory cell pic......;)

22 October 2015

Coffee Talk.....The REAL deal!

Ahhhh will I EVER be consistent with our weekly talks AGAIN??!!! Missed another week and here's a run down of what'g going on...(no excuses just the dirty truth!)

5 Random Thoughts:

1 - Life....LIFE gets crazy and life gets REAL! So last week I FINALLY had my long awaited visit with the neurosurgeon. Some of you know and some don't that I had to have a brain MRI done due to different issues stemming from my blood pressure, the retinal hemorrhage I had months back and some numbness and tingling in my arm. So I had the MRI on a Friday morning and by Friday afternoon they had called me with the results saying that there was something on there and they weren't sure if it was an aneurysm or not so I needed to see a neurosurgeon to rule that out. The pit you get in your stomach when you hear something like that is indescribable. You can put on a brave face for everyone you know but you can't stop thinking about it, the unknown is haunting you and you just feel like a hot mess. I was so incredibly lucky to have a bestie in the medical field and even though she doesn't live in PA she has a friend who does who hooked me up with quite possibly the BEST doctor I have seen in all my 39 years!!!! I FINALLY got in to see him last week and he was AH-MAZING! He made me feel so incredibly comfortable and I left there saying he was the most genuine, caring, precise doctor I have ever met. Long story short I have 2 more tests to do next week to definitely rule out no aneurysm, but then he started questioning my high BP and has anyone tested my kidneys? Nope, no one has but my nurse friend has been saying that for MONTHS!!! So he is sending me for a renal ultrasound next Friday. This is going to sound TWISTED but I have NEVER ever wanted something to come back on a test as badly as I do that kidney test! Ok well hear me out...here's why. Evidently you can develop high BP after the birth of a child or after a surgery. I developed high BP after Casey and while I was 5 months pregnant with Casey I had a major stomach surgery so the possibility that my BP is related to this is pretty good. Being on BP meds is something I have struggled with since day 1!!! I detest being on medication and especially for that so if there is ANY chance that they can fix this and I don't need to be on it that would seriously be the most amazing news EVER.  Phew, that exhausted me, but that's what has been going on so if I've been a little quiet or preoccupied that's the deal. I've just had a ton on my mind no matter how much you think it's nothing or everything is going to be fine, you can't put it completely to rest so it's a struggle.

2 - On top of that I have been INCREDIBLY lucky this year to have ALL of my clients returning to me, mixed in with a few new ones and I am CRAZY busy swamped between working, shooting and editing!!! I think I am basically to the point that I am going to be doing shoots for all of my regular clients and will only be taking newborns and maternity as new clients. I don't want to ever have to turn away one of my loyal regular clients because I don't have a date for them. I LOVE the relationships I have built with each and every one of them and their trust and continued business with me is the GREATEST compliment I could ever receive. (This doesn't mean I won't EVER take a new client, so please don't stop referring to me, just that my shoot dates will be offered first to my repeat clients and any dates still available I will offer to any potential new clients) I am COMPLETELY booked for this season and it is the most surreal feeling to say that. I even succeeded in carving out personal time in between this year for my family so I'm not missing out on fall and holiday activities. My last day of regular shoots will be November 30th. After that it will be newborns & maternity sessions until spring. If you would like to schedule something after the new year or you or someone you know is pregnant or have a newborn please message me. Thank you from the deepest part of my heart to all of my clients! You all mean the absolute world to me!!!! Muahhhhh!!!!

3 - So with all of the above going on my fitness has LACKED to say the least! Ugh! I feel like complete crap even admitting it but it happened and there's nothing I can do about it except pick myself up, dust myself off and get back at it. I'm real, life is real and it happens. The biggest thing to realize is I don't feel like crap because 'oh, I'm getting out of shape or oh, I'm a loser' I feel like crap because my body is feeling it. I don't have the energy I normally have. I don't have the feel good endorphins my body was coming to LOVE. I'm not eating as clean as I was. All of these things are making my insides cringe. So I am making a conscious effort to really buckle down and get back at it. I got up today with fire in me to knock out my workout and read some personal development because whether you believe it or not it TRULY helps your inner being. I need to get back to feeling more happy and positive. It's not that I'm HATING life or anything like that but I can feel the change since all of this has been going on and I don't like it. So even though I am a Beach Body coach I am participating in one of my own challenge groups like I am a new challenger, starting a new journey and getting the motivation and accountability I need. Here's to getting back to me!

4 - Family and Friends.....the root of everything.....my everything. I have really been reflecting on what is important to me lately and it's all becoming VERY clear now that our family dynamic is changing with a daughter who is in high school and coming in to her own. Her own life, her own being and I am left looking at an empty chair when we are out to dinner. Yes, this may sound dramatic but when your kids are little you think the time will last FOREVER and then you blink and the polly pockets are gone, the worshipping of Mommy & Daddy is long in the distance and the reality that they will be leaving and starting their own journey sets in QUICKLY. I have seen how much social media can eat up time and suck away my to do list from happening. Oh, I'll just jump on FB a minute and see what's going on and BOOM...hours later and the laundry is still sitting there. The same goes with spending quality time with those you love. So I've lessened my time on there to actually LIVE in the moment with my family & friends instead of worrying about posting it. This may not be true for everyone, so this is just personal to me. I can't balance it well and my time with Hayley is especially limited. Last night I said the heck with editing. She wanted to watch some shows with me and it was the BEST 2 hours of my life, curled up in bed with some Brookside chocolate and laughing with my best girl. For me making the memories is so extremely precious and that's what my focus is on right now.

5 - 2 weeks until we go to NYC!!! Eeeeeekkkkk! I can NOT wait! We went closer to Christmas last year and although we had a fabulous time the amount of people there was pure mayhem so we are going earlier this year in hopes of enjoying it even MORE! Shopping, Central Park, Eating......it should be delightful.

Ok, well that's it. That's the low, down dirty truth that is my LIFE! If I've been distant I apologize, just a ton going on and on my mind. Thank you to everyone for your love & support it's meant the world to me. It's time to hit the editing before work. Have a fabulous day!!!!

08 October 2015

Coffee Talk!

Wooo Hoooo!!! It's Thursday.....AGAIN! helllloooo don't just sit there..we can't waste a second more! It's time to gossip! ;)

5 Random Thoughts:

1 - This past weekend was sooo nice and soooo very needed! We had a change in plans due to that pesky little hurricane so Friday and Saturday were spent home with the family. There was jammies, coffee, movies, a little shopping and just good old relaxing (mixed in with some editing catch up)! Ended the weekend on a high note with 3 gorgeous sessions. Have I told you lately how much I heart this time of year and my clients?!! Oh, I did? Sorry, I'm going to keep doing it because I am on a photography HIGH right now! My heart is so full and I am so unbelievably grateful. In this business it's very COMPETITIVE and almost cut throat, so it's easy to get down on yourself, but when you remove yourself from that side of it and ONLY worry about what you are doing and don't do the comparison game, it's like a weight has been lifted and it brings you back to what made you LOVE it in the first place. I'm in LOVE again and it feels so wonderful!

2 - In other EXCITING news.....drum roll because this is HUGE!! (um, well if you are over say 35, are currently or have been in the past a homeowner, and enjoy adulting...then you will appreciate this and understand the excitement) We are FINALLY getting the exterior of our chimney refinished!!!! I can seriously stand outside and scream out of pure happiness! If you know us and have been to our house, that damn chimney is a HUGE eye sore! We have detested it since day 1 and are now finally able to commit and take care of it! Baby steps with this house...baby steps. Don't even worry your pretty little hearts out....there WILL be before and after pics!!!! The countdown is on to the big DAY! (do you feel bad that my life is this sad?!)

3 - My dirty little game came in the mail today and I am STOKED to say the least!!! Cards Against Humanity! If you haven't played it, I HIGHLY recommend it. Um, if you are a pretty serious person and up and up in society, this may not be the game for you! (this in no way means you are TERRIBLE for not having a sick twisted mind, I'm just laying it out there for you) WARNING...it's BAD! Good bad, but BAD!!! LOL! If you are someone who has a very CLEAN mind and doesn't like inappropriate garbage, turn away, it's NOT for you! However, if you are like me and inappropriate should probably be your middle name...PLAY ON! Have no fear, you will LOVE it!

4 - I've been slacking BIG TIME on the taking care of me business. Between photography, working, health issues, being in a funk, other crap on my mind....I've been less than motivated and I am feeling it completely.  My big Dr appt is next week and honestly I just can't wait to get that done and over with so it's one less thing to think/worry about. I know that when I get up every day and get my workout in and do some personal development reading I ALWAYS feel 100% better. I'm working extra hard to make a conscious effort to get back on track FULLY! It's so easy to let life get in the way, but in the end I know I am WORTH it!

5 - Eeeeekkkkk I can barely contain my excitement! Tomorrow I have 2 HUGE guests arriving!! My brother is in town from Florida and yep, our Jersey peeps come in town for the weekend! It is going to be such a fabulous weekend I can NOT wait! Good food, laughs, wine, photos.....it will be a memory making weekend for sure.

Ok, I literally have exhausted myself with this session!!! Phew, I was LONG winded! Sorry lovelies, making up for my quiet weeks, I guess! Have an absolutely beautiful weekend! XO

01 October 2015

Coffee Talk!!

It's Thursday and OMG.....It's OCTOBER!!!!???? Where is the time going?  We can't delay anymore....it's time to grab your coffee and hit the gossip!

5 Random Thoughts:

1 - October - pumpkins, sweaters, boots, skinny jeans, halloween, soup, chili, hot chocolate, lattes.....oh this list is soooo beautiful!!! There are lots more but you get the gist...I HEART October!!!!

2 - Last weekend was a weekend of shoots! Everything from a newborn, engagement photos and even MY family's photos!!! Yep, I made my family trek out and do photos with our favorite photographer/my mentor and they turned out BEAUTIFUL!!!! There is nothing more important to me than capturing the memories of my family but even more importantly to do a scheduled shoot once a year with someone other than ME so we can see the changes in our kiddos. In fact we keep recreating one shot over and over and I LOVE seeing how different we all look. The other plus is the fact that my family totally BEHAVES for another photographer and they don't look all ticked off and miserable!!! LOL (hey just being truthful...the struggle is real when your wife/mom is a photographer and has a camera in your face ALL. OF. THE. TIME.)

3 - We celebrated little guy's 11th Birthday this past weekend with family and then his actual BIG day was yesterday. We had a nice little morning with our cupcake ritual and we did surprise him with his present at breakfast since I was working late last night. :)  That kid never ceases to amaze me with his sweet heart. He is ALWAYS so grateful and it makes my heart happy.

4 - 8 days until our NJ loves arrive!!!! EEEEEEKKKKKk! They haven't been to our house for soooooo long, I can't wait to have them with us! We have a fabulous weekend full of fun not to mention their family photos planned!!!! It will be weird to go back to only seeing each other every few months when we were soooo lucky this whole summer to literally see each other almost every month. The upside is there is ALWAYS something to look forward to.

5 - This hurricane business is messing up my calendar for this weekend!!! BOOOOOO!!! Now I have to try to find dates/times to move everyone too. Seriously I would love for it to turn and go out to sea...no RAIN!!! A girl can hope, can't she!??

Have a fabulous and cozy weekend!!! Stay dry!!! XO

30 September 2015

Penelope is 3 Months!!!

Ahhhh! I figured I BETTER get this session up here since I am BEHIND....yet again!!! LOL! Also I will be doing this little lady's 6 month pics VERY soon so it's a must to see her ABSOLUTE cuteness at every stage!! She and her little brother are a serious set of LOOK A LIKES!!! It was definitely cuteness overload that day. (our little princess had her SERIOUS face on so Mom may or may not have gotten a crazy workout trying to get her to crack! ;) But in the end she did FINALLY give us a smile!) Mom was on it and purchased some super sweet pieces for the shoot and here are just a few of my favs! See you soon Miss Penelope....get ready to ROCK your 6 month shoot! XO

We had to grab some of her with that handsome BIG Brother! 

24 September 2015

Coffee Talk!!

Happy Fall my loves!!  Pumpkin spice is in hand....time to get to it!!!

5 Random Thoughts:

1 - Sooo yesterday was the OFFICIAL first day of FALL and although it was 80 degrees out (What the??!!!) it made me all happy inside! Of course after Fall comes the dreaded word I don't even want to let even slip out of my mouth yet but for now I am just soaking up EVERY SINGLE MOMENT of my favorite season!!!! :)

2 - Last weekend was the start of my crazy season......4 shoots and each of them were so much FUN and so very different! I am so absolutely grateful for the AH-MAZING clients I have...new and old! 2 of the sessions I did were both from when I FIRST moved to PA and it was my third time capturing memories for them. It's crazy incredible to see the changes in all the kids just in 3 short years. When your clients become like family you know they are keepers!!! XO

3 - I think I FINALLY have all of my Doctor's appts scheduled. Good grief! I have NO desire to ever have ANOTHER test or Dr visit again! It is so frustrating to say the least, but I know they are necessary so I'll stop my whining! :(

4 - My challengers are keeping me MOTIVATED!!! Thank goodness because between the health issues, working, photo shoots, and just life in general this girl was starting to lose her MOJO! I was creeping back into my old ways and using lots of EXCUSES but worse than that...I was TOTALLY feeling like crap all the while so thankfully these peeps keep me accountable! If you have ever thought about joining a group but you are hesitant, DON'T be! Message me for details and start a journey to a NEW YOU! My next group starts October 5th!

5 - This is a weekend full of celebrations! We are headed north for some FAMILY time! We are celebrating our little man turning 11 next week!!!! Ahhhhh, I can't EVEN!!! Where does the time go? Then we are having a night out with my gorgeous sister and brother in law to celebrate her birthday that just passed! It's going to be a super fab weekend in which I am positive I will come home EXHAUSTED from! What are you all up to this weekend???

That's it peeps! I am in editing overload trying to stay ahead before my newborn session and other shoots this weekend!!!! Have a lovely weekend and make some memories! XO

17 September 2015

Coffee Talk!

Hi lovelies. I know, I know....I skipped last week and honestly this week isn't looking much better. I'm on here, but I'm not on here if that makes sense. So this will probably be a quick one.

4 Random Thoughts:

1 - So obviously something is up! Well some of you may know that I have been having some health issues and have been going for testing, dr appts etc. I'm really over the Dr thing at this point but I just want to figure out what is going on and move on. I HATE not feeling like myself so this kinda has me down. The best thing to say is I just have a TON on my mind and am not always feeling the greatest but trying my BEST to keep a positive attitude...nobody likes a DEBBIE DOWNER! :)

2 - Last weekend was my favorite little girl's 2nd Birthday Party and can I just say she brings me soooo much happiness! Her sassy little attitude, her sweet little smile, her "challenging" moments...I LOVE them ALL! (probably in part because I'm just the Auntie and I can give her back!!! LOL) We had a great time! Got to spend some quality sister time enjoying wine and makeovers. Does it get better than that? ;)

3 - The weather is changing and it's ALMOST acceptable to drink Pumpkin Spice and not get weird looks!!! (not that the weird looks STOPPED me!) Heck yeah!!! XO

4 - I am ALWAYS reminded just how absolutely precious life is. There was a HORRIFIC motorcycle accident outside of our office on Monday and it gave me such a PIT in my stomach to see the guy thrown off the bike and laying on the ground. My thoughts are with all the families involved. I can't EVEN imagine. So remember life is SHORT, don't sweat the small stuff you are NEVER promised tomorrow!!!

Ok, so I apologize that this wasn't a complete RAINBOWS and BUTTERFLIES post! LOL  I'm just really distracted right now, but didn't want to miss 2 weeks in a row! Thanks for being loyal and following my roller coaster! Muahhhh!!! XO

16 September 2015

Pumpkin Sage Pasta with Chicken Sausage

Hellooo lovelies! I know, I know you are completely SHOCKED that I would have a PUMPKIN recipe to post!!! ;)  I have been CRAVING this dish for the last few weeks and ALL day today at work I could NOT wait to get home and make this! If you LOVE pumpkin and LOVE a touch of HEAT, this may be the recipe for you!!!


3 Tbsp - Olive Oil
2 Tbsp - butter
2 to 3 cloves of Garlic, diced
8 - 10 leaves of Sage, chopped
1 Cup of canned pure pumpkin (not the pumpkin pie mix)
1 Cup Reserved Pasta Water
Salt, Pepper and Red Pepper Flakes to Taste
1 pound of Penne Pasta
Shredded Italian Cheese
1 pound of Chicken Sausage chopped up


1. In a pan, brown up the chicken sausage, and set aside when done. I usually do this while my water is boiling for my pasta. Cook your pasta as directed.

2. In another pan saute the garlic & sage in the olive oil and butter over medium-high heat.

3. When the pasta is done, pour 1 cup of the pasta water into a measuring cup and drain the rest.

4. Add the pumpkin and pasta water to the pan with the garlic & sage. (don't add the WHOLE cup of water, do it slowly to see what thickness you like)

5. Whisk together until combined. Add more pasta water if too thick or more pumpkin if too thin.

6. Season with salt, pepper and red pepper flakes to taste. I use A LOT more red pepper flakes than salt and pepper but this will be a personal preference thing. :)

7. Add pasta & sausage to the pan and combine with the sauce.

8. Sprinkle with italian cheese and serve with a salad.

YUMMY!!!!!! Let me know what you think!!!! :)
This will definitely be a trial and error game until you figure out how much of each of the salt & peppers to use for your taste. I have mine down to a science now and it's DELISH!!!!!

14 September 2015

Portobello & Spinach Grilled Cheese

Hi loves!! Ok, so who LOVES portobello mushrooms??!!!! AND who LOVES grilled cheese??!!!! Well, this GIRL does so this sandwich is the PERFECT combination of both and it's super quick and EASY to throw together for a lunch or snack. I literally threw this together in 10 minutes after I came home RAVENOUS after grocery shopping!!! (who else does that??? Goes shopping and wants to eat EVERY. SINGLE. THING. IN. THE. STORE.!!!!) For Real! It's terrible! Anywhoooooo I came home put all of my cold goods away and left the rest of the crap to sit while I whipped this lovely little sammy up and YUM....SUPER Delish!!!

Here's how it goes down......


- 2 slices of whole grain bread (I usually use some type of nutty bread but in a pinch I used rye this time)
- 1 spray olive oil
- 1 medium to large portabello sliced into strips
- 1 garlic clove minced
- handful of baby spinach (of course when I decided to make this one, I was out of spinach :(  (Go figure!)
- 1 ounce shredded italian blend (or whatever cheese you prefer)
- 1 Tbsp dijon mustard
- 2 tsp pesto


1. Heat large pan and then dry saute mushrooms until almost tender 3 - 5 mins

2. Spread mustard on one slice of bread and pesto and garlic on the other slice of bread

3. Push mushrooms to one side of pan and spray the pan with olive oil

4. Put each slice of bread dry side down into pan, then sprinkle both pieces with cheese, and top one of the slices with spinach

5. Cover the pan and cook on high for a few minutes or until cheese is melted, place the mushrooms on top of the spinach, transfer other slice on top

VOILA!!!! Enjoy!!!

03 September 2015

Coffee Talk!

It's SEPTEMBER!!!! Ahhhh, I can NOT even believe it!!!! Put your feet up, grab your pumpkin spice coffee and let's do this!!!

5 Random Thoughts:

1 - Ok I know I have said this before but this year is seriously moving at WARP speed!!! Life needs to SLOW down I feel like I keep blinking and my kiddos are almost GONE!!! :(  However, the upside to this...it's now officially (well for me) PUMPKIN SEASON!!!! LOL!!! That's right I harbor NO guilt about sipping on that little cup of heaven because summer is OVER, though we are in a HEAT WAVE right now, but IGNORE that and sip away!!! ;)

2 - Speaking of warp speed!!! My littles are really not LITTLES anymore! Monday was the start of the new school year and we are now the proud "owners" of a 5th GRADER and hold your pants on (because I know in my head I THINK I'm still a teenager)....a HIGH SCHOOL-ER aka 9th GRADER!!!! What the WHAT?! I may or may not have gotten teary that morning thinking about my first day of dropping Hayley off at pre-school. I can't EVEN begin to imagine her leaving me in less than 4 years. Ugh! So if you have little ones, enjoy EVERY single SECOND because I know you hear it ALL. THE. TIME. but it's the TRUTH....you blink and it's OVER!

3 - My new challenge group is going AWESOME! These ladies have no flipping idea how much they INSPIRE me, every single day! No one wakes up EVERY day and is ecstatic about working out and reality is life HAPPENS and sometimes you won't get it in, but checking in with them and hearing their struggles and VICTORIES always keeps me motivated and determined. So just a shout out to my absolutely AWESOME challengers....THANK YOU for holding me accountable and I am soooo proud of each and EVERY one of you! XO

4 - This week has definitely been an up and down roller coaster! There have been bad days, good days and literally the IN BETWEEN days. I have a brain MRI on Friday but I seriously am so OVER dr appts, testing etc. and I feel like the MRI will be a total waste of my time and money but since I do have a family to think about AND just in case there's a SLIM chance anything comes back on it I need to freaking have it done! BOOOOOOOO!!! Of course that and the fact that I really do need my arm to function in life so there's that little minor detail too!!! LOL!

5 - EEEEKKKKK! I can't WAIT to wake up tomorrow!!! It's our weekend away with our Jersey "family" and YEP, our Counting Crows concert weekend (don't be jelly, and don't JUDGE)!! LOL! Truly though just getting away for a weekend with these peeps ALWAYS brightens my spirit. It's our time to relax, catch up and forget all the hassles of real life. I don't know how the stars aligned and brought our 2 families together, but it was the BEST thing that could have happened!

Ok, that is it for today! I'm off to have my blood work done before I head to work! Have a fabulous and SAFE Labor Day weekend my lovelies!!!! XO

28 August 2015

Zoodles & Turkey Meatballs??!!!! YES, Please!!!

OK, I have wanted to try this version of spaghetti & meatballs for a LONG time and I FINALLY set out and whipped it up tonight!!! We are at my mom's so I didn't want my zucchini to go bad over the weekend, so yep, I packed all my ingredients up and brought them with. First off the meatballs....OMG!!!! They were sooooo flipping good and when you see the ingredients you MAY be skeptical, but absolutely DELISH! Zoodles with spaghetti sauce, always got a raised eyebrow from me in the past, I  just could NOT imagine what they would taste like, but they definitely did NOT disappoint! The family gave it TOP NOTCH reviews and it will definitely be staying in the rotation!!! Try it out and let me know what you think!!!!

Turkey Meatballs


1.5 lbs ground turkey
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp paprika
1 large egg
3/4 cup quick cooking oats (hmmmm....are you getting nervous?!)
2 cloves of garlic finely chopped
parsley finely chopped (I didn't measure this out, just do as much as you like)
1 Tbsp tomato sauce, no sugar added

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees

2. Spray a sheet pan with cooking spray

3. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl

4. Roll mixture into 1 inch meatballs and place on sheet pan.

5. Bake for approximately 20 - 25 minutes (turning half way thru) or until no longer pink in the middle


3 - 4 zucchinis cut into strips with either a spiralizer or mandolin
1 tbsp olive oil
1/4 cup red onion diced
3 cloves garlic minced
salt & pepper to taste

1. Heat a large skillet over medium heat, when hot add the oil, onions & garlic and cook until fragrant (about 1 - 2 minutes)

2. Increase heat to medium high and add zucchini, season with salt & pepper to taste and cook about 1 minute. Stir to mix everything around and cook another 1 - 2 minutes or until the zoodles are cooked through yet firm.

Divide between plates, top with meatballs and your favorite spaghetti sauce.
Secret: Ok, so I had REALLY good intentions of making a homemade sauce, but in a time crunch it did NOT happen so YES I did take the easy way out and heated a jar of sauce on the stove and used that and GUESS WHAT??....It was still DELISH!!!! LOL! ;)  #lifehappens #shortcutsaresometimesnecessary

27 August 2015

Coffee Talk

Ohhh coffee you are about to get a WHOLE lot better....is that EVEN possible??!!!! Well of course, when you are PUMPKIN SPICE flavored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's get to it!

5 Random Thoughts:

1 - Pumpkin thoughts are CONSUMING me.....now come on, don't judge!!! I know it's NUTS because I will be the FIRST person moaning and groaning about the COLD WINTER ahead of us, but this girl HEARTS Fall and all it entails MAJORLY! Also in my defense you almost HAVE to extend it because it's OVER in the blink of an eye and I KNOW my photog clients get that because they ALL want their "FALL" photos done with all this beautiful color and then BOOM before you know it EVERY. LAST. LEAF. IS. GONE!!!! So POW, there's my come back to WHY pumpkin season MUST start earlier! ;)

2 - Today is the DAY!!! This OLD  lady can't WAIT to come home from work and see a brand spanking NEW sliding patio door and water heater installed!!! Um, how did I age soooo FAST!?!? I am lucky enough to have a papa to help us out so he is getting here bright and early this morning to put those babies in and the pure delight in the anticipation of coming home from work and seeing the finished product is RIDICULOUS!!! If you don't own a home, when you do one day...you will TOTALLY get this and have the same crazy emotions about home projects! Pinky Promise!

3 - My Fall Challenge Group is starting September 7th and it's the perfect time to take care of YOU for a change! If you are one of those people who does, does, does for EVERYONE else and you are always on the back burner, but you feel like it's time to make a change and start a journey to a new YOU, come check out my challenge group! If you still aren't sure what one is...I tell you all about it here! Message me for more information or to join my group! :)

4 - We had a super fun Sunday this past weekend. We went and met my sister, her hubby and my nieces at Hickory Run. Seriously, I needed just a day of relaxation and it fit the bill to a T. However, what would be your opinion of this situation (and granted I do photography so I'm trying to see it from her perspective as well) So we had our little "beach" area all set up with our blankets, towels, sand toys, umbrella and chairs, but we had gone over to our picnic table for a quick bite to eat. As we are over there a lady in her swimsuit (so she is at the lake enjoying the day as well), with her fancy camera is over by our "stuff" and she is just shooting away. Not just for a second but seriously kneeling down, doing different angles but DEFINITELY shooting our STUFF!!!??? What the?! Ok, so finally I'm like what the heck I'm going to go over and pretend to get something. I walk right in front of the shot she is taking and start going through the diaper bag....NOTHING. She doesn't say a WORD, no explanation STILL finishes her shot and then walks away!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am totally baffled by this whole encounter and looking at our arrangement I'm thinking OK, she is trying to take an "artsy" beach pic but wouldn't you SAY something?! Fine, I go back over to the picnic area and low and behold she goes BACK to our stuff!!! Whatever at this point I am done! This is where it gets really WEIRD! We are done with our lunch so we are back at our seats the kids are playing in the water and Oh MY FREAKING GOD, she is at her beach chair taking pics of ALL of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who does that??!!!! Looking back now I wish I would have confronted her since it was our kids, but REALLY, in this day who DOES that!!!??? Shaking MY head!!! Vent over!

5 - On a lighter, sillier note. I started doing Shaun T's new work out CIZE! Don't even get me started on this workout!!! Ok first off I am NOT a dancer, but I will tell you this.....you may FEEL like a back up dancer when you do it!!!! No joke! It is so much FUN! I don't even feeling like I'm working out, well minus the fact that I look and feel like a Mack truck hit me after because I'm so whooped but it has so much energy I'm just in LOVE with this cardio work out! I may or may not get the courage to share my video on here so you can see how ABSOLUTELY crazy I look! There is also an Ab work out at the end which is NO JOKE! I swear he is trying to kill me! If you want any info on Cize message me, he says it's the end of exercise....um, I agree....it's a full blown COMEDY act filled with energy, sweat and laughter, not EXERCISE!!!! ;)

25 August 2015

Hudson is ONE!!!!

Get ready for some SUPER uber duber CUTENESS!!! So I was lucky enough to meet Hudson's mom just a few months before he was turning the big ONE and I was over the moon ECSTATIC when she contacted me to do his one year shoot!!!! My first time getting to actually meet the little guy was the morning of his shoot and he did NOT disappoint!!!

OMG....I can't even put into words what a happy little DOLL this little guy was!!!! He completely ROCKED his session and just WAIT until you see the cake smash! Cake smashes are funny because they can go soooo many different ways:

- they LOVE it
- they HATE it
- they CRY
- they are AFRAID

Those are just a few examples of the different reactions that are possible.....well Hudson, you definitely LOVED it!!!! I want to thank Hudson and his beautiful Mom for some serious cuteness and BELLY laughs on that shoot! It was an absolute BLAST and I can NOT wait to do your family session this fall!!!!! XO

Here are some of my favs from the session:

 Yep, this was a FIRST for me...no baby has EVER stuck their whole face in the cake!!! LOL

20 August 2015

Coffee Talk!

More than half way thru August LOVES!!! UN-FREAKING-BELIEVABLE!!! Coffee talk time.....let's do this!

5 Random Thoughts:

1 - We FINALLY spent a weekend at home and getting to sleep in our OWN beds was like a little slice of HEAVEN!!! I totally heart going on little getaways (as you all know) but once in awhile you just want to have NO WHERE to go and NOTHING to do!!! ;)

2 - 15 days until our NEXT getaway!!! LOL! However this one is going to be EVEN better (I'm not sure if that's really possible, but hey each time seems to get better than the last) Not only do we get to go see our favorite family in Jersey but we are going to see...(sit down for this, I'm about to REALLY show my age) the Counting Crows in concert!!!! Then go ahead and give me yet ANOTHER weekend with the best friends peeps could EVER ask for and it pretty much equals PERFECTION!

3 - Yep, I know it's ONLY August 20th, but this girl is ready for her PUMPKIN! Bring it ON! So I whipped up some pure yummy-ness before work yesterday. Pumpkin Pie Energy Bars from my new fixate cookbook!!!! helllllllloooooooo  Here is the recipe if you are interested in trying them NOW in FALL (ya know a few weeks from now)!!!:


- 1 cup pitted dates
- warm water
- 1/2 cup pecan pieces
- 1/3 cup canned pumpkin puree
- 1/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
- 1 tsp hazlenut or pure maple extract
- 1 tsp pure maple syrup
- 2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
- 1 pinch sea salt


1. Place dates in a medium bowl and cover with warm water, let soak for 10 minutes, drain and set aside.

2. Place pecans in food processor and pulse until finely ground

3. Add dates, pumpkin, coconut, extract, maple syrup, pumpkin pie spice and salt and pulse until well mixed. Place in medium bowl, cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

4. Using clean hands, roll into tablespoon sized balls and roll in some coconut if desired.

5. Store, refrigerated in air tight container.

4 - My office has been receiving a little redo and I am kinda crazy in love with it! I have a few final touches to make and then hopefully pics will be coming! eeeeekkk...you know me and a good home project!

5 - So here is how you absolutely positively know you are O. L. D.
A new water heater and a sliding door may or may not make your heart pitter patter and your face light up!!! Um, yeah we are OLD! Who cares??!!!...Saturday the water heater gets delivered and crossing fingers that both get installed next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, that's a WRAP! I am tying up loose ends on some sessions before my schedule gets out of CONTROL!!!! Happy almost FALL peeps!!! XO

17 August 2015

Skinny Shrimp Scampi with Zoodles!

Ok loves....well I am a HUGE Shrimp Scampi LOVER, but let's face it, it's not always the healthiest!!! Sooo I decided to give this healthier version a try and see if I would be lusting after my PASTA!!!  I also was a TAD bit nervous about the family's reaction to it! Anyway, I whipped this up after work and what I REALLY loved is how quick and simple it is to make. Totally DO-ABLE for the working Mom! I personally really liked it, but I would be lying if I said I will NEVER eat my pasta with it again! I think it was a nice light change something to eat when you would like pasta but don't want the "heaviness" of pasta.  The rest of the family liked it however I don't think hubby LOVED it as much as he did the Cilantro Lime Chicken that I made here. (he would NEVER say that, but I know him pretty darn well) All in all it was a success! It was a delicious, quick light meal that I felt no guilt about eating!!!! Give it a try and see how your family likes it! XO


2 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 pound jumbo shrimp shelled and deveined (I used 2 pounds because I LOVE shrimp!)
1 Tbsp minced garlic...(again, I don't like to chance vampires coming so I used more of this too!!!) ;)
1/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes - they add just enough of a BITE
1/4 cup white wine
2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 - 4 zucchini turned into noodles (mandoline or some type of spiralizer)


Place large saute plan over medium-low heat.  Add the olive oil and heat for 1 minute. Add the garlic and crushed red pepper and cook for 1 minute stirring constantly.

Add the shrimp to the pan and cook them until they are cooked through and pink on all sides (about 3 minutes). Season the shrimp with salt and pepper and then using a slotted spoon transfer them to a bowl, leaving the liquid in the pan.

Increase the heat to medium and add the white wine and lemon juice. Use a wooden spoon to scrape the bottom of the pan, cooking the wine and lemon juice for 2 minutes.  Add the zucchini noodles and cook, stirring occasionally, for 2 minutes. Return the shrimp to the pan and toss to combine. Season with salt & pepper and parsley if desired, serve immediately.

13 August 2015

Coffee Talk is BACK!!!

OMG!!! No words...simply NO Words!!! Last week I was literally a HOT mess! I could NOT keep up with company, vacation, life in GENERAL and with that came me skipping COFFEE TALK!!! What?!! Ugh all I can say is I'm SORRY! It's a new week....So here we go!

5 Random Thoughts:

1 - Vacation was last week with some VERY special family visiting from CHICAGO! We literally did a little of everything over our "stay-cation". Went to Momma & Poppa's "Resort" for the weekend and got to see my other brother who was also in town visiting from Florida, went to Jim Thorpe (more to come on this trip- BOOOOOOOOO), went to Atlantic City (Um...more to come on me being a REBEL), and just got to enjoy lots of LAUGHS!! I totally enjoyed every single minute of every day.

2 - Jim Thorpe - VENT SESH   I will start with the disclaimer that I usually LOVE, like seriously ADORE this little town, BUT Jim you LET me down....BIG TIME!!!!!! I could NOT wait to take Aunt Maynell to the little shops, eat and drink our way around, peruse antique shops, do some wine tastings....just ABSORB every PRESH moment that town has to offer. Bummm bummm bummm...90% of EVERYTHING was closed!!!!??? Why?! Why would you do that in the freaking SUMMER!!!?? Winter, now winter I can TOTALLY see that and understand but when you only get a few good months WHY do that and NOT make it known on your website!!!?? I was thoroughly disappointed! So according to the handful of shops that were open, it is becoming a "WEEKEND" town!??? That little tid bit is something you should probably SHARE with the public! I'm just sayin!!! It's going to take me a little bit to get over that, but I'm guessing it will be out of my system before my next scheduled visit there!!!! LOL! (I can't hold grudges for toooo LONG and like I said that place holds a special place in my heart!)

3 - Atlantic City - so everyone SIT down....this little BEAUTY happened while we had our big bad day at the SHORE!!!!

Um, yeah, so I may or may NOT  have got my nose pierced while in AC!!! So before you go judging me, I have been contemplating it for a while and didn't have the nerve and then after a pina colada or five ok, fine, TWO, I decided I was a BIG girl and I was not going to worry what others thought of me. This journey has really been helping me find who I truly am and putting away all my inhibitions and thoughts of what others think of me. So I got my nose pierced! Does it make me a BAD person? Are you going to stop being my friend? Are you judging me? If any of the answers to these questions are Yes, then I'm sorry it has to end this way. LOL No, but seriously it does NOT change who I am and what I have learned is that I am completely comfortable with where I am right now and I LOVE it! It's so dainty and sparkly and ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4 - My new doctor ....I think I like her. LOL! It was hard because she didn't have all of my records from my other doctor so she has to go thru all of my testing and so forth before we know how to proceed but at least I got good VIBES from her and I think she & I will have a lasting relationship! ;)

5 - Can I just go ahead and WHISPER that my FAVORITE thing of ALL time is going to be making it's annual appearance SOON.....DRUM ROLL please:


I am still kinda in denial because I am soooo NOT ready for summer to be OVER but hellllllloooo it's a REAL struggle...you KNOW this girl is a PUMPKIN LOVER!!!! 

Pumpkin EVERYTHING! I may or may not have bought some pumpkin scented loveliness for my house the other day!!!! EEEEEKKKKK BRING IT!!!!! 

That's all loves!!! I MISSED you guys and harbored lots of guilt skipping this last week but sometimes you have to prioritize your life and realize you can't do EVERYTHING!!! Speaking of which...BUSY photography season is almost upon me as well. If you are on my fall list I pinky promise you will be receiving a message soon!!!! Over the moon grateful and blown away by ALL of the inquiries for sessions this year!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! XO

30 July 2015

Coffee Talk!

Coffee, Coffee......COFFEEEEEEE!!! Man do I need it! Let's get to it!

5 Random Thoughts:

1 - Our weekend away = PERFECTION!!! From start to finish we had an absolute BLAST! The Burlesque show was Ah-mazing! We started the evening at Izakaya, a fabulous restaurant inside the Borgata. There are no words for how absolutely DELISH the food there was! We packed A LOT into that 4 day getaway (Boardwalk fun, the beach and just good old relaxing) but most of all we made lots of memories with very special friends!! The countdown is ON until our next visit! ;)

2 - I am hoping to be able to BREATHE this fall! I started scheduling for my sessions and I am almost completely BOOKED! Helllllllllooooo happy heart! It's such an amazing feeling and I am so absolutely grateful! If you are on my list, have no fear I will be sending out messages with dates and times available.

3 - Every day that I wake up with a fresh outlook on life I pinch myself and think 'yes, this is real'!!! I can't say ENOUGH about what this company has done for my whole well being. Yes, it's unconventional, no, not everyone will like it or understand it, BUT that's the beauty of it. I believe in the program, Shakeology and it's benefits and just the company itself. I know what it has done for ME and my family and that's what is important to me. There are LOTS of people out there harping about pyramid schemes....here's my thoughts on that.....Show me a company who doesn't have the 'BOSS' at the top and levels of employees below? The only difference is a time clock and a desk and I for one LOVE being able to do this from the comfort of my home, in my jammies, late at night, early in the morning...whenever or wherever I want! So to each his own. If you are part of a "network marketing" company - AWESOME, if you aren't that's good for you too. It won't be for everyone and that is A-OKAY!

4 - Summer DON'T leave me....school starts in only a few weeks!!! GASP!  That is all.

5 - I have an appt with a new Dr's office tomorrow. I have had a lot going on which requires follow ups, testing etc. It is so very frustrating for me because I realize when you LOOK at me, I look like I'm the picture of perfect health!!! Unfortunately it's not the case and at this point I'm starting to get a little freaked out about what could happen, so I am FINALLY taking the initiative to shop for a new Dr and start there to get myself in check. I am having more of the eye issues but mixed in with a numb arm....do photographers REALLY need eyes and arms??!!! Nahhhh I didn't think SO!!!! ;) Did I tell you I HATE going to the Doctor???!!! Ugh!

Alright loves...I am off to finish some last minute cleaning. We have very SPECIAL visitors coming this weekend and I can't WAIT to update you next week on their visit! Have a fabulous rest of your week! XO