28 January 2021

C & C

 Coffee & Catchup...

Let's do this!!!
I feel like it's been a HOT minute 
since we did a coffee and catch up.
All I can do is shake my head at my 
time management skills with this blog.
However, I AM working on legit getting better 
and this will be my 
5th post for the month of January!!!
Not too shabby peeps, not to shabby.
Alright enough of the small talk jibber jabber,
let's CATCH up!

1.    If you follow our podcast you heard about the spontaneous arrival of STELLA last Thursday evening!!! Aye dios mio!! If you didn't hear it, you can listen here. Stella is a white English bull dog who almost had an abrupt ending of her life via car. SMH  So, she has been here for a week "visiting". Casey has fallen head over heels for her. She kinda grew on me. Estrada was enamored by her. Ya know the whole don't get "attached" rule. 😉  Well, we got notice from our property manager that the owners had issues with previous tenants who had animals so they don't want any pets on their property. Cue the sadness. The silver lining to this story is the BEST in-laws EVER, want us to bring Stella to them and see how she does with their pup. Fingers crossed. On another note the 2 divas in this house (yeah, that's me and Estrada) we kinda can't handle the smell of dog in a house.  We are two of the biggest OCD peeps when it comes to a clean house, so I think we are ok with no dog. However I will say this girl is soooo sweet and she has a really good disposition so hopefully her new home is a WINNER!!!

2.    This past Saturday I put together one of my BEST at home date nights (ya know if I must say so myself and give myself mad props!!! 😂) I'm going to do a post about it probably next week, but I basically did an Italian Picnic under the stars in our living room. Again, relationships are work. Put in the effort to get out of it what you want. It turned out super cute and was so much FUN!

3.     The big news this week was the weather. Arizona had a CRAZY week of weather. We had legit SNOW!!! The mountains looked amazing and it gave me some time to get out and use my camera. It's the kind of snow I LOVE. It came down hard, covered everything, gave littles time to build miniature snowmen, made everything pretty and by 6pm it was over and melted and looked like it never happened. Perfection. My winter dreams are fulfilled. 

(This is Stella)

4.    I am doing a refresher course for my photography and am LOVING it so far. My evenings are getting busy but so worth it. It felt sooooo good to be excited to take pictures this week and I'm totally pumped for a session I have this weekend with a real life beauty. If you or someone you know is looking for photos, please share my info or contact me. I would LOVE to be able to capture your memories.

5.    On the same topic of photography and just social media in general I need to KEEP reminding myself to stay in my lane. Do NOT compare myself, do not worry what others are doing, and just keep focusing on ME....my passions, my family, my mindset, my goals and visions. It's so freaking easy for social media to be a slippery slope of bringing you down if you let it. I think everyone feels that way to a degree at one point or another (even if they don't want to admit it) It's just important to keep focusing on YOU and what YOU are working towards. Hey this is why we read personal development....to keep our mindset in the right place. 

Okey dokey loves.
That has us all caught up and ready to go into the weekend.
Have an amazing rest of your week
and a fabulous weekend!!

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