25 April 2012

Johnson Boys!

Back to the grind....(well for a few days anyway! ;)

On Sunday I got to shoot a super cute little family of.all.boys!!!!  I would try to tell you all of their names, but they were all Ts and for the life of me.....i.could.not.keep.them.straight!!! (Let's blame it on becoming another year older, shall we!!!??)

We got some fun shots, though I have to say they were a serious group of dudes!! LOL  It was still a lot of fun!!!

 Here was one of the moments when I 'caught' them having FUN!

 Um..I could have packed this little guy up and took him home with me!!!

 This little dude kept me on my toes...every time I would go to take a photo he would be doing something else...;)

 Good thing he's cute!!! :)

 They were all really good sports and open to whatever I wanted to do! LOVE that!

 This handsome guy is the oldest brother!

Thank you Johnson boys for a fun shoot!!! and thank you for being so easy going!!! :)

Have I told you lately how much I LOVE photography!!??? xo

23 April 2012

No More Mopey Mondays!

Yay!!!! I have never been sooo happy to see MONDAY!!   ;)

1.  It's Vegas/Birthday WEEK!!!!! It's hard to believe we leave in 4 days...4 days peeps!!! Time is just flying by!!!

2.  Pretty proud of myself....Shawna and I spent all.day.Friday....working on our business facebook pages!!!! Seriously...my A-Double-S was NUMB, I tell ya....numb!!! But it is done and I'm feeling pretty good about it! My lovely Lisa C. left the sweetest message about me on her facebook page and seriously just confirmed again, how lucky I am to have her mentoring me!!!! I'm so grateful for how supportive everyone in my life is with this whole fabulous, scary journey!!!

3.  Had a seriously FUN night on Saturday celebrating the 1st of my Bday celebrations!!! I may or may NOT have had one tooooo many glasses of vino!!!! Hey now...it's my Bday...don't judge!!! ;)

I could NOT very well let the other Bday girl drink by herself, now could I??!!!!

4.  May have another photo shoot booked and that has me dancing around a little....I am overwhelmed that people are trusting me, encouraging me and giving me a chance!!!! Thank you ALL!!! Muwah!!!

5.  Had a photo shoot tonight with a very cool group of guys!!! Sneak Peek to come...stay tuned!!! :)

And this right here is why my A-Double-S is going to the GYM this morning!!!!

Happy Monday!!! Make it a great one!! xo

20 April 2012

Can it get any better??

Helllooo FRIDAY!!! Yesterday was such a fabulous day!!! I delivered my CD of pictures to the Frink family and was a NERVOUS NELLY all.day.long!! Only to find out they LOVE the photos and she's excited to use them on her fitness website!! Woo FREAKIN HOO!!!!

Such a relief...it's always nerve wracking to wait and see what someone thinks of your photos. My homework assignment got critiqued yesterday as well and went really good!!!

I decided it would be a super great idea to go scope out a location I have been thinking about for my shoot on Sunday (ya know so there are no surpriZe sprinklers going off, or garbage scenery....etc.) Let me tell you....I was (as you all know) a 'TAD BIT' nervous about the shoot on Sunday. ;)  After seeing the location I am super PSYCHED!!! I have so many fun ideas, I can't wait!!!

I'm putting on my BIG GIRL PANTIES today (yep, I know, I know...hard to imagine;) and starting an MB Bella Photography facebook page. I have many mixed emotions about this, that may or may not require a few extra glasses of wine at Saturday's B-day celebration dinner, however I know it's the best thing to keep moving me in the right direction and getting my name out there.

Ohhh and I am donating a Mini Photo Session to a Mother's Day Gift Basket that is being auctioned off today (just working to get my name out there!) I am LOVING all of the wonderful opportunities that are coming my way!!!!!! And an added plus...all of this busy business is keeping my little worrying, over thinking mind, OFF.OF.MY.SURGERY! Ha! So that's a welcome treat!!! (not as welcomed as cadbury mini eggs, which I am already MISSING, but welcome nonetheless!)

Here are a couple shots I took today of my little buddies!!!! Have a FABULOUS weekend!!! (Let the first of the Birthday Celebrations BEGIN!!!) xo

19 April 2012

A Whirlwind Couple of Days!

Well I have literally, LIT-E-RA-LLY spent the last 3 days....yes 3 DAYS editing my shoot from Sunday. My eyes hurt, my neck hurts, my butt is NUMB, yep NUMB from sitting like a vegetable! Here's the problem, it could have been done much much sooner, but now I am becoming toooooo critical of myself and I kept going back, re-editing, researching, re-editing....the cycle was HORRIBLE! They are done...I'm happy with them (I think).. This shoot challenged me because they wanted some workout/fitness type shots. It was a great experience for me, but this little lady doubts.herself.on.a.daily.basis. Here are just a few of the shoot..(could they have been better? AB-SO-FREAK-IN-LUTELY!...but I am still learning and each time I am getting better)

She had requested this shot after something she has seen in a magazine and I LOVE how it turned out.
 And yep if you are thinking she's some type of personal trainer....give yourself 100 points! She is!

 This little guy is so sweet! I just loved having him on the shoot
(not to mention he and I worked great together...he may be my new assistant! ;)

During the shoot you can see that they have such a strong family unit and they genuinely
love each other

 Jordan is a doll....sweet, quiet but FUN! 
(and a good sport when I'm SURE there were peeps she knew out at the park that day)

Maybe this little guy has done modeling because he.had.it.down!


 Love how you see Zack laying his hand down on his mom's...he is a complete Mama's Boy
Oohh how I hope Casey feels that way about me!

Thank you Frink Family!!! It was a great time, a great challenge and just a flat out awesome experience!!!


17 April 2012

Random Ramblings

Back for more Random Ramblings......

1.  Got 2 more leads on photo shoots yesterday.....can you say 'knock me over with a FEATHER!!??' because that is just how completely blown away I am....who knew!! ;)

2.  Can't believe next week is seriously Vegas/Birthday week!!! How did it come sooo fast?

3.  Totally excited for a guaranteed night of fabulous fun on Saturday with amazing friends celebrating mine and Shawna's birthdays!!!! I see vino, a patio, yummy food and mountain views in my future!!!

4.  I got to firm up a definite day and time for my upcoming shoot this weekend. I must say...I am SUPER DUPER nervous about this one (exCUZE me...YES, I know i.always.say.that) BUT this is serious....I don't know these peeps at all!! Like say they passed by me walking down the street...nope...would have NO idea it was them!!! Cross your fingers the shoot goes off without any major catastrophes!

5. Ohhh how did I forget this...at 7:20 AM yesterday we got the news we have been anticipating...Casey's blood work was NORMAL!!!!!! I don't even know what normal feels like anymore but I have a sneaking suspicion it feels like this!!! Happy and RELIEVED!

6.  Is it normal for your abs to be in excruciating pain from a core class you did LAST FRIDAY??!!! For the love of GOD....I can't laugh, it hurts to get up...but damn, I may do OK in a bathing suit this summer at this rate!!!! I guess it's a good pain, because I'm going.back.again.this.Friday! (a glutton for punishment, eh?)

7.  I started part of my first homework assignment for class and I feel pretty good about it....tomorrow I'm going to work on getting the rest done. The last thing I want is to fall behind.....I need to get my willing forced subjects ready for that assignment. I see bribery in my future ;)

8.  Finally after 5 years of living in this house I redid the kids' bathroom today!!! It looks soooo awesome, I kinda wish it was mine! It was already painted so it just got a decor overhaul...New pictures, a cute stool, new shower curtain and rugs and a really cool license plate frame!!! Pics will be coming ......

9.  Today I walked 2 of the new model homes here in our community....BIG Mistake! HUGE!!!! I walked out and the lady says 'Did you like what you saw?...blah blah blah?'  Me: 'Yeah, thanks...I'm going home to BLOW up my house!'  I hope she wasn't afraid of me, but seriously a 3185 sq ft house for LESS than the price of my 2400 sq ft house and completely MACKED out with all the upgrades!!!! ugh...depressing....I decided to come home and learn to LOVE my adorable house again...either fall back in love or get some new flooring and upgrades to help the process along!!!

10.  5 days until Real Housewives of NJ...that's all I'm saying....let the DRAMA begin (no judging...you feel completely normal when you watch a trash show like that...seriously give it a try)

Go ahead and have a terrific Tuesday...you know you totally deserve it! ;)    xo

Have I told you lately how much I LOVE spring and photography's not so bad either!!!?? ;)

11 April 2012

Time to put myself out there!

Last night....like LATE LATE last night when I knew most normal people were in bed I decided I really need to put myself back out there from a photography standpoint. This is so hard for me because I just get nervous and I don't want to seem pushy or overbearing, but then again in my little head I thought 'you know Melanie, you won't get more work if you don't 'work' for it'. So I sat there and updated my flicker account with my most recent family photo shoot...Look at these cuties....can they get any more precious??

Then I used the power of facebook for good instead of evil (aka gossip, competition, friending/defriending  and all the other fabulous issues that come along with that oh, so fun social network ;) I sent out a message to all my local friends just as a 'friendly reminder' that I'm still doing family, kiddo, spring shoots or even sports pictures that aren't inside a cold stark building with that dreary FAKE background. (why do they always do team pics like that....we live in a gorgeous place where we are fortunate that 99% of the time the weather is a-m-a zzzz ing!!!!??)

Anywho....so now I sit here nervous and doubting my abilities (as you should know from past posts I lack in the confidence department) and wondering...'ohhh,should I have sent that? did I word it correctly? am I bugging people? what if my work really SUCKS?.....the list goes on and on of second guessing myself.

Really, what do I have to lose? If they like me they like me and if they want to use me that would be fabulous...even if I only get one lead out of all of them, it would be worth it for me to be sitting here like a nervous wreck. So now I sit and wait......but WAIT!!! One of them did respond already and asked if I could do the Cheer Team pics!!!! Wha WHAT!!!??? 

I won't say that I don't feel a little intimidated, but I think it would be good experience and good for my portfolio... not to mention the exposure I would get.  Ohhh....let's see what comes of this!!! I responded back to her with some questions so maybe I will actually get to do this...In the mean time I have the photo shoot coming this Sunday that I am pretty flipping excited about!!!!

It's Wednesday....little man is going back to school....i have a pretty important doctor's appt to go to for myself (think good thoughts xo) but i am sooo happy today!

And really if I get to see this face everyday.....you can totally see how it can make me smile!!!

This little guy has my heart!!! Have a wonderful Wednesday!!! xo

10 April 2012

Random Ramblings

Happy Rambling Tuesday!!! ;)

So here's my random 9 for today!

1. Yesterday was heaven......a shopping HEAVEN!! That's right....we ventured out with the kiddos and the next thing you know....we spent way. too. much. money and GOT way too many CUTE clothes/accessories to prepare for our upcoming vacations!!!!

2. t minus 17 days until VEGAS BABY!!! (i talk a big talk, but hell I'll probably be afraid of Vegas....LOL)

3. t minus 18 days until my BIRTHDAY!!!!! Seriously, I'm pretty excited to be in Vegas for my birthday with my love, kiddos, and some of my absolute favorite peeps!!!!! :)

4. Getting excited and nervous for a family shoot I am doing this Sunday....it will definitely test my ability because it is not the 'norm' for a family shoot....stay tuned to find out what it's all about!!! :)

5. Little man has his follow up appt today with the dr and his outpatient surgeon appt so think happy thoughts for us....:)

6. I ordered 2 bathing suits last night from Victoria's Secret that means there is NO MORE gym conversations in my head....just me getting my A double S to the GYM!!!! Darn, I so love that back and forth banter that I do with myself...;)

7. The Easter candy in this house needs to disappear....this girl has a serious sweet tooth and NO WILL POWER!!!!  ugh.

8. On my 2nd week of my photography course and I can tell this week is going to overwhelm me and cause me stress....I HATE having to critique my photos....WTH...at this point I don't even know all the right terminology to be critiquing anything....'Great picture, sucky focus, yucky color....' Can you tell I have a future in this??!!! :) That being said I still love it like crazy and everyone (virtual) is super nice!! Crazy how all of you virtual peeps are sooo nice and we've never met....you gotta love the internet and social sites!

9. Last week I begged for a laundry fairy and this week I can BIG TIME use the cleaning fairy!!!! Please  and thank you!

Have a TERRIFIC TUESDAY!!!! xoxo