31 March 2016

Coffee Talk!

Helllllooooo loves! Well did you recover from last week's bombshell?? I know, I know....a lot to take in!!! If you don't know what I'm talking about it's all here.  Let's just get back to our normal routine....

4 Random Thoughts

1. I am staying on course with not doing any shoots past that first weekend in June. (The only peeps this does NOT apply to is my family and super duper close friends) Sorry loves, I need to keep my sanity for whatever lies ahead and right now I'm wondering if I just really need a break from photography in general. It's a super saturated market, it's pretty cut throat and I don't want to lose my passion for it. I know it seems pretty easy for someone to pick up a camera and start charging people but truth be told it's A LOT of work, A LOT of time away from your family, and A LOT of investment. I don't think everyone who is interested in photography sees that in the beginning. My family is NUMBER one to me and I've missed out on lots of things due to being SWAMPED with editing, back to back shoots, on top of working another job outside of the home. I want to get back to why I LOVED it in the first place, back to documenting my own family. I've missed out on that. I don't capture our life with my big camera as much anymore, just my cell phone, so one of my goals is to get back to that. I'm not saying I won't ever do it again but for now it will be for family and close friends while I'm still here.

2 - Big 4 0 is on the way! First outfit came in the mail.....BIG freaking FLOP!!! Soooo bummed! I LOVED it on line! It came and looked RIDIC on me!!!! Nothing is a bigger disappointment than when you think you are going to totally ROCK something and it comes and you look like a BAG lady! LOL! Oh well, back to the drawing board!!!! #supermodelfail

3- Nutribullet and I just broke up for GOOD!!! Ugh! I just don't understand! I literally just exchanged that one LAST month! This time I had my shake all loaded up ready to go, I set it on the base to blend it and it jammed and wouldn't even start!!!! #goingtolosemycrap   I won't be exchanging it for another one that is for SURE!!! I've heard a lot of good things about the Ninja, do any of you have any suggetions/feedback?

4 - I am completely ECSTATIC for the arrival of SUMMER!!!! I think knowing that I have freedom this summer is making me HEART it that much more!!!! I just want to do day trip after day trip, make memories, eat on cute outdoor patios, enjoy fruity cocktails, listen to music, grill out and soak up EVERY living second of beautiful weather!!!! Sunshine = happiness for this girl!!!

Ok loves, that's all for today! Thanks for keeping up with me!!! XO

17 March 2016

Coffee Talk!!

Happy St. Patty's Day!!! Go ahead and get your green beer coffee and let's start the gossip!!

5 Random Thoughts:

1 - Ok, first how the HELLLLLLoooo is it St. Patty's Day already??!!! Half way thru March, that is seriously NUTS!! It's always a bittersweet day because we ALWAYS celebrated with our peeps in AZ and I miss that terribly! It will be another low key one for us...what are you all doing?!!

2 - Last weekend was my very FIRST outdoor session of 2016 and it was LOVELY!!! I am soooo at home doing outdoor shoots and the models...well they couldn't get more perfect if they tried! ;) Ok, maybe I am slightly bias....#proudauntieoverhere #thosegirlscompleteme

3 - This week I have dealt with a lot of judgement and negativity and all I can say about all of that is LET IT GO!!!!!!!!!!! (to the tune of Frozen!) I'm not going to waste anymore of my good energy and time letting that take up space in my mind and heart! I'll just leave it at everyone is different, everyone likes different things, don't judge others, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. :)  Hell I don't LOVE all of the political hoopla but I keep my mouth shut. That's what you enjoy talking about....have at it. End Rant.

4 - Deodorant update and other fashion info. Week 2 of the natural deodorant and I'm happy to report no issues, still smelling my armpits (think Saturday Night Live skit here) and surprisingly I don't smell!!! Weird! So I'm trudging on it using it! The family went on a date to the eye doctor last week and I FINALLY upgraded my glasses so now I have some new fabulous specs for when I want to give my eyeballs a break!!! I am ordering my Birthday outfit...fingers crossed that it's rocking and super cute in person!!!!! ;)

5 - Speaking of photoshoots....um, I literally am COMPLETELY booked for Spring! If you are interested in booking for summer shoot me a message and I will get you on the calendar. Word of advice, do NOT wait until the last minute! I hate having to turn peeps away but I am defintely doing a limited number of sessions this year for 2 reasons. 1 - my sanity so I don't burn out and lose my passion for what I LOVE and 2 - because my family/personal time is OOBER important to me and it's soooo much more work then just snapping photos at a shoot. It takes up a lot more time away from my family.  That being said I am BLOWN away by the inquiries!!! Muahhhh!!!

Ok that's it! Go to pub tonight! Drink green beer and enjoy time with family and friends, but BE SAFE!!! Life is short...enjoy it!!!!

10 March 2016

Coffee Talk!!

It's time! Grab your coffee!!!

5 Random Thoughts:

1 - HOLY FREAKING BEEE-YOU-TIFUL weather! The last 2 days have completely, utterly spoiled me and gave me the biggest FREAKING smile!!! 75 degree days in March with FULL sun....I will take it! I don't care who you are sunshine is good for the soul! Sunshine equals happy and happy equals relaxed! I absolutely DESPISE looking outside at doom & gloom with dead twigs!!! Everyone is lucky that I wasn't either walking around in a bathing suit or my birthday suit this week!! ;) LOL! Ok, fine, anyone who knows me, knows that would not happen but I feel like you need to really soak up and ENJOY any and all good weather days here!!!

2. Sooooo 40 is around the corner! I had such lavish dreams of celebrating in beautiful Sedona with close friends and my sister at one of my favorite vineyards, BUT our life is full of unknowns right now so that had to be nixed. However when you have an absolute fabulous bestie in Jersey, along with the world's best sister they absolutely won't let you hit this milestone depressed and ready to hang from a tree!! ;) Sooooo a beach house has been booked and I can NOT wait to spend a guaranteed AH-MAZING 40th with these peeps!!! The countdown is on...now it's time to find an outfit!!! eeeeekkkkkk!!

3. My spring photography calendar is basically booked!!! What the!!!??? Best CLIENTS...EVER! I am seriously blown away! I love all of you soo much and am so grateful for each and every one of you. If you are still interested in a session, definitely message me just in case we could work you in!!!

4. Deodorant - weird topic, right?! Well you know I like to keep you up to date on any and all new healthier products that I am trying out and yep, this is one!! I've been getting really nervous about deodorant lately with all of the cancer risks that have come out related to it. Listen I spent sooooo much money and time at the doctor last year, I want NOTHING to do with any medical scares! So in hopes of trying to eliminate as many chemicals as I can within reason I gave a natural deodorant a try. (which of course I am doing in baby steps because quite honestly it would be IMPOSSIBLE for me to replace everything we use that is toxic without re-financing the house!!) First off I won't lie...it takes some getting used to! I am on day 5 and I think I spend most of the day with my nose in my pit, NOT even KIDDING, because I am sooooo worried I STINK!!! Good news is I don't!!! Who knows if I will stick with it but I am willing to try anything so here goes nothing! I will update you a month in and let you know if I'm still on this kick!! ;)

5 - I may or may not be stalking the mail man as I wait for my 22 Minutes Hard Corps to arrive!!! eeeeekkkkk I am sooooo flipping excited to give this workout a try! So many peeps are having crazy good results and again...22 minutes! Sign me up!!!  Next group is starting Monday, March 14th...here's the link if you are interested!! ---> here.

06 March 2016

Chicken, Quinoa & Kale Soup

Ok loves!!! This scrumptious sounding soup was a HUGE hit!!!! Not only was it healthy & DELISH...it goes in the crock pot and you know how I HEART that!!! Easy Peasy!!! I saw this recipe floating around and decided to give it a whirl!!  This soup is hearty and light if that makes sense at ALL! It filled us up but still didn't feel like we needed a wheel barrel to remove us from the table!! ;) I love the kale in it and the vegetarian in the house just ate around the chicken pieces so this dish was a serious winner all around! I can't wait to share this with my challengers!!!

Give it a try and let me know what your family thinks about it!!! XO  :)


1 lb Chicken (raw) cut into cubes
1 medium onion, chopped (whichever color you prefer...I used red)
4 cloves garlic minced
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
3/4 cup dry quinoa or rice
1/2 tsp dried thyme
1/2 tsp crushed dried rosemary
4 cans (14.5 oz) low sodium chicken broth
Salt & Pepper to taste
1 can (15.5 oz) White beans (Great Northern or Cannellini) drained & rinsed
4 cups packed, chopped kale
3 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley
2 Tbsp lemon juice
finely shredded Parmesan


Add chicken to slow cooker, then add onion & garlic, and drizzle with the olive oil. Add quinoa or rice, thyme, rosemary and chicken broth. Season with salt & pepper. Cover and cook on high 3 1/2 to 4 hours or low 7 - 8 hours.

Add in beans, kale parsley & lemon juice then cover and continue to cook on high heat another 20 minutes until kale is to desired tenderness.

Sprinkle some shredded Parm on top and serve with a crusty french loaf.


03 March 2016

Coffee Talk!!

Good Morning lovelies....another Thursday...another edition. Don't just stand there....grab your coffee and let's go!!!!

5 Random Thoughts:

1 - I'm still here after last week's 3 year edition! I didn't know if you thought I would pack up my crap and get the hell outta dodge! ;) (thought about it, but can't do that....just yet) Thank you for the sweet messages they really meant a lot.

2 - Ohhhh helllloooo beautiful weather! I almost forgot what the sun looks like but Voila you are back and brightening my days, so thank you! Now keep warming them up and you will be my new BESTIE!

3 - Had one whole day dedicated to just catch up on editing of my personal photography for various family members. I literally feel like a HUGE weight has been lifted off my shoulders....FOR REALS!!! I hate having stuff lingering but I had such a crazy photog season from Summer thru the end of Fall and I just couldn't seem to get ahead so like the plumber with bad pipes, or the mechanic with broken down cars, I am the photographer who doesn't take care of her own photos. #thestruggleisreal  So now I think I am caught up and ready to go!!! Spring sessions are filling up and I am doing a LIMITED amount of sessions this year. Trying to keep my life more balanced. Soooo if you are interested in a session be sure to message me so we can get you in the books!!!

4 - I have such an AWESOME group of challengers this round (not that they aren't all great groups, but this one just really sticks out a bit)  Nothing is better than surrounding yourself with a bunch of like minded peeps on a similar journey to you. No they don't all have the same goals or whys but they are all on a new lifestyle journey and seeing all the participation, receiving the private messages of successes etc and just the uplifting spirit of the group as a WHOLE, makes me EXCITED to check in every day!!! They often write the coaches messages saying how we changed their lives, what they don't know is they are changing OURS every time they check in and comment and take one more baby step out of their comfort zone. So here is a shout out to my FABULOUS February group! You are ROCK STARS!!!!

5 - Speaking of comfort zone.....this girl is about to step WAY out of it!!! Tony Horton's newest program 22 Minute Hard Corps was just released!! 22 minutes of Military Inspired Workouts! Just the words "Military Inspired" has me running in the opposite direction, but I have seen CRAZY, AWESOME results to the tune of 8 POUNDS/20 INCHES in 8 WEEKS!!!??? Shut the FRONT door! For me I LOVE the length of the workout or lack of the length! I am definitely NOT an hour long gym girl!!! Hell to the NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I want to get it done as quickly as possible so I can start knocking out the rest of my To Do list. So for me (and literally peeps who use the NO TIME excuse) there is absolutely NO REASON you can't scrape together 22 minutes for your well being! You will be happier. You will have more energy. You will feel better. You will start getting definition/losing extra fluff. The list of changes can just keep going. The point is YOU are worth 22 minutes!!! Here is a video showing a clip of the workout....Yes, wish me luck but know that I WILL crush it because girl has goals and I REFUSE to fail!!!---> www.youtube.com/watch?v=6L8TLN3upDU  What are you waiting for....come join me my challenge group and let's totally ROCK this workout!!!! If you are interested in joining my next challenge group that starts March 14th or for more info on challenge groups in general click this link ---> https://melaniebostian.wufoo.com/forms/challenge-group-application/

Alright! That's it!!! I am off to enjoy my last work day of the week and get super pumped for an ADORBS one year session this weekend!!! Get ready for a sneak peek!!! XO