26 February 2015

Coffee Talk!

Helllooo loves! Hopefully you didn't ditch me after my way honest post a couple days ago!! ;)  Well it's Thursday again and I'm bringing back Coffee Talk because, well just because I kinda loved it!

5 Random Thoughts:

1-  I couldn't imagine how weight lifting and almost therapeutic my "truth" post would end up being for me! If you didn't catch it, it's here!.  And the amount of support was MELT MY HEART overwhelming! Thank you so much for the supportive messages. I will clarify so no one misunderstood, I went and saw a therapist to help me figure out how to deal with being here, my OWN happiness and just my own WELL BEING. After only a few weeks of seeing her, I was back to happy Melanie! I just thought it was important to share so if anyone else is going thru anything, look inside yourself to be happy first and if it takes talking to someone to shake you up, then DO IT!  ;)

2-  So my 21 day fix journey....DARN that Lower Fix day. We seriously hate have problems with each other!! LOL! Legs are NOT my strong point but I am pushing through and getting stronger EVERY day. Happy Dance for that!

3-  That moment that someone contacts you for a shoot and you just NEVER expected them to! EEEEKKKKK!

4-  Chimney guys, masonry guys.....ugh...the money pit continues. (I wonder if there's a jingle to make up for this!) ;)  Oh well, one day at a time.

5- Stay tuned next week. We catch up with our friends in one day and I can barely contain myself!!!!

Thank you for coming back for another round of coffee talk and honestly just for being so supportive. It means everything to me. XO

24 February 2015

Two Years and Some Truth!!

WHAT!!?? Two years have seriously passed by in the blink. of. an. eye!!!! This will be a pretty deep, and truthful post so be prepared. :)

Today is two years exactly that we have lived here. I can still go back to that day like it was yesterday and feel all of the emotions I had that day and for those oh, 3+ months after moving here. I think I cried EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. for no LESS than 3 months. It was definitely an all time low for me. I was devastated, homesick, bitter, angry, sad, my emotions ran a whole array of adjectives.

Every day was a struggle for me to get out of bed, let alone get dressed. And how can anyone understand what I'm feeling when I'm closer to all my family and some of my friends who I haven't lived by since high school? No one could. Everyone would say they would, but no one knows what it is like to be gone for 18 years and be living a life somewhere that you were incredibly happy and then have it all ripped away. The harder part was I wasn't the only one feeling down and depressed, our daughter was struggling as well. I couldn't even help her because I was a sobbing mess myself. I felt sorry for her, for me, for us in general. Not only was I having a hard time being here but EVERYTHING in our "new" house was falling apart. It was one money pit issue after another.

This whole transition was bringing a HUGE strain on the family. So how did I go from all that to a "touch of positivity" today? It wasn't easy, I did go see a therapist to just help me sort out my feelings and just work on myself and then finally one day I thought to myself, 'Do you want to be this unhappy every single day?'   The answer was NO. Nothing was worth losing everything we worked so hard for. More importantly I had to pull myself together for my kids.

Slowly I started turning my attitude around and being happier and once I did that things started turning around for us. It's really amazing how your behavior really shapes everything in your life. Fast forward 2 years later and we have made some AH-MAZING memories here! I have gotten soooo close to my sister and niece, my kids see their grandparents so much now, I've reconnected with old friends & family, made some wonderful new friends and my photography has gotten busier.

So this year as the annual anniversary arrived instead of MOPING and CRYING I'm celebrating all that's been wonderful. Thank you to every single family member, friend (new and old) who has reached out to me these past 2 years. I truly appreciate it and thank you for loving me! I'm ready to make lots more memories! XO

22 February 2015

Inner Peace

Soooooo it snowed for what seemed like FOREVER yesterday.  To say I was upbeat and chipper would be a LIE. I've always said I'm not going to sugar coat things on here and make life seem ABSOLUTELY perfect because sometime it's just not. Sometimes I'm homesick, sometimes I miss my friends, and sometimes I am OVER the weather.  The point is nothing is perfect and no one is perfect. Sometimes people get skewed views of reality reading about other people's live on social media.  Don't get me wrong social media is great, but I think for some it can be a real downer emotionally if they are constantly comparing their lives to so and so's.

Let's face it, we all know someone going thru something but yet on facebook they are the happiest person EVER!  Ummm...NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Everyone has something going on, no one's life is perfect and happy ALL.  OF.  THE. TIME  and that is OKAY.   However I am doing 100% better than I was doing last year, so I guess I will rejoice in baby steps! I really try to be upbeat and although I get down, I usually snap out of it within a couple days hours because I don't have time to be that unhappy! What was my point?!  Oh yes, that I am pretty much done with the snow. LOL!

I did get some really fabulous news last night and when I am able to share it, I am going to scream it from the roof tops!!! Stay tuned for that news! In other news I am starting my 2nd Fitness Challenge Group this Monday and I CAN NOT WAIT. This has been such a journey for me and I am learning so much about myself mentally and physically, it's been very eye opening. I'm trying to work on ME this year. Out with negative peeps, in with people who are GENUINE and good for me!  I tend to trust people toooooo quickly and my 14 yr old loves to point out the not so healthy friendships I have had in the past. Gotta love the honesty of a 14 yr old, but the worst sad part is she is such a good judge of character that she is USUALLY right! UGH! ;)  What I've learned from this new journey is that I am a lot stronger than I thought and taking this time out each day for my health and well being is making me a better all around person and for me that's enough. The biggest surprise to me is that I am totally absorbing and enjoying YOGA! What??!!! Now I am NOT the most flexible person...well not yet, but I am just taking in all of the benefits from it as I become more flexible!

My countdown to our little friend getaway is on....5 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!! EEEEKKKK!!!!

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend despite the snow and cold! I will be back early this week with my Project 52 updates since I am SLACKING majorly on posting those! ;) 

And just a little Friendship description...that I HEART!!!  XO

21 February 2015

Ray Ray is ONE!!

Good Saturday Afternoon my loves!! I am back to share with you my super adorb session with a darling little guy!!! I was lucky enough to photograph his Mommy when he was still in her belly, his newborn photos and now the HUGE milestone of turning the BIG 1!  I heart this little family soooo much! It's an incredible feeling when you get to share so many firsts with a family and they become more like friends than clients.

Here are a couple of Ray Ray when he was still in the belly and of his newborn shoot so you too, can enjoy what a sweet little man he has turned into.

And now his ADORABLE self as a BIG TIME 1 yr old!!!

Could you not just EAT. HIM. UP.!!???

If you are interested in a session in the upcoming months, please send me a message! :)  Have a fabulous day and enjoy your weekend my loves!!! XO

19 February 2015

Coffee Talk!

Helllllloooo there!! So yep, the title of this post is "coffee talk".....you know, because I'm just going to do a little personal rambling on here, like we are sitting enjoying some coffee. (that's what friends do my lovelies)  :) 

5 Random Thoughts:

1-   The ground hog should definitely be DEAD for not bringing SPRING earlier!!! LIKE SERIOUSLY!!! DONE with Winter....bring on sun, flowers and warmer weather PU-LEEEZE! ;)

2 -  I'm feeling sooooo extremely happy, lucky and whatever other word I can think of for my photography clients...you are ALL AH-MAZING and I LOVE you!

3 -  So from my post HERE, I told you how I was getting ready to start a Fitness Challenge Group and eeeekkkkk I am totally CRUSHING on it! I have NEVER loved working out so much in my life and BEST. PART.....so far I lost a 1/2" on my waist and and 1" on my arms! WHAT??! What the?! I know, I know...CRAZY! I'm not doing it for weight loss AT ALL, I'm doing it to tone what I have and just feel better and yep it is working! :)

4 -  I am on a complete countdown to see our special friends from this post!  I am ready for late nights, long talks, and wine with wonderful friends, SNOW stay away. (Refer back to #1 on my feelings on Winter) ;)

5 - Extra good thoughts are welcome. Today I have to go for a carotid artery ultrasound...yeah at this point I have the SAME. REACTION. AS. YOU.....is she 80 yrs old?! Getting OLD OLDER, WISER, MORE "EXPERIENCED".....STINKS! LOL! Crossing fingers between that and my blood work all goes well.

Thank you for the coffee talk time!!! I think this will become a regular on here! I'll be back soon with a super adorb session for you to check out!!! XO

17 February 2015

Meet Little Miss Addyson!!!

Good Morning Sweets!!! It's another SNOWY day.....I'm thinking it's going to end soon, RIGHT??!!! For real, I'm sooooo ready for the beauty of SPRING! Hmmmmph! Well until then I'm bundled up like an Eskimo and loaded up on COFFEE....lots and lots of warm, yummy, COFFEE! ;)

So my first newborn session of the new year was a serious beauty! Addyson and her Mom were such sweethearts and Mom & I had LOTS of laughs and moments of holding our breaths! ;) (There may or may not have been a little lady who didn't want to sleep sit still for even a minute! LOL) We still managed to get AH-MAZING shots, so no worries there! I don't think there is anything quite like newborns...they are the BEST. Thank you Addyson & Ashley for making my first session of the New Year so much fun!

Here are some little yummies for you to enjoy!! XO

14 February 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Good Morning all my loves!!! Yes, it's that day! The day that some "LOVE" and some coin the Hallmark Holiday. LOL! I know it's really ridiculous that one day is supposed to be this day just filled with love, but I'm a super mush and totally sentimental so yep I LOVE it! (don't judge, we all have our quirks/vices)

So whether you celebrate this lovely hearts day or you don't, I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and STAY WARM.....brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, it's going to be FREEZING!!!

OH and I just saw this little guy yesterday and did his one year shoot.....can you NOT. JUST. EAT. HIM. UP!???

Happy Valentine's Day!!! XO

10 February 2015

Project 52 & Checking In!

Hello my little winter snow bunnies!!! Seriously, with this weather already! Is it SUMMER, yet??? The kiddos have had one delay or closing after another and it's getting OLD! LOL! Other than the winter doldrums things have been great! I had my first newborn session of the New Year and I will be posting that loveliness by the end of the week. Is there anything better than newborn snuggles?! Nope, I think not. I've had many session inquiries from some new and past clients, so if you have referred someone to me, thank you from the very bottom of my HEART!!! Muahh!! LOVE referrals!
Ohhh and something I am SUPER proud of....I am on week 3 of the 21 Day Fix and I am head over heels in LOVE!! I have NEVER felt better. Now literally I have had days where my body was HURTING something fierce, but I PUSHED through and man am I happy I did. I have committed to getting healthier and for the absolute VERY first time in my life, I am sticking to it and am enjoying it! WHAT?! I know. If anyone wants information on the program please visit my sister's site  http://www.samanthawenner.blogspot.com/ and message her. She is such an incredible inspiration and full blown CHEERLEADER extraordinaire!! :)

So I've been taking my Project 52 photos but have slacked on getting on here and posting them, so here are week 4 & 5!!! 

The Theme for Week 4:


My photo:

Now this is a more literal meaning of the word, but I LOVE to find different interpretations for themes so this totally works for me! ;)

I hope everyone has a fabulous rest of the week!!! Um, hopefully NO. MORE. SNOW. OR. ICE! (we could hope, can't we) XO

02 February 2015

Snow Days...

Ugh! Snow days.....will they ever END!??? For me, Winter is the eternal, never ending H - E -double hockey stick!!! ;)  Dramatic, I know, but I really believe I am NOT built for cold, dreary weather. LOL! Sunshine and happiness that's what I need! However, this particular snow day I decided my little camera taking self was itching to get out and shoot, so what's a snowed in girl to do? Grab her live in model, get out and shoot, shoot, SHOOT! (We did manage to do some indoor shots as well, you know, so she wouldn't die of frostbite!)

This girl has been a source of my inspiration since the beginning of my love for photography. She's everything I wish I was and I LOVE getting to watch her grow and become such an amazing young lady. She makes us so proud EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. and we count our lucky stars that she is ours. She is also an awesome sport when it comes to getting out there and sucking it up whether it's sunny out or in this case Snowy and FREEZING! ;)  Here's just a few of our shots from the day. Thank you Hayley for giving me the opportunity to keep working on improving my photography skills and for being such a beautiful model!

**Disclaimer: No models died of frost bite or hypothermia during this shoot. ;)

Practice makes perfect and I'm trying to use this winter to really work on improving my photography for all of my clients. Thank you all for believing in me!!!! XO