07 February 2021

C & C

 Well here we are a couple days late, but
better late than NEVER!! ;)
So let's not waste any more time.
Grab your coffee and let's CATCH up!!!

1.    Stella. The never ending story. LOL  Well girlfriend did NOT last at the in-law's house. Unfortunately their dog seriously has "only child syndrome" and was NOT having her. It just wasn't a good situation for either dog, but like always......the silver lining....
That bitch is a legit rags to riches story!!! She went to a couple that is a friend of a friend to my mother-in-law. Girlfriend hit the JACKPOT!!! A dog's dream. Fluffy bed, diva collar, new cushy crate, toys, sitting on the couch, vet appt, grooming appt...the WHOLE nine yards. I'm super happy for her. The whole situation is better all around and you can tell how much her new owners LOVE her!!!

2.    First week back to work = HELL.  I had a rough week. FriYAY couldn't come quick enough. The wine was flowing and will continue to flow thru Sunday night. There really isn't much more to say. I'm trying to get myself in the right mindset so week 2 is BETTER. This quote is on a loop in my mind. ;)

3.    I recently did a shoot with an absolutely gorgeous soul inside & out. I am going to blog her whole session next week. We had so much fun and I got to apply a lot of what I have been learning so that was awesome. I have a senior shoot today with a special student of mine so you will be seeing her beautiful face on here soon as well.

4.    We got our first Covid vaccine and it was easy peasy, however my freaking arm has been ACHING!! Like couldn't work out the next day, can't lay on it, can only lift it so high. Ugh. Hopefully it's 100% by Monday. It's done and over so I'm happy about that. Second one is next month. Fingers crossed no symptoms.

5.    At the time I am writing this, that special guy I'm married to is planning our Valentine's celebration for this weekend instead of next weekend. I'm not sure what he has up his sleeve but he never disappoints so I'll update you next week on the deets. It's a two part date...LOL not sure what that means!!!

That's all for this week. 
It was a crazy busy work week,
so I'm hoping next week is a little less
anxiety ridden and that my mindset isn't a shit show. 🤦
Have a fabulous super bowl weekend (if that's your jam)
As you all know this prissy chick is NOT a sports girl but
I'm definitely supportive of what my love enjoys
so I'll be watching too!!!

03 February 2021

Italian Picnic "Under the Stars"

 Happy Hump Day loves!!
On the C & C post last week I mentioned that I had done
LEGIT, one of my BEST at home date nights.......EVER!!!
So if you are new to this space
I absolutely LOVE at home dates!!!!
To me it's so much more intimate.
You can talk, you can HEAR each other talk,
no mask required and honestly it's just good QUALITY time together.
Let's face it.
Here is a typical "regular" date night:
Out to dinner
Have a few cocktails
Someone is on their phone 
(or maybe you are lucky and neither of you are)
It's loud in the restaurant
You can't really focus because people watching is at an all time
effing HIGH. (hey I'm not judging..I LOVE peep watching)
Oh look you are done eating and drinking.
"What do you want to do now?"
"Oh, I don't know, You?"
"I don't know."
"Ok, let's just go home."
Get home, jammies on, face washed, date OVER.
Like WTF!!!???
That gets a HUGE fuck NO!!
Now before you go giving me the excuse I have a baby, I have 
little kids, I have big kids...STOP right there!
Guess what, I had babies, I had little kids, and now I have a teenager!
I have done at home date nights forever they just have
gotten much more over the top because
I have someone who appreciates all my effort 
and thinks outside of the box as much as me!!!
Honestly, you don't have to go as elaborate as the one I'm blogging about today.
It could be as simple as cook a dinner together, turn on music, light some candles, phones away, dance in the kitchen, have great conversation and end with some amazing sex.
However there ARE some details that do need to happen.
Don't start rolling your eyes because I see you and I hear you.
Get dressed up.
Put the fucking makeup on.
Do the hair.
If you are a lash girl...put the lashes on.
For the love of god, put the fucking heels on!!!!
I can already see the faces I am getting.
It takes effort to keep a relationship alive. 
Do NOT become roommates, do NOT get so comfortable you no longer get pretty.
Do NOT coexist.
Don't even try to tell me that you didn't get all dolled up in the beginning!!!
I would call you a flat out lying whore! 
(whore is said as a term of endearment so don't bother getting sensitive)
Ok I'll get off my soap box! 
If you need more at home date inspiration...there are others on this blog!!
For this date I decided I wanted to create an Italian Picnic "Under the Stars" 
complete with an "outdoor black and white Italian movie".
I set the scene by layering the floor with blankets
(my bony ass needed some padding)
All around the perimeter of the area I put out some of our beautiful greenery from the wedding.
(our decor may have been the best money we spent because I have
been using the hell out of it!)
I draped twinkle light along the back wall and had random
twinkle light bottles around. (to emulate the stars...hellloooo)
There was a menu board that featured the picnic food and the feature film.
I used our real picnic basket and had it packed as if we were not able to walk into our
kitchen and get whatever we needed.
It went perfect!
The whole night was AMAZING!
He was soooo surprised.
We both LOVED the movie we watched.
It was just a perfect date night.
And we never left our home.
We were decked out, but I had my shoes off because
I am a lady at a picnic.
So there ya go.
The set up and take down did NOT take long.
It was sooooo worth it.
All of the pics I am posting are crappy cell phone pictures
so I apologize for that!!! 
But it gives you the idea of how it looked!!!

Again, you don't have to go to this extreme, but I promise you
if you start dating at home you will LOVE it.
So stop sitting there scrolling your feed and start planning something 
for this weekend.
Let me know what you end up coming up with!!!
I will be back on Thursday with C & C!!
Have a fabulous day!!!

28 January 2021

C & C

 Coffee & Catchup...

Let's do this!!!
I feel like it's been a HOT minute 
since we did a coffee and catch up.
All I can do is shake my head at my 
time management skills with this blog.
However, I AM working on legit getting better 
and this will be my 
5th post for the month of January!!!
Not too shabby peeps, not to shabby.
Alright enough of the small talk jibber jabber,
let's CATCH up!

1.    If you follow our podcast you heard about the spontaneous arrival of STELLA last Thursday evening!!! Aye dios mio!! If you didn't hear it, you can listen here. Stella is a white English bull dog who almost had an abrupt ending of her life via car. SMH  So, she has been here for a week "visiting". Casey has fallen head over heels for her. She kinda grew on me. Estrada was enamored by her. Ya know the whole don't get "attached" rule. 😉  Well, we got notice from our property manager that the owners had issues with previous tenants who had animals so they don't want any pets on their property. Cue the sadness. The silver lining to this story is the BEST in-laws EVER, want us to bring Stella to them and see how she does with their pup. Fingers crossed. On another note the 2 divas in this house (yeah, that's me and Estrada) we kinda can't handle the smell of dog in a house.  We are two of the biggest OCD peeps when it comes to a clean house, so I think we are ok with no dog. However I will say this girl is soooo sweet and she has a really good disposition so hopefully her new home is a WINNER!!!

2.    This past Saturday I put together one of my BEST at home date nights (ya know if I must say so myself and give myself mad props!!! 😂) I'm going to do a post about it probably next week, but I basically did an Italian Picnic under the stars in our living room. Again, relationships are work. Put in the effort to get out of it what you want. It turned out super cute and was so much FUN!

3.     The big news this week was the weather. Arizona had a CRAZY week of weather. We had legit SNOW!!! The mountains looked amazing and it gave me some time to get out and use my camera. It's the kind of snow I LOVE. It came down hard, covered everything, gave littles time to build miniature snowmen, made everything pretty and by 6pm it was over and melted and looked like it never happened. Perfection. My winter dreams are fulfilled. 

(This is Stella)

4.    I am doing a refresher course for my photography and am LOVING it so far. My evenings are getting busy but so worth it. It felt sooooo good to be excited to take pictures this week and I'm totally pumped for a session I have this weekend with a real life beauty. If you or someone you know is looking for photos, please share my info or contact me. I would LOVE to be able to capture your memories.

5.    On the same topic of photography and just social media in general I need to KEEP reminding myself to stay in my lane. Do NOT compare myself, do not worry what others are doing, and just keep focusing on ME....my passions, my family, my mindset, my goals and visions. It's so freaking easy for social media to be a slippery slope of bringing you down if you let it. I think everyone feels that way to a degree at one point or another (even if they don't want to admit it) It's just important to keep focusing on YOU and what YOU are working towards. Hey this is why we read personal development....to keep our mindset in the right place. 

Okey dokey loves.
That has us all caught up and ready to go into the weekend.
Have an amazing rest of your week
and a fabulous weekend!!

21 January 2021

What's your Vision?

 Welcome Back!!! 

Now that we are all caught up on all the 
wedding hoopla, it's time to get back to reality.
So I know we are half way through January and we are ALL
ecstatic to be in a NEW YEAR (my thoughts on this later)
and if you have followed me for a while you know I don't do 
New Year's Resolutions.

I don't do resolutions because I feel like we all say the same thing:
"I'm going to lose weight."
"I'm going to workout more."
"I'm going to stop drinking wine." - um, I don't know who the HELL makes that resolution but it 
is definitely NOT me!!!
"I'm going to eat healthier"
"I'm going to be a better person"
"I'm going to stop talking like a sailor" - this is NOT me either. 

Anywhooooo, this list could go on and on
with all the things people say they are going to "do" in the new year.
Exactly why EVERY gym is packed in the beginning of January (well before covid life peeps)
So nope I don't bother with resolutions.
The last few years I have made a Vision Board.
If you don't know what a vision board is, basically think back to 
cutting pictures and words out of magazines and sticking them on poster boards, doors etc. LOL.
No seriously, I'm not joking.
Except, now there are super cute apps to make them on your phone, print them
and frame them so you can see your vision all the time 
front and center.

Here is what mine looks like this year:

💰 Pay off debt is front and center because it is one of the biggest things I am focusing on since having divorce debt these last couple of years. (yes, it's a real thing, and yes it SUCKS)
💕 Worthy and Clarity are my words for this year.
👠 40s and fabulous because I think women should know that they are NOT defined by their age and they can keep rocking it at ANY age. (hellllooo it's never too late & you are never too old)
🎙Keep building our couples podcast because it seriously gives us so much happiness to share our journey with other couples, it gives us even more time to spend together and to be honest, it's just freaking FUN!!!! If you haven't checked it out...go give it a LISTEN here
💪Keep working on my fitness and health because I feel sooooo much better inside and out. Getting to help people along the way is an added bonus! If you are interested in joining one of my challenge groups or finding out more info on what I'm doing, shoot me a message. I LOVE sharing! ;)
🧘Meditate more and keep doing all the self care - it has definitely helped my mindset. (I do need to get better at clearing my mind when I am doing it, but practice makes perfect)
🗣Learn Spanish - helllllooooo I can NOT be married to someone with the last name Estrada and only know how to say boogers, sleepy, and underwear. That's only going to get me by soooo FAR!! 😂
📸 I want to build my photography side biz back up. I haven't been shooting regularly and I MISS it. It's one of my creative outlets. I'm diving into some classes and refreshers and I'm loving it. (I have mini sessions offered right now. If you are interested in a session, message me! I would LOVE to capture some moments for YOU!)
👪 Family. No other explanation needed. They are my EVERYTHING! They support me, they keep me laughing. I LOVE LOVE LOVE our perfectly IMPERFECT blended family!!!
🍇 A HUGE dream I have is to go to Tuscany one day. (I'm realistic and know that isn't going to happen over night, but I like seeing it on my vision board as something I KNOW I will get to accomplish in my future) I did throw the idea out there to my hubby that I should turn 50 there because if I'm hitting that milestone I deserve to be eating pasta, chocolate, bread, cheese, and drunk on wine while in my dream location.....just sayin.
🌟Added a few of my fav quotes/reminders to keep me grounded and positive.

So there you go. That's my 2021 Vision Board.
I LOVE it!!!
What's on YOUR vision board for this year??

(Oh and because I mentioned it above, yes 2020 was ROUGH for most, BUT I still believe we will see some good come out of it.
We will look back at this time and appreciate the quality time we
spent with our loved ones. We will see it for what it was, something that happened to
all of us, and it wasn't ideal and it sucked balls, but we were able to adapt and overcome.
For many it made us slow down and really realize what is IMPORTANT. Enjoy
every moment of every day with those you love because you are not promised tomorrow.
End of soap box)

14 January 2021


 Look at me....coming through like I promised with the deets 
of our "BIG DAY".

Warning: It's a LONG post, well not so much long but
photo heavy because well I LOVE our photos.

I still am blown away by how our wedding was 
LEGIT our DREAM day.
Dream venue, dream style, dream FOOD, dream size, dream DRESS AND SHOES.
It was literally one of the BEST. DAYS. OF. MY. LIFE. 
(um, hello I'm a mom.....popping 2 kids out is pretty HIGH up there on life achievements and I'm thinking of keeping them because they are pretty damn awesome)

We knew when we started planning we wanted a SMALL, INTIMATE wedding with only those
nearest and dearest to us. Those who have supported us and love us. Those
with no judgment, no ulterior motives, no BS.
We weren't inviting so and so because we talk to them at the water cooler.
No Lucy from down the street who is an acquaintance.
No friends of our parents who knew us since we were "wee lads".
Everyone who was invited was there because we WANTED them there. 

Covid helped keep the number down which honestly was a bit of a blessing because
I talk a "BIG" talk, but I hate confrontation. LOL
Covid made us keep it small and simple.
There were a few peeps who weren't able to make it due to the situation
and we missed them terribly but we know and understand they had good reason and it was out of their control. There were also people we would have LOVED to have invited, but again
Covid changed our guest count.
Anywhooooo if we offended anyone we didn't mean to. 
First things FIRST - The VENUE

AZ Hops & Vines
This winery is our absolute FAV!!!
Not because it's fancy or all chic (not chick - pronounced sheek peeps, sheek).
Nope, we love it because it's simple, eclectic, funky and FUN.
Not stuffy, not snooty, not pretentious.

We also knew our style would go PERFECTLY with the already amazing atmosphere.
We started with our ceremony down in the vineyard.
The arbor was made with LOVE, Sweat, and tears by my amazing father in law.
I showed him my vision and he RAN with it and delivered
something more beautiful than I even imagined.
It was decorated by my aunt who is my heart and soul.
I walked down the aisle to one of our fav past students (Charlize) singing A Thousand Years. 
I will link her deets at the bottom in case you want to check her out on social.

All of the floral arrangements at the ceremony were made by my aunt and I.
I wasn't about spending thousands of dollars on flowers.
Simple is what we wanted.

As I mentioned in the Rehearsal post here we made the wine blends for our Wine Blending ceremony 
with Hops & Vines the night before.
A few months before the wedding we purchased a pretty ROUGH looking wine barrel
that we wanted to turn into a table to use at the blending.
My love refinished it and thanks to our AMAZING friend who is a WOOD wizard, he gifted
us completing the barrel off as a GORGEOUS table.

Here is the before
(not much to look at...try to contain your jealousy) LOL

Here is it during the Wine Blending ceremony:
(Charlize also sang during the Wine Blending - Kiss Me)

I seriously can NOT get over the transformation!!!
It is now my FAVORITE piece in our house.
We have been utilizing it regularly. It has since been upgraded with adorable stools and it's been used
for a few different at home dates. 💕
The sign above the table was my SURPRISE to Estrada and the kids at the wedding.
I got it from Etsy and I'm in LOVE with how it turned out.

I know this piece was a beeeeooochhh to move so thank you to ALL
of the man power who moved it from spot to spot on the day of the wedding.

It became the Gift table after the ceremony. 

Thank you to Gene and Shawna and know that we will forever cherish this piece.

After some cocktails in the vineyard it was time to get the party started up at the reception area.
We could NOT have done any of this without our family.
They were the decorating MAN POWER.

This arbor was in Estrada's family for YEARS....like some serious YEARS.
It had been used for numerous family weddings in the past.
His uncle refurbished it and gave it a fresh life so we could use it on our day.
So much LOVE by everyone.

Our family table was perfection.
Just the four of us. My surprise sign was placed right at the front of the table and
was NOT noticed until I pointed it out during our first dance!! LOL

Eating out under twinkles and stars was EVERYTHING I imagined and more.

This area was the cake and photo guest book area.
To the left was the vintage settee that also made MANY moves throughout the day.
Our guest book was polaroids with props to take a pic and leave us a message.

Our cake was gifted by the family of one of our absolute FAV students. She was
my TA at work and I still remember the day she gave me the little
card with the cake surprise after she found out we were engaged. 
I just LOVE and adore her.

I can't WAIT to dig into that top layer.
The bottom two layers were yellow with lemon filling and the top is red velvet with
cream cheese filling.
It was BOMB!!!
Um, funny story. I got a SUPER cute cake topper from Etsy.
Do you like it?
Oh you don't see it? 
It's because it never made it onto the cake and is still in the original
packaging it came in. 😂
Hey not everything goes PERFECTLY on the day of, but the BEST part....
we didn't even notice THAT day. We noticed it in pictures AFTERWARDS!!!
I'm totally throwing that baby on the top layer when we bring that beauty out. Stay tuned
for a picture of that!! I'm sure it will look GORG! ;)

Another Highlight - The CIGAR Bar

We knew from day one of planning that we wanted some type of "cigar bar".  We 
just weren't sure how we wanted to do it. I kept looking at different
free standing type of tables we could use, but then on one of our MANY visits out 
to the venue (hey we needed to keep trying the wine and look at the space 😉) I 
saw the PERFECT area!
So perfect that it's already there and we were able to just decorate it and make the vision
come alive.

Let's not forget about everyone's TOP priority (besides Open Bar, LOL)

We were all about merging both cultures so since we did the Mexican food truck for rehearsal night 
we went with Italian food for the wedding day. In keeping with our style we went the unconventional way and had the MOST kick ass food truck EVER!!!

Yep, our dinner consisted of:
a Cannoli/Tiramisu Cart

I can't EVEN. The day that we went to taste Ciao Down's pizza was 
We ALL loved our taste test day. Not to mention the owner and ALL of his guys
are MACHINES and super talented.
I have NOT one regret on our food choice.
Everyone got an individual pizza in their OWN personal box!
Soooo stinking cute!!!!
Pizza and cannolis is like a dream come true for this Italian girl.

Us on our taste test day.

Our charcuterie was seriously a work of art!

His pizza is AMAZING! Definitely follow him on social media and find out where
his truck is in Tucson. It will be WORTH your drive!!

Past all of those details I had my literal DREAM wedding. I married the love of my life.
I was by far the MOST relaxed bride. It may be because I'm older now and I know what is important.
I woke up that morning with the mentality that the day would be perfect even if the day 
didn't go "PERFECTLY". 
I had the mindset that I wasn't going to let anyone or anything ruin our day.
The day went perfectly and nope not everything was perfect.
The beginning part of the day was WINDY AF. (by the time the ceremony started it had subsided...phew)
Think on the level that my hair was a shit show for all of the pics of me by myself, 
our first look and all our
family group pics.
I kept on smiling and just kept saying how I wasn't going to let it ruin our day 
and we couldn't change anything.
The arbor fell down an HOUR before the ceremony from the wind. 
Cocktail hour didn't go as planned.
The cake topper wasn't on the cake.
Not everyone knew about the polaroid pics for the guest book.
We never poured the case of champagne for the toast.
We never used all the champagne flutes we bought.
The cannoli lady left too early.
I took one too many shots of tequila.
I never hung out at the cigar bar.
I'm sure there is more but literally NONE of it matters.
In the end it was the PERFECT day to US and US is who matters.
We gave zero effs to what anyone thought about ANY of our choices and
we had a day to celebrate our love the way we wanted.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all our family and friends
for putting in the time, energy, strength, patience, and flat out HARD work.
We are forever grateful.
Thank you for helping fulfill our Happily Ever After.

A sample of the Windy AF situation

Total Divas!

Almost 3 months later, but better late than never.

Where to find the peeps/venues mentioned in this post:
(if you have a question on where anything else was from just shoot me a message. I tried to list all of the main items)

Andreas Gourmet (Cannoli Cart): https://www.instagram.com/andreas.gourmet21/
Hem & Her (dress & suits): https://www.instagram.com/hemandherbridal/
Charlize Diaz De Leon (vocals): https://www.instagram.com/charlizediazdeleon/