30 April 2015

Coffee Talk!

Helloooo my little coffee guzzling lovelies!! I survived the weekend!!! Woo Hoo!! Let's just get right to the gossip sesh! ;)

4 Random Thoughts:

1 - Birthday celebration with my sister...A+++!!! We had such a great night celebrating with a delish dinner, yummy cake and ice cream, game board fun (or sort of fun with a very cut throat competitive sister! LOL) I was a very spoiled lady and I can't thank them enough for having us. Everyone should be lucky enough to have a sister...they are the BEST!

2 - So after a weekend of pure indulgence of eating and drinking EVERYTHING in sight, I couldn't wait to wake up on Monday and hit my workout again! BUT of course, in normal fashion for our life (you know the 'if it could happen it will happen kind of life!') after my workout was done and I showered and was getting ready for work I literally got doubled over in pain.  Pain like I have NEVER felt before and helllooo I did give birth to 2 babies and still this was INSANE!!  My daughter found me on the floor of the family room, curled up in a ball, and sobbing my eyes out. (you can see where this is going, right?!) Off to the ER we go. Yep, a kidney stone!!! OMG! Seriously?! I just wanted to be at work continuing my happy morning I was having. Four hours and four prescriptions later we were discharged and I left there with my super fun urine funnels so I could try to catch the bugger when it passed!! GROSS! Long story short, that evening I was lucky enough to pass it and thank goodness because they told us at the ER it could take hours, days or WEEKS!!??! Um, nobody has time for that! I think what was most shocking is how freaking BIG the thing was and how it really looked like a ROCK!! WTH?!! Again, so very grateful for the absolute best neighbors/friends in the world!

3 - This weather.....freaking FABULOUS! Sun, oh how I love thee!! The anticipation of my upcoming sessions this weekend may or may not have me bouncing off the walls like a kid on Christmas!! Meeting new clients, seeing past ones...LOVE. EVERY. SINGLE. MOMENT. of this! Pinch me, this can NOT be my life!

4 - Preparation is under way for my next challenge group and I'm kinda nervous. LOL!  It will be my very FIRST one all by myself without my sister helping me!! EEEKKKK!!!  I will be a BIG girl! Putting on my big girl panties and hoping for the best! I am totally loving getting to help people reach their goals and change their lifestyle for the better! It's invigorating! May 4th is ALMOST here!

That's it my loves! Phew, that was A LOT! Love you all to pieces! I will be getting that beautiful princess (who I've been telling you about) on here before this week is over, I pinky promise! Have a great weekend! XO

29 April 2015

A STUNNING Mommy to Be on a GORGEOUS Morning!!

Hello loves! I have been wanting to get this session on the blog now for days!! It's been one crazy day after another! So without further delay here is my gorgeous session with a very special lady and her hubby! I met this beautiful couple one morning and to say it was breathtaking would be an understatement. Katie is by far one of the absolute sweetest people you will EVER meet. She is the real deal.  I don't know if it's possible for her to have one mean bone in her body, and I am truly in awe of her. Oh and that quiet hubby of hers.....he's a nice guy too!!! ;)  Getting to see her go thru this pregnancy has been a pleasure.  She is going to make such an AWESOME mommy!! Thank you Katie & Sean for letting me capture these ah-mazing memories for the two of you! I can't wait to meet the little man! XO

Here a few of my favs from our session!!

So was I right or what?!!! STUNNING!!!! XO

23 April 2015

Coffee Talk!

Hellloooo loves! How is April almost over?! Seriously....wow! Life is FLYING by! Let's just hit our gossip sesh!
5 Random Thoughts

1 - I have been having mommies to be and newborn shoots these past couple weeks and all that ooey gooey sweetness will be hitting the blog here shortly!! I seriously could use about 12 more hours in my day! Anyone else feel like that???

3 -  Sometimes I think I take my 14 yr old for granted. I often here peeps complaining how they can't handle this age, yada yada yada Here's a shout out to my favorite 14 yr old! She has been such a HUGE help since I went back to work! She helps with laundry, cleaning and her newest endeavor...whipping up some pretty delish meals on my late nights! I <3 this girl! Here is a pic of us we took when I had a shoot this past weekend! I HIGHLY recommend Mom & Me shoots, these are memories you will have to cherish FOREVER!
4 -  On Tuesday I will be the BIG 25 ok, fine I will be 39!!! So Friday we are celebrating my birthday with my sister, brother in law and niece. I will probably enjoy my sister's glass of wine since she can't partake in that part right now! ;)  Hey I figured it's the only nice thing to do, right!? Never, ever waste WINE!!...Hellooo...it's like RULE #1! I love getting together with them and they are keeping our kiddos while we do our getaway....BEST. SISTER. EVER!

5 - Speaking of 39, I will say this....I feel better than I have EVER felt before!!! These challenge groups are NO joke!!! I'm facing 39 in the best shape physically & mentally than I would have ever thought possible.  So bring it 39, you are just a NUMBER anyway! Check back next year to see if I handle the next number so well!!! LOL! (if you think you are ready for a lifestyle change message me! I love sharing this feeling with others!)

That's it loves!!! I have packing to do and seriously need to clean this house one of these days!!!! ;) Have a fabulous weekend!  XO

21 April 2015

Finding the New Me!!

Helllooo lovelies!!! I hope you are all doing fabulous!!! I've been doing some reflecting and it's crazy to me that two years ago I was a SERIOUS mess! I cried EVERY SINGLE DAY, I wasn't grateful for anything! I didn't want to be here and I couldn't be happy for what was right in front of me. My energy & fitness level were at an all time LOW! I don't think anyone can know what it feels like to be really down and out unless they have experienced it first hand. At that point in my life I didn't even fake it for peeps. I didn't pick up my camera (helllooo, that's a HUGE red flag) I seriously have like NO pics from our first 6 months here because I didn't want to remember it) I didn't even have WINE!  GASP! I know, I know, but I thought forget it, I am so freaking depressed, if I start drinking I will NEVER stop! ;) It was probably a good decision!

Fast forward to today and I have developed relationships I never imagined having! My sister and I are closer than ever (I may or may not talk to her 50 million 10 times a day),  my cousin and I had only known each other when I was in my horrible teen years and she was just a little girl and now I'm doing Beach Body with her and talk to her ALL. THE. TIME, I get to see my parents whenever I want and better than that, my kids get to have a REAL relationship with their grandparents, I have made some amazing unexpected friendships, I have a job I LOVE with the best ladies ever AND my photography is getting busier and busier!!! Do I still hate being here? NO! We have started making so many new memories here that make my heart smile. Do I still miss AZ? Yes, but for now I am enjoying and soaking up the life I am living RIGHT now. There are no words for what this lifestyle change has done for me and for our family. I now see the world in a much more positive way.  I can't say enough how the best decision I ever made was to step out of my comfort zone and join my sister's challenge group last year! The health benefits alone have been AH-MAZING! It's helping keep my blood pressure in check and my cholesterol is PHENOMENAL! High Five to NO more medication!  My energy level has sky rocketed! It's crazy to me that I work full time, I'm busy with photography, I'm a beachbody coach, a mom & a wife, yet I have sooooo much more ENERGY! Challenge groups are sooo much more than just a workout DVD that you buy, leave in a box and cross your finger for changes to just happen. They are accountability when you really need it, support from people just like you, self esteem builders, kitchen assistants (because who doesn't need one of those), and a road to a happier, healthier YOU!!! I wake up every day excited for a new day and excited to do my workout! WHAT?! Ohhh and one of my other giving in moments was Shakeology! I can't say enough about how good it is making me feel, curbing my snack cravings and fueling me for the whole day!! No wonder it's called a superfood shake! This is definitely better than any medication a doctor can give you. Dig deep because anyone can make these changes, you just have to believe in you, believe in the process and know that there will be bumps in the road, but you are doing this to change your life so you can live a longer, happier one!! Remember your WHY! XO

P.S. There will be an abundance of lovelieness hitting this blog very soon! Think Baby Bump & A Pretty Pretty Princess!! ;)

16 April 2015

Coffee Talk!

Wooo hooo...coffee time loves!! Let's do this!!!

5 Random Thoughts:

1 - I made it one whole week without going to a DOCTOR appt...yay me! (um, that's sad when that's a highlight, lol, but it is!!!) I sitll need to find a new doctor and schedule follow ups but is that really any fun?! NOOOOO!! I will, I will, but for now I just need a break!
2 - The weekend with my sister and niece....soooo much FUN and soooo needed! There are no words for how much I adore that little girl!!! I can't believe in 2 months I will be an Auntie AGAIN...WHAT the?!!!

3 - As you all saw I posted my maternity shoot from this past weekend. It should be illegal to be that FREAKING STUNNING! Some of those shots...I die! Swooning over soooooo many of them! It was such a beautiful day out so we really lucked out!

4 - There will be a sweet, cuddly, squishy princess on here SOON! Newborn Shoot = LOVE!  I CAN. NOT. WAIT. to meet this little bundle!! Get ready for a sweet sneak peek this weekend!!

5 - My Beach Body coaching is going soooooo FABULOUS!!! I have never felt so good in my life and I just want to be able to share that same feeling with others. I wasn't looking for this opportunity but it seems to have found me at the very moment that I really needed a change and I couldn't be more grateful!  I have a great group of ladies in my first challenge group and I am getting organized for my next one that kicks off on May 4th! If you are ready to make a change and are interested in some more info, do it, take the plunge and message me for more info. I promise you it will be a life changer! It definitely was for me!
I heart our weekly talks! Come back and see me soon!!!  XO

15 April 2015

Gorgeous Momma + Gorgeous Weather = GORGEOUS MATERNITY SHOOT!

Hello loves! This past weekend was the weekend I have been WAITING for!!! Eeeeekkk! It was FINALLY time for my sister's maternity session! (ya know the sister who REFUSES to find out what she's having..... AGAIN!) We could not have asked for BETTER weather! The sun was shining, temps were perfect, we had a dreamy location and my model....STUNNING! (I could be bias but seriously when you see her, I dare you to tell me she is not BEEEE-UTIFUL!!!) There were a TON of ah-mazing shots but here are just some of my favs! I may or may not have captured a few of my perfect little niece as well, but really, could you blame me?! Thank you for being the best sister ever and for inspiring me EVERY. SINGLE. DAY! (oh, and for being one of my BIGGEST fans!)  XO

Don't forget the calendar is booking up now that the weather is becoming soooo purty, so message me if you know you would like to have a shoot in these next few months! XO

09 April 2015

Coffee Talk!!

Hellloooo my lovelies!!! I'm back for some Coffee Talk!!! Oh, how I missed you guys! It was a crazy week/weekend with it being Easter and all. The photography calendar is FILLING up and I am ECSTATIC!!! :)

5 Random Thoughts:

1 - Easter was FAB! Got to spend some quality time with my parents, had some cousin love, some baby snuggles....all that AND chocolate and vino toooooooooo!!!!  PERFECTION! (I will say, all the not so good eating seriously put my body into a SUGAR shock! Cleaner eating has definitely made a change and I was CRAVING my fruits and vegetables by Sunday!)

2 - The Weather! What is there to say except SPRING is finally here (ok, there may be some rainy days BUT April Showers = May Flowers, right??!) This weekend looks GORGEOUS!

3 - Ohhhh speaking of this weekend, I am on the COUNT DOWN!! It's time for a sister sleep over!! Going to spend the weekend with my sister and her family and well that's kind of a BIG deal since I heart her and that little niece of mine to the MOON and BACK! Oh, and there may or may not be a maternity shoot mixed in there!! What?!!! I know, stay tuned for all that GORGEOUSNESS!!!

4 - The 'downer' of my week (because yep, we ALL have them) is that I had to learn a hard lesson about friendship and who is truly your friend and who is not. Those who love you will support your successes and not BRING you down. Onward and upward I go. ALWAYS ALWAYS surround yourself with people in your life who LIFT you up!

5 - Ugh, I had to have a trip to the ER the other night. Can I just say I really really DISLIKE hospitals!!?? (Insert very nasty word here, lol!) I still have follow up appts but AGAIN I am reminded of how important my HEALTH and FITNESS are to MY life and I just need to keep staying strong. Also, you have to be your OWN advocate for your health, unfortunately the doctors aren't always the smartest best when it comes to knowing YOUR body. The flip side to #4 on this list is that I am reminded of how many WONDERFUL friends I do have and I can't thank all of them enough for truly caring and watching out for me. Muahhh!!!

That wraps up our coffee chat for today my loves! I am off to get ready for MY Friday and then it's time to gear up for the lovely weekend. Please don't forget to message me if you are interested in setting up a shoot. Have a SUPER fabulous weekend! XO

02 April 2015

Coffee Talk!

How is it APRIL already my loves?!! I swear life is FLYING by! It's time for coffee talk!

5 Random Thoughts:

1 - HOLY Spring! Are you SERIOUSLY, LIKE SERIOUSLY going to be here, for REAL this time!!!?? If it's true I'm jumping up and down uncontrollably!!! Ohhhh my little heart is ready for photo shoots in WARMER temps and it looks like there are going to be beautiful temps this next week!

2 - I'm all ready for a fun EASTER weekend getaway with my parents!!! Momma likes to "pretend" she hasn't seen us for YEARS, in reality it's been about a month, but we are going to have a weekend of LAUGHS for sure!! I FINALLY finished my Easter shopping yesterday. Is anyone else having trouble getting motivated this year? This girl is seriously slacking, maybe it was the snow throwing me off from thinking that it could possibly be Easter already. Hmmmmmm.... :)

3 - In case you didn't know...It's BIRTHDAY Month!!! LOL! My poor family & friends! ;) April is my birthday month and I ride that event like nobody's business!!! However this birthday is EVEN more special this year because my sweet little Olivia is turning ONE! You can read more about her here.

4 - If you have a sister you should totally consider yourself LUCKY! One of the biggest perks of living here is that I have been able to develop an AH-MAZING relationship with my sister! She is so inspiring to me and we are like best friends! I probably talk to her a few hundred times a day! You would NEVER guess that we have a bit ok, a HUGE age gap between us. You will be seeing her beautiful face on here in a couple weeks for her maternity shoot! EEEKK! I can NOT wait!

5 - Beach Body Coach....WHAT?!! I know, I know,  that was a shock for everyone! LOL! Anywho I am going to be launching my very FIRST Fitness Challenge Group on APRIL 12th! If you are interested in getting more info or joining this group, please let me know.

Have a completely relaxing, fabulous Easter weekend however you may be spending it!!! I hope the Bunny is good to the little ones!! ;)  Be back soon! XO