26 August 2012

A Busy Working Girl....

Hello!!! I am happy to report I made it thru my first FULL week of work!!! It was so cute and fun and best part.....I think I am going to get some photography work from coworkers so YAY for that!! It's sad how quickly the weekends FLY by now that I'm a full time working girl. I have a back to school shoot tonight that I am totally pumped about. They are twin girls that I shot a few months back for cheerleading and their momma contacted me again to do their school pics. :)

My BIG accomplishment for this weekend was putting on my big girl panties and getting a newborn shoot!!! I just put myself out there and it was completely worth it! She was excited, I'm excited....can't wait for the little bundle of joy to arrive next month! So all in all, it's been a great week/weekend. Just chugging along working and doing what I'm passionate about..photography in my free time.

I also wanted to post the beautiful couple session I did of my brother and his beautiful girlfriend when they were here a week ago.

I was surprised at what a good sport my brother was during this shoot...we all had such a good time....Have a great week everyone!! xo

20 August 2012

WOW!!! I'm finally BACK!!!

Well helllloooo my lovely peeps!!! Sorry for the MIA status....I've been a crazy busy bee!!! I had a family shoot, and immediately after my brother and his girlfriend arrived and stayed all last week with us. It was such a nice feeling to have a break from it all. I do need to post my session with one of the cutest. families. EVER, but I will hopefully get to that by the end of this week.

Things have changed here on my end and hopefully for the good. I am STILL DOING PHOTOGRAPHY....don't think that's what this is about...but I did take the plunge BACK into the world of working a full time job again. I haven't worked 'FULL TIME' in 5 1/2 years, so this is a huge adjustment for my whole family, but I think it's going to be good and I'm just going to take it a day at a time and see how it goes. I just feel like my kids are bigger now, obviously my shoots are usually in the evening anyway, I will be on the same schedule as my kids and I'm off ALL SUMMER, so I think it will work perfectly!!!

I'm majorly excited...I have 2 shoots coming up this weekend... a family shoot and then a Back to School Mini Session so it should be a fun filled weekend! Now I'm just trying to get adjusted to my new schedule, catch up on some editing (ohhh I have an AWESOME couple shoot to share as well), catch up on blogging, etc.

That's all for now...I just wanted to check in so everyone knew I was still alive....alive and a working girl...Woo HOO!!! Have a fabulous week! xo

08 August 2012

Happier Day!

Hellooo my lovelies!!! So after yesterday's terrible turn of events, I woke up refreshed and ready to start a new day! I actually ended the day last night doing some test shots at some new locations of my kiddos for an upcoming family shoot this Friday evening! I am totally pumped about the location, the family....just about every. little. thing. in. general.

Happy...O.K....thrilled to report that I have at least 4 sessions booked this month and directly put myself out there to a few different peeps this week. Big stuff for little ole insecure me! ;)  Baby steps..baby steps! So we will sit back and see what comes of those connections.

I have also sat and been re-reading my lessons from my course I took a few months ago. It feels really good to get a 'refresher'. Puts everything back into perspective.  Next week I will probably be MIA...yep, my brother and the little girlfriend get here in 5 days...that's right 5 days...I can hardly wait! So many fun things planned while he's here so I will be a busy little bee this weekend trying to get as much of my editing done from Friday's shoot as possible.

I did receive one of the phone calls I was waiting on so now we will see what happens from here...so cryptic aren't I?? hmmm....I hope everyone has a great Thursday and just think...it's ALMOST Friday! xo

Here are a few of my shots to leave you with ....:)

07 August 2012

Please don't turn away....

I had such good intentions of this being a super upbeat post but unfortunately this morning I witnessed something that honestly I think has changed me forever. It was just a normal morning, just before 9 AM and I was just leaving the gym feeling pretty happy. I had just run into an old acquaintance and got to talking and told her about my photography. She was all excited about it and I had just got back from grabbing her a business card. So of course I'm in my own happy little bubble when all of a sudden I'm walking to the parking lot, a mini van drives by, the passenger door opens and out flies a young girl. She whacks her head HARD on the ground and comes inches from getting run over by the back wheel. Another guy is walking near me at the same time, so he runs up to get her and she's screaming and crying 'Please help me, he's hurting me', I proceed to call the police. The driver of course leaves.

So many emotions go thru you during something like this.  Anger, fear, sadness, hopelessness....just a whole array of feelings. I just couldn't believe it was happening. We got her inside the clubhouse and I proceeded to talk to the police.  Turns out she was 17, was in an argument with her DAD in the car about not being ready to go to school yet, he was angry and started hurting her, and she got away by jumping out of the car while it was moving. Now, I know a lot of people these days think that kids do stuff like this to get their parents in trouble. I'm telling you, seeing her, hearing her, looking in her eyes....I was terrified for her and I knew she was terrified. This wasn't 'I'm not getting my way so I'm going to do something to get my parent in trouble'. There were definite issues in this family. I have not stopped thinking about her since they took her to the hospital. I can still see her sweet face with the look of pure panic and fear in her eyes. I hope that me being there helped her in some way. I know if one of my children were in trouble I would hope a stranger would come forward and help, not just stand by and watch.

Who really knows what happened in that car. All I know is what I saw was something I never want to see again, I never want anyone to have to feel so scared that they have to jump out of a moving car, I never want anyone to have to go thru any of it. So I guess for me, it really opened my eyes to how extremely precious and innocent our kids are, no matter how old or young they are. Yes, we all get angry with our kids but no one should ever cross that line. All I want now is peace and safety for that young girl and my own kids to come home from school so I can squeeze the beejeezus out of them!!!! Thanks for listening to a not very upbeat post, but an important one, nonetheless.....xo

03 August 2012


WOW! I just straight up STINK at keeping up with this!!! It's hard to believe it's been a week since my last post, but yep, it has! In my defense, (because you're all judging, right..lol) it was my kiddos first week back to school. They actually started back on Wednesday so Monday and Tuesday were dedicated to getting them all ready for that.

I did manage to get some things accomplished business wise. I booked a couple sessions for this month, so I'm wayyyyy EXCITED about that, I put together a flier for some sessions that I'm offering, got a lot of editing done, found some new fun photography items.....so all in all PRODUCTIVE. (hey and this all happened with 3 STRAIGHT days of a KILLER throbbing, rip my head off...HEADACHE!!!) Yuck to that!

Other than that, I'm getting completely pumped about my brother and his girlfriend coming! They get here in 10 days!!! oh, and there is a photo shoot in the work there too...stay tuned!!! ;)  I'm kind of nervous, have some possible changes brewing and keeping fingers and toes crossed that I hear something next week before I go CRAZY!! (no, we are NOT moving...LOL)

I hope you all have a fabulous and FUN weekend!!!! I'll leave you with some fun back to school pics....xo