13 January 2014

2014 Goals!!

Ok, let's face it....resolutions are HARD to keep! So I've decided that this year I am putting together a list of goals (realistic goals, not ones that I soooo wish I could do, but there isn't a chance 'in you know what' they could happen)

So here it is, my FIRST EVER list of GOALS!!!!!!!!!

  • to work out at least 4 days a week
  • to take Hayley to yoga at least once a week in hopes of lessening her pain
  •  to get a full time office job (yes it stinks, but yes it is necessary and I almost feel like I am    ready for that portion of my life again) check back in 6 months if I have one to see if I am still feeling that way! ;) LOL
  •  to try and enjoy every moment of every day no matter how much crap gets thrown at us and for those who know us it's been a rough year and a half
  • to get out and just shoot, shoot whatever I see and really feel
  • to work on building everlasting friendships in our new location
  • to get to the beach at LEAST once this summer, hopefully more!
  • to enjoy the imperfect in photography
  • to be myself and NOT worry if I’m not like other photographers, not as good, not as experienced etc., just worry about MY work and what I'm doing as a photographer
  • to work hard at paying off the debt we incurred from this last year of hell
  • to pick up some more odds and ends for my office space
  • to be happy with myself and comfortable in my own skin, not compare myself to so and so or so and so who is so much 'younger, thinner, prettier' etc.
  • to do more reading for enjoyment
  • to paint/remodel at least 2 of the 3 bathrooms that need to be finished
Phew this was a MUCH bigger list than I anticipated but I think it's all achievable so I'm pumped 
to get started on it. :)   

Here's to a HAPPY 2014!!!! (I would say healthy but as some of you know my daughter is 
having some health issues so I already shot that down for this year, but hey I guess we could 
hope that the rest of the family stays healthy!!) ;) 

 What goals/resolutions do you have?? XO

And because this girl ALWAYS inspires my photography......


11 January 2014

Happy 2014!!!

WOW! Wow is all I can say to how unbelievably BEHIND I am on this site!!! Ugh! Happy New Year to all of you lovelies!!! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season with your loved ones. I swear December FLEW by, like seriously I blinked and it was over. It seems the older we get the quicker the time just goes by. Well enough about that!! We had a crazy busy holiday season and truly enjoyed every moment of doing some new things here on the East Coast. We took the kids to Hershey Park for their Christmas celebration and had an absolute BLAST! Loved every minute of making memories there. We got to start a new tradition with my sister's family and my bestie and her new 'growing' family of doing a holiday fondue gift exchange, so I'm really looking forward to that for the years to come. SNOW, let's talk about SNOW!

We had a few different snowfalls and what did that mean? That meant this girl was going to have to SHOVEL our not so small driveway (sometimes twice in one day)!!!! 4 TIMES, 4 TIMES and one of those was pure ice!!!! grrrrrrr to shoveling!!!! It looks beautiful but past that I don't want to deal with it! The kids really had fun getting to play in the snow and I even got to experiment with my first snow shoot with my live-in model!! ;)

And here's a few of my very first Snow Shoot!!

As for 2014, there are lots of changes coming. I've had lots of time to think about my photography. Lots of time to really get to appreciate the fact that EACH and EVERY photographer is different and what one photographer is good at, another may not be.  I know what I am good at and where I'm strongest at photography wise, so I have decided to take the winter months off. I'm so used to being able to do photography outside 365 days a year so this is very different for me. I personally am not a photographer who likes to use back drops for my shoots. There's nothing wrong with them for those who do, it's just a personal preference. I LOVE the look of natural, outdoor photos and that's what I'm going to focus on. There's always an exception and that of course is newborns, boudoir shoots, and families who would love to have an outdoor winter type shoot.

In my photography I am hoping that 2014 is as good to me as 2013 was. I met so many amazing new clients, got to meet up with some old friends and made lots of new ones. I can't wait to get to capture some new memories of your families this year!!! Thank you for all the wonderful referrals, they mean the world to me!!! I am starting to book for spring & summer now so if you are interested please message me so I can get you on the books. XO