07 February 2021

C & C

 Well here we are a couple days late, but
better late than NEVER!! ;)
So let's not waste any more time.
Grab your coffee and let's CATCH up!!!

1.    Stella. The never ending story. LOL  Well girlfriend did NOT last at the in-law's house. Unfortunately their dog seriously has "only child syndrome" and was NOT having her. It just wasn't a good situation for either dog, but like always......the silver lining....
That bitch is a legit rags to riches story!!! She went to a couple that is a friend of a friend to my mother-in-law. Girlfriend hit the JACKPOT!!! A dog's dream. Fluffy bed, diva collar, new cushy crate, toys, sitting on the couch, vet appt, grooming appt...the WHOLE nine yards. I'm super happy for her. The whole situation is better all around and you can tell how much her new owners LOVE her!!!

2.    First week back to work = HELL.  I had a rough week. FriYAY couldn't come quick enough. The wine was flowing and will continue to flow thru Sunday night. There really isn't much more to say. I'm trying to get myself in the right mindset so week 2 is BETTER. This quote is on a loop in my mind. ;)

3.    I recently did a shoot with an absolutely gorgeous soul inside & out. I am going to blog her whole session next week. We had so much fun and I got to apply a lot of what I have been learning so that was awesome. I have a senior shoot today with a special student of mine so you will be seeing her beautiful face on here soon as well.

4.    We got our first Covid vaccine and it was easy peasy, however my freaking arm has been ACHING!! Like couldn't work out the next day, can't lay on it, can only lift it so high. Ugh. Hopefully it's 100% by Monday. It's done and over so I'm happy about that. Second one is next month. Fingers crossed no symptoms.

5.    At the time I am writing this, that special guy I'm married to is planning our Valentine's celebration for this weekend instead of next weekend. I'm not sure what he has up his sleeve but he never disappoints so I'll update you next week on the deets. It's a two part date...LOL not sure what that means!!!

That's all for this week. 
It was a crazy busy work week,
so I'm hoping next week is a little less
anxiety ridden and that my mindset isn't a shit show. 🤦
Have a fabulous super bowl weekend (if that's your jam)
As you all know this prissy chick is NOT a sports girl but
I'm definitely supportive of what my love enjoys
so I'll be watching too!!!

03 February 2021

Italian Picnic "Under the Stars"

 Happy Hump Day loves!!
On the C & C post last week I mentioned that I had done
LEGIT, one of my BEST at home date nights.......EVER!!!
So if you are new to this space
I absolutely LOVE at home dates!!!!
To me it's so much more intimate.
You can talk, you can HEAR each other talk,
no mask required and honestly it's just good QUALITY time together.
Let's face it.
Here is a typical "regular" date night:
Out to dinner
Have a few cocktails
Someone is on their phone 
(or maybe you are lucky and neither of you are)
It's loud in the restaurant
You can't really focus because people watching is at an all time
effing HIGH. (hey I'm not judging..I LOVE peep watching)
Oh look you are done eating and drinking.
"What do you want to do now?"
"Oh, I don't know, You?"
"I don't know."
"Ok, let's just go home."
Get home, jammies on, face washed, date OVER.
Like WTF!!!???
That gets a HUGE fuck NO!!
Now before you go giving me the excuse I have a baby, I have 
little kids, I have big kids...STOP right there!
Guess what, I had babies, I had little kids, and now I have a teenager!
I have done at home date nights forever they just have
gotten much more over the top because
I have someone who appreciates all my effort 
and thinks outside of the box as much as me!!!
Honestly, you don't have to go as elaborate as the one I'm blogging about today.
It could be as simple as cook a dinner together, turn on music, light some candles, phones away, dance in the kitchen, have great conversation and end with some amazing sex.
However there ARE some details that do need to happen.
Don't start rolling your eyes because I see you and I hear you.
Get dressed up.
Put the fucking makeup on.
Do the hair.
If you are a lash girl...put the lashes on.
For the love of god, put the fucking heels on!!!!
I can already see the faces I am getting.
It takes effort to keep a relationship alive. 
Do NOT become roommates, do NOT get so comfortable you no longer get pretty.
Do NOT coexist.
Don't even try to tell me that you didn't get all dolled up in the beginning!!!
I would call you a flat out lying whore! 
(whore is said as a term of endearment so don't bother getting sensitive)
Ok I'll get off my soap box! 
If you need more at home date inspiration...there are others on this blog!!
For this date I decided I wanted to create an Italian Picnic "Under the Stars" 
complete with an "outdoor black and white Italian movie".
I set the scene by layering the floor with blankets
(my bony ass needed some padding)
All around the perimeter of the area I put out some of our beautiful greenery from the wedding.
(our decor may have been the best money we spent because I have
been using the hell out of it!)
I draped twinkle light along the back wall and had random
twinkle light bottles around. (to emulate the stars...hellloooo)
There was a menu board that featured the picnic food and the feature film.
I used our real picnic basket and had it packed as if we were not able to walk into our
kitchen and get whatever we needed.
It went perfect!
The whole night was AMAZING!
He was soooo surprised.
We both LOVED the movie we watched.
It was just a perfect date night.
And we never left our home.
We were decked out, but I had my shoes off because
I am a lady at a picnic.
So there ya go.
The set up and take down did NOT take long.
It was sooooo worth it.
All of the pics I am posting are crappy cell phone pictures
so I apologize for that!!! 
But it gives you the idea of how it looked!!!

Again, you don't have to go to this extreme, but I promise you
if you start dating at home you will LOVE it.
So stop sitting there scrolling your feed and start planning something 
for this weekend.
Let me know what you end up coming up with!!!
I will be back on Thursday with C & C!!
Have a fabulous day!!!