21 April 2016

Coffee Talk!!

Is it FRIDAY yet??!!!! Hellooo my loves!!!

3 Random Thoughts:

1 - This week is seriously FLYING by and I am forever grateful because last weekend was a SERIOUS whirlwind! Like I needed to sleep for 48 hours straight whirlwind. I had back to back shoots, then a little birthday celebration time with one of my oldest friends, shopping, quality time with my mini and lots of stuff in between. I will say, I had some CRAZY fun shoots! (imagine a unicorn....um hellllloooo, I can't EVEN!) So now I am on the editing frenzy, but it's all good because I am FINALLY at a place where I am not stressed beyond BELIEF with life! Holla to that!

oh and because you TRULY need to see and appreciate the unicorn...here ya go. You're Welcome.

2 - I just started a new book this week and am really loving it. Super easy read, a lot of humor and a really good perspective on life. I highly recommend it if you are on the market for something new to read. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. I love when I start reading a book and I don't want to put it down! It's such a nice change to just be living for ME! No one else! Just ME and my little family!

3 - Speaking of living for ME!! My whole new outlook and motto for life is SIMPLIFY!!! This last week has really been a week of reflecting. Reflecting about what is TRULY important in life, what I enjoy doing, what I want to spend my time doing, who I want to spend it with etc. It is a seriously SHORT ride on this roller coaster called life. I for one do NOT want to have regrets. No regrets that I didn't spend time with my husband or kids, that I worked too much, that I didn't relax enough, that I was too busy....you get the idea. I sit and watch social media and see this one or that one doing sooo much more, living in a fabulous place, having a fancy house, keeping their shit together and then I think 'hmmm...this is just what I see on SOCIAL MEDIA....is it reality?' Hell, maybe it is, maybe life is really that perfect ALL. OF. THE. TIME.  Life is NOT perfect. No one is PERFECT. Everyone has days where they test each other's patience. No matter how much this funny farm drives me bonkers all I know is I want to know that I enjoyed EVERY moment with them, the good, the bad and the ugly. I never want to say I was toooo busy making something of myself I missed out on them. For anyone who is afraid of 40, I just have to be honest....this is my year of truth. I feel like I FINALLY know who I am. Embrace it...the best is yet to come! (please excuse the bad language....it was a HOT topic moment!!! LOL)

Have a absolutely FABULOUS weekend!! Get out and enjoy the beautiful weather!!! XO

14 April 2016

Coffee Talk!!

The drill:

Hugs, kisses, grab your coffee, sit down and start the gab sesh!!!

4 Random Thoughts:

1 - Ohhhh Spring you FINALLY decided to arrive and your beauty is making my heart go pitter patter!!! Flowers are sprouting up on our trees and that equals PURE happiness!!! (It's about time, damn it....we will ignore last weekend's RIDIC weather)

2 - This beautiful weather is JUST in time for 5 shoots that I have this weekend!!!! Everything from communion, senior pics, to cake smashes and engagement! It should be a BLAST!!! Get ready for some sneak peek ACTION!

3 - It's exactly 2 WEEKS until the BIG 4 0!!! I am PUMPED!!! I never in a MILLION TRILLION years thought I would welcome this milestone with open arms, but I think it's pretty kick ASS that I am in the BEST shape I have ever been in!  Can NOT wait for our little getaway weekend with the bestie!!!

4 - Meditation is STILL happening....shocked? Yeah, I know...me TOOOO!!!  Seriously, I really am loving it. So many things in my life are much more in perspective after these last few weeks and it feels really good!

07 April 2016

Coffee Talk!

Helllooo Helllooo Hellllooo!!!! Get that coffee and let's DO this!!!

5 Random Thoughts:

1 - Anyone who knows where Spring is, let her know I am looking for her and am pretty OVER the fact that douche bag Winter is still here!!! Just sayin! Seriously...PULEEZE bring the warmer temps to us....please!

2 - Is there such a thing as being a Renewed Soul? Um, because I for REAL feel like one!!! I feel like I am finally getting my S*%t together and the internal me is at such PEACE! So many things are being prioritized and put into the right perspective and my focus is where it needs to be. Happy, Healthy, Relaxed....a new me. I can seriously get used to this girl!!! ;) A HUGE weight was lifted when I cleared my computer of ALL of the sessions that I had left to edit for friends and family from all the way back to LAST year.....RIDIC! It's a clean slate and I'm ready for a new view of my life...the scaled down, not crammed, simpler view.....so far it's BEAUTIFUL!

3 - My next challenge group is starting up on Monday, April 11th and I am super stoked for these new peeps! I am LOVING all of the messages I am receiving about how excited they are to start a new journey! How lucky am I to have challengers from down under as well as from Canada!!??? Seriously?? I LOVE getting to help people! It's crazy to think how far I have come with this coaching gig in just ONE year!!!

4 - Well I took my first shot at meditation the past 2 nights and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised!!! Here are my takeaways:

  •  I really enjoyed the peace and tranquility of it all
  • One thing I was truly surprised at was how easy it really was for me to clear my mind. I had visions of thinking of all the crap I have to do running through my head I figured it would be a HUGE fail!
  • 5 minutes was a PERFECT starting time. I have read a lot about not putting too much pressure on yourself with high expectations....yep 5 was the magic number...for now at least!
  • I don't know if I believed that I would feel any different after BUT I did! I was really relaxed. I'm choosing to do mine at night before bed. I start my day full of energy and getting my workout in, so ending it this way just seems right. 
To sum it up, if you are thinking of trying it, I would highly suggest it. Anything that is helping center you and make you feel better on the inside and out is NOT a bad thing, no matter what the haters in your life think!

5 - Wish me luck...I have my very FIRST ever dermatologist appt this Friday! I have NEVER in my life had any of my moles checked so since this is my oober healthy 40 month I'm doing it!!! Fingers crossed!!!

Ok that's it. Love, Health and Happiness...if you don't have it....go GET it!!!! XO

01 April 2016

Brussel Sprout & Balsamic Drizzle Pizza

OMG!!!! There are no words, absolutely NO words to truly describe how DELISH this pizza was!!!! As soon as I laid my eyes on it I knew this recipe was going to be LOVE at first BITE!!!! If you are a brussel sprout lover or if you have been wanting to try them (ya know the new way instead of the boiled mush way we all grew up on) definitely give this a taste!!! It was pretty simple to throw together and the balsamic drizzle is what ABSOLUTELY makes this divine! It is just the finishing touch it needs!!! Sooooo get ready for your taste buds to SCREAM with happiness! Kiddos agreed that it was AH-MAZING!!!  Let me know how you like it!!! XO


1/2 cup of Balsamic Vinegar
1 Tbsp Honey
Dash of Sea Salt

Add the ingredients to a small saucepan.

Bring the mixture to a boil then reduce the heat to medium low and simmer for 6 to 8 minutes or until it has reduced to about 3 tbsps and is a thick, syrupy consistency. (mine actually had to simmer more like 10 - 12, so just keep an eye on it)



1 pizza dough (I used a thin wheat dough)
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 lb brussel sprouts (trim the ends, and peel the leaves off)
1/2 yellow onion (sliced thin)
2 cloves of garlic minced
Sea Salt & Ground Pepper to taste
1/2 cup shredded Parmesan (I splurged and got the Parmigiano Reggiano, but regular shredded Parm would be fine)
1/2 cup part skim Ricotta Cheese
Balsamic Drizzle

1. Preheat oven to 450

2. In large skillet on medium high, heat the tbsp of olive oil until it's hot

3. Add the thinly sliced onion into a single layer

4. Season the onion with sea salt and pepper and saute for 5 - 7 minutes or until soft and carmelized.

5. Add in the minced garlic and brussel sprout leaves and saute another 2 to 3 minutes or until the leaves have softened.

6. Remove mixture and set aside.

7. Brush the top of pizza dough with olive oil and sprinkle sea salt and pepper.

8. Sprinkle 1/4 cup of shredded parmesan on top and then spread brussel sprout mixture evenly all over the top of the pizza

9. Sprinkle the remaining 1/4 cup of shredded parmesan and then place dollops of ricotta all over. (I am a HUGE ricotta fan, so do to your personal preference)

10. Bake the pizza for 12 - 15 minutes or until cheese is melted and golden. (in the middle of cooking I did take the back of a spoon and press it into the ricotta clumps to kind of flatten them a bit)

11. Remove from oven and drizzle with the balsamic glaze! VOILA!!