31 January 2013

The Goodmans!!

I am excited to post this session because this family was one of my very first REPEAT clients (excluding my friends) and they came back to me a couple times and each time was more FUN than the last!! It's always such an unexplainable, amazing feeling when strangers have such a good experience and are so happy with the end results that they book you for future shoots. :)  I was scheduled to do the girls' First Communion in May so you can imagine how HEARTBROKEN I was that I am not going to be here for it. :( This family oozes love and you can see it between Mom and Dad and even the girls (they may or may not have done a shot with them chocking each other...don't judge...they were just keeping it real!). Oh and these girls can keep you laughing that is. for. sure!!! Thank you Goodman family for coming back to me and letting me share what I LOVE to do, capture memories.

Here was my morning with the Goodmans back in November! It was my first time meeting Dad and he was just as laid back as the rest of them!!! Thanks for being such good sports and for believing in my work!!!! xo

15 January 2013

Moving right along....

Hi my lovelies!! I figured I would take a break from catching up on my photo shoot postings and do a little 'MOVE' update!!! So...here we go. Last week we headed out to PA on our house hunt trip. WOW!!! Relocating from Arizona to PA is seriously the equivalent of moving to CA!!!!!! That is how opposite the markets are!!!!  We saw probably 20 + houses that we thought were GREAT, PERFECT, BEAUTIFUL on line....only to show up and be sadly sadly disappointed. People just DO. NOT. CARE. ABOUT. THEIR. HOMES!!! Not one little bit. It was to the point of GROSS in some of them. LOL. I guess I just don't get that because I LOVE LOVE LOVE our house and am so proud of it!

It was seriously discouraging so that first night after being completely deflated, exhausted physically and mentally, we met up with 2 people we just absolutely adore. My beautiful sister and her super cool hubby! These two are a definite POSITIVE aspect to a hard move to make. umm...and hellloooo babies in the FUTURE = photo shoots for me!!! YAY! ;)

We had a great night catching up with them, laughing and enjoying yummy food!!! Thanks Sam & Willy for making the drive to meet us!! Love you guys!

So after a fun night and some attitude adjusting, we set out the next morning bright and early and ready to face a new day of house hunt madness.  Unfortunately it was pretty much the SAME sad sob story as the day previous EXCEPT for one little gem that still has my heart pitter pattering, but more on that later! ;) I'll spare you the details of the roller coaster ride of emotions that day was full of but it ended with a greatly anticipated dinner with my childhood bestie and her hubby.  (This is going to sound soooo NOT Melanie, but that day was such an array of emotions that I didn't even take a pic of me and Amie!! What the!!??) Anyway, after another night of rest and attitude adjustment, the last day went well. My dad drove out to meet us for breakfast and then he was going to walk thur our 'favorites' as well as one other new one. To say he got a 'taste' of what we saw on Tues and Wed was putting it mildly!!! LOL

After 3 days of non stop house shopping we decided after he left that we were going to drive around and see where everything is. A girl has to know where the wine grocery store is, right??!! ;)  I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked the area, which is a happy feeling for a girl who is NOT the happiest about leaving my beloved Arizona! We saw some really pretty areas.

We ended the night/trip with dinner at an adorable little restaurant near the little Main Street and it couldn't have ended any better than sitting down with a glass of wine and getting a call that there was an OFFER on our house in Arizona!!! Woo Hoo!!!!! Yep, total happy dance that our house sold in 1 WEEK!!! So even if we are homeless, the relief that we sold our house far outweighs the homeless factor!

So long story short...we STILL don't have a house but my fingers are crossed that something BIG is going to happen this week so I'm remaining upbeat and trying to soak up every ounce of free time I have with all of my loves here in Arizona. 34 days and our time here will be over.

And our life will start a new chapter. xo

14 January 2013

The Hayes Family!!!

This sweet family holds a special place because precious little Aspen was my very. first. ever. NEWBORN. shoot!!! So, I was tickled pink when they contacted me to do their family pictures!!! Heck yeah...I am up for a family session with a sweet family and 3 adorable not to mention hilarious kiddos!!! Seriously, Jaxon makes me crack up each. and. every. time I see him and Chesni, who couldn't love that face!!??

We went to one of my favorite locations (well really, I haven't had a BAD location in my lovely Arizona....ohhh Arizona, I will MISS you!!!), the weather was PERFECT for holiday pics because it was a rare day that had a "chill" to it so no one was faking being dressed wintery!!! LOL   There were definite laughs and some very 'candid' moments!! Oh poor Chesni tumbling from big brother squeezing the jelly out of her!!!!! I totally heart sessions that just keep me laughing!!!!!

Here is the beautiful Hayes family!!!!

Thank you Hayes family for making me laugh soooo incredibly hard and for letting me capture some more beautiful memories for your family!!! XO

12 January 2013

A GORGEOUS Location!!

I'm BBBBAAACCCKKK!!!!! Ugh...I seriously need to stop doing the LONG breaks in between posts, but life here is major CRAZY right now!!!! This moving business is for the birds!!!! But here I am trying to get some old sessions posted and I am majorly happy to post this amazing family.

I have know the McGee/Garcia family now for hmmm....3 to 4 years I think and there is no sweeter, kinder, more loving family out there. I was lucky enough to do their pictures last year and even more lucky to have MORE experience under my belt this year that the pictures BLOW. AWAY. LAST. YEARS!!!! Like embarrassingly blow away!!! LOL! However photography is an ongoing learning process and I am thrilled with how much I have grown in the past year. It was an even better shoot because the location was STUNNING and private and not only did I have the parents and one of my besties, Shawna and her family but I had her brother and his beautiful family as well.

This shoot was full of exercise, fun and non stop LAUGHS!!! All of the ingredients for a successful shoot!!! So without any further hesitation and blabbing here is the GORGEOUS  McGee/Garcia Family shoot!!!!

I LOVE Grandma's expression looking at her grandchildren...xo

One of my favs!!!

This is a couple I aspire to be like...their love is sooo genuine, I could watch them ALL. DAY!

Seriously...she is a STUNNING lady!!!

Mom, Dad and their beautiful kids!!!

Thank you McGee/Garcia Family for making this such a memorable shoot!!! You are soooo very dear to us and we will MISS you immensely!!!!! xo