27 July 2012

It's Been a Good Week!!

TGIF!!! Oh, this week has been very full and busy, but I got soooo much done, photography wise. Caught up on editing, organizing files, networking with other photogs and the most exciting of all......a couple different possible opportunities that I may get booked. (fingers, toes and anything else crossed) Two of them I think are for sure which has me tickled pink (pink because YAY one of them is for newborn girl!)......HA! I also got a few different messages from previous clients that just melted my heart and took me by surprise. You know when you don't feel like you made any kind of impression on someone and then out of the blue you get a message telling you just how happy they were with your work??!! That's what happened!! Yippee!!! So she was writing to tell me that she referred me to someone because she thought I did such a fantastic job with her daughter's pictures. Knock me over with a feather. Top that off with Monica of the Monica and Sanjay post prior to this post, messaged me to tell me that they LOVED their photos and were having a canvas made as well as an Arizona scrapbook....aww....sweetness!

I think that is what is most fulfilling with this job! Hearing just how happy you made someone by the photos you took of them. I LOVE to make people happy thru my work.  Between all that busyness I did manage to grab the kids and take them out for a little shoot BEFORE Hayley got her braces (today). We had an all around fun day and I was thrilled to have 'cooperative' subjects!!!  How was your week!!??? Have a FANTASTIC weekend!!! I'm off to enjoy the family and TRY to stay off this computer for the rest of the weekend. I'll leave you with some of the shots I got with the kiddos on our last shoot....XO

25 July 2012

The Beautiful Monica and Sanjay!!!

I could NOT wait to post this shoot! Monica and Sanjay had contacted me back in April to do a shoot with them, but our schedules would just not mesh together, no matter how hard we tried. Luckily Monica contacted me AGAIN and wanted to get in ASAP because they were moving back to Detroit July 19th!!!! I was really sweating it whether this shoot would really happen or not. The day we scheduled it for..yep, MONSOON hit!! Beee-u-ti-ful!!!! So I watched the 10 o'clock news like a crazy woman that night and sure as 'you know what', they were calling for more monsoon weather the next evening so if this shoot was going to happen it would have to be the morning.

The next morning I met the beautiful couple, loaded up in the car together and started hitting our locations! I have to say, they were SUCH good sports! First off it was soooo HOT, ugh, like shoot.me.dead. HOT!!!! However hot or not...we ended up with some great shots and had fun while we were at it!

They are such an amazing couple

He is sooo crazy about her and is NOT afraid to show it!

I just LOVED how easy going and fun they were...

They totally rocked this shoot!

Thank you so much Monica and Sanjay for a fabulous time and an even more fabulous shoot!!!! xo

24 July 2012

My NEW Photography Work Space!!

So after getting over my sad, lame, pity party for 1 last week, I am refreshed, energized and have a whole new outlook!!! Yes Sireeeee...I DO! 

Here we are onto a NEW week with a better attitude...however, I do have a question...they say imitation is the biggest form of flattery, but I'm starting to doubt that 'ole saying....does anyone else get annoyed/upset when this occurs??  ok and doesn't just occur once, but now. occurs. all. the. time so I don't feel like I'm overreacting, but it's kind of like they hide it and then I see something about it on good old facebook. You know the go to for all important matters!! LOL

I am now getting off my soap box and getting to the very important point of this post which is I FINALLY have my own photography work space and I couldn't be happier!!! There is still a lot I want to do, but it's a start and I LOVE it!!!

Camera I picked up in an Antique Store in NY

My Polaroid find from last week!

Another one from NY

My pen holder thanks to winning my sister's beautiful table arrangement at her wedding! :)

Memo board above my desk

my desk and 'new' chair!!

It's crazy how an organized, designated space makes your day go smoother!!!! Happy rest of the week!! xo

18 July 2012

Just plugging along....

So I feel like I haven't been on here in forever, though it's ONLY been a week! Life is getting crazy with back to school coming up sooooo quickly!!! Whew...hard to believe they start August 1st!! What the??? Anyway, I've been caught up with that, editing a couple shoots and just reflecting on everything.

It's hard because when I have 'down' time it, it gives me the just the time I need to start doubting my work, comparing my work, having negative convos in my head (yes, with myself!) ;), thinking I will never get another shoot, yada yada yada! Ugh. I don't know why that is what occurs, but yep, it does! It may be because it's such a HIGHLY saturated field and there is competition EVERYWHERE!!!

I know I have to stop it so I am trying to make a real effort at being more positive and confident in my work but it's a definite struggle. I have never been the type of girl who just exudes confidence and self promotion. There is a HUGE part of me that would adore becoming friends with a photographer out here. I have built many relationships with absolutely phenomenal photographers all over the world and I treasure each of them. I know I can bounce ideas off of them, bug them with questions, get info on equipment, business etc.  I guess I fear that it's all. a. cut. throat. competitive. market out here and that makes me sad but I suppose that is just reality and we all know REALITY BITES!!! ;)

The real deal is that each and every photographer has something different that they bring to the table. A different style, a different photographic vision, different creative minds etc. and no one photographer is better than another. Boy, being a grown up, is rough! (This is like being on the playground when you're little and trying to fit in, except everyone is BIGGER, OLDER, LOUDER and MORE INTENSE)
Do any other photogs out there have these crazy zany feelings or am I the only weirdo???!!!!

Onto happy things...I scored an adorable vintage drop leaf table that I am using as my new photography desk. I was big time. needing. my. own. space for all of my work stuff so slowly I am creating my little area and completely LOVING it!!! I still have a lot more that I want to add to my space like some canvas prints of some of my work, but for now it works perfectly. Another happy for the week is I did book another shoot for next week that I am pretty excited about! So that means I need to get my butt editing and stop having a pity party for myself! Thanks for listening to the rambling! Have an amazing rest of the week!!! xo

My new favorite pic of me and my little 'mini me!'

Sparklers from our vacation this summer!

11 July 2012

A Surreal Feeling...

To say that yesterday was an all around spectacular day would be putting it lightly!! I received wonderful news at 8 am, FINALLY getting answers to what we have been waiting for and to stop us from living in limbo. Seriously, I could handle. no. more. limbo. Yes, we would be staying in ARIZONA!!! No moving for us, which I have to say was a huge relief. Obviously I would do what I had to do but my heart is in Arizona. Ok, check that off our list....answers to life. That would have been enough to make my day fabulous, but no I was lucky enough to top that.

I was searching the web in between my wedding photo editing and decided to take a peek and see if the website that I had done photos for over a month or so ago was up and running yet. Ohhhh the feeling when I clicked on that site and there they were....MY PICTURES!! Little 'ole me!!! The only word to describe it was surreal and yes, I realize that is very lame, but to me it was pure excitement. I can not WAIT to reveal the website, but she did ask that I wait until this Sunday because she is still adding information/products/pictures. I have soooo far to go with my photography but this definitely gives me encouragement and oomph that I may just be getting a little better and that is such an overwhelming feeling!!!! :)

Have a wonderful hump day...Friday is almost here! xo
Here are some photos of me in action courtesy of my lovely photog friend Lisa Ceaser of Lisa Ceaser Photography!! I'm so grateful for these pictures...thank you for capturing these for me!