18 January 2017

My First Try at Eggplant Parmesan!!

Hello lovelies! Sooooo I am trying really hard to continuously add new recipes to our weekly meal rotation. I'm not ALWAYS successful because honestly I can get super LAZY especially now with the whole working full time gig. I haven't worked full time in oh I don't even KNOW how many years, but it's seriously NO JOKE! I'm trying to wrap my brain around how I did over 40 hours a week with 2 little ones AND traveled with my job....with NO FAMILY or help around! What the??!!! I guess back in the day I was super hero status! ;)

Anywhoooooo, back to the meal at hand! We had quite a few months of just not eating so "good". Ok, let's be honest, we ate like complete shit because we were in the middle of moving, then we moved, then we were getting acclimated, then the day to day life happened, well this list could go ON & ON. Needless to say, lots of bad choices, tighter pants and a pool and hot tub on the horizon have kicked our booties into HIGH gear! I am totally getting back on track and I already feel soooooo much BETTER not only physically, but mentally.

Working out and eating better really balance me out and I totally appreciate it and acknowledge it! I'm not someone who believes you have to go out and spend freaking TONS of money on all the trendiest & "healthiest" foods out there because let's be real.....it can get EXPENSIVE and peeps have bills to pay. I truly believe you can eat good and still maintain a budget. No maybe you won't have the fanciest new item out there, but as long as you aren't eating a bunch of processed CRAP, you are going to be OK, trust me!

I have always wanted to give eggplant parmesan a try but never had the nerve and figured it would be WAYYYYY too much work. (That's the other thing about me...I love GOOD food, that's good for ME, but I want it to be QUICK and EASY to make....what...too much too ask?!) I started really searching for recipes that I thought would fit what I'm looking for and modifying what I needed to, to work for our family. Finally I found the PERFECT fit!

Now since I have never made eggplant parm before, all the research I did all SUGGESTED you salt your eggplant prior to preparing to draw out the liquid and make it less spongy. It definitely worked, you could actually see the liquid on the tops when I salted them and let them sit. (unfortunately, I sucked and did NOT get a pic of that for you to see....SORRY...I'm back to rookie status with this blog biz! LOL)

Here it is....


1 large eggplant sliced into about 1/2" thick rounds
2 large eggs
2/3 cup plain panko bread crumbs
2 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried basil
1 tsp garlic powder
salt & pepper to taste
cooking spray
Pasta sauce (whether that is homemade or one you just happen to love)
8 oz fresh mozzarella sliced thin (I used shredded because I didn't have the fresh and was wayyyyy tooo lazy to run out or let it stop me from making the dinner, but next time FRESH it is!)
fresh basil - chopped up

1. Layer 2 baking sheets with paper towels and spread the eggplant pieces on them. Sprinkle salt liberally all over....do not be stingy with the salt, you want it to draw the liquid out. Let them sit at room temp for about 45 mins to an hour.

2. Take fresh paper towels and wipe the excess liquid from the tops and press to release any more liquid. Dry both sides and transfer to a plate. Wipe the trays down and cover with aluminum foil and spray the foil with cooking spray.
3. Preheat oven to 450. In a bowl beat the eggs. In a shallow dish or bowl combine the bread crumbs and spices.

4. Dip the eggplant into egg coating both sides and then press ONE side into the bread crumbs. (no need to coat both sides, save yourself some calories and bread crumbs) Put the eggplant on the sheet pan bread crumb side up.

5. When all of the eggplant slices are coated with the bread crumbs spray the tops with the cooking oil spray and bake until the eggplant crust is crispy (about 15 minutes give or take). Remove pans from oven top with a heaping tablespoon of whatever type of pasta sauce you are using, followed by a slice of the mozzarella, return the oven and bake until the cheese is melted. Top with fresh basil.

***I had sauce cooking in a pan on the stove while my eggplant was in the oven and penne pasta as well. I served the eggplant over the penne. YUM!!!!

That's it! Go ahead and try it!!!

Hoping to be back with Coffee Talk this week, but no promises....XO

03 January 2017

Kale & Gnocchi Soup!

Sooooo this recipe happened a couple nights ago and was a serious HUGE HIT!!! Score for me!!! The even better part of this beauty is that it's QUICK and SIMPLE to make so DOUBLE SCORE!!!  I am really focused on getting back to cooking healthy meals for my family that are easy (especially with working full time) so this will definitely be one of our keepers.  The other point to make is this recipe is vegan but no one knows any different, so you don't have to worry about it tasting all weird or better yet having no FLAVOR!


2 T - Olive Oil
1 medium onion, diced (I used purple)
2 medium carrots (I only had the little snacking carrots so I took a bunch of those and diced them up)
1 tsp - Salt
1/2 tsp - Red Pepper Flakes
1 clove garlic minced
48 oz - Vegetable Stock
1/8 tsp - Nutmeg
2 Bay Leaves
2 cups Unsweetened Almond Milk
4 cups chopped Kale
Salt & Pepper to taste

1 - Heat oil in pan over medium high heat. Saute onion, carrots, and salt until vegetables are soft

2 - While the vegetables are cooking, bring stock to a boil in a large soup pot.

3 - Add pepper flakes and garlic to the vegetable mixture and cook for about 30 seconds.

4 - Add vegetable mixture along with bay leaves to the stock pot.  Bring to a boil and then reduce to a simmer. Let simmer for about 8 mins or so.

5 - Add the almond milk and kale and continue to simmer for 5 minutes, stirring frequently.

6 - Add in the gnocchi. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes.

7 - Remove bay leaves and add salt & pepper to your taste.

Voila!!! That's it!!! Seriously DELISH! Give it a try on a cold winter's night and let me know how you like it!!! XO

01 January 2017

2017...Let's Do This!

Unbelievable.....like seriously UNBELIEVABLE that another year has gone and we are welcoming a new one!!! So as you know from the last 2 years I don't do "resolutions". My personal opinion is most of the time resolutions don't last more than a few couple months weeks so I like to work on myself and do more attainable things like GOALS!!! I just took a little peek back at last years goals and I can LEGIT say I'm pretty darn PROUD of myself!!! I really did accomplish a lot of them. Insert happy dance! (See last year's goals HERE)

Sooooo 2017 here are my personal GOALS for this year:

  • To continue my health & wellness journey with Beach Body. Whether I am helping a ton of people or just little old me, it doesn't matter. What matters is I am at an ALL time personal BEST in terms of feeling awesome on the inside as well as the out. There have been ups and downs on staying fully on track, but that's the beauty.....my journey, my life, my health → I get to do what's best for me!!!! Holla!! I know what I need to do to feel 100% and some days are easier than others, but either way....I GOT this!!!! 
  • To continue meal planning and cooking for my family. To keep experimenting with new recipes and sharing the successes on here with all of you lovelies! 
  • To pick up my big girl camera at LEAST. A. COUPLE. TIMES. A. MONTH!! Ugh. This is a carry over because capturing my own family is happening LESS and LESS. On the upside Santa brought me an ah-mazing Instax Mini camera which I am head over heels in LOVE with so that's helping capture more of the candid fun times!
  • To keep reading more personal development. I TRULY love the books I have read so far and I keep adding to my bath time & morning library as often as I can. It's crazy how uplifting something as little as a good book can make you feel.  :)
  • To do more weekend getaways with our family since time is TICKING away with our beloved little Hayley. Before we know it she will be gone, so I want to soak up every moment we can with her! 
  • To have as much out of town company as possible.....PEEPS from the East Coast....get on a plane and come see us!!!!
  • To just enjoy the here and now because it's NEVER guaranteed. 
That's basically it!!! I hope you all have a fantabulous 2017!!!! Remember if there is something you want to do....DO IT!!! Don't have the shoulda, coulda, woulda REGRETS....live, love and enjoy NOW!