21 January 2021

What's your Vision?

 Welcome Back!!! 

Now that we are all caught up on all the 
wedding hoopla, it's time to get back to reality.
So I know we are half way through January and we are ALL
ecstatic to be in a NEW YEAR (my thoughts on this later)
and if you have followed me for a while you know I don't do 
New Year's Resolutions.

I don't do resolutions because I feel like we all say the same thing:
"I'm going to lose weight."
"I'm going to workout more."
"I'm going to stop drinking wine." - um, I don't know who the HELL makes that resolution but it 
is definitely NOT me!!!
"I'm going to eat healthier"
"I'm going to be a better person"
"I'm going to stop talking like a sailor" - this is NOT me either. 

Anywhooooo, this list could go on and on
with all the things people say they are going to "do" in the new year.
Exactly why EVERY gym is packed in the beginning of January (well before covid life peeps)
So nope I don't bother with resolutions.
The last few years I have made a Vision Board.
If you don't know what a vision board is, basically think back to 
cutting pictures and words out of magazines and sticking them on poster boards, doors etc. LOL.
No seriously, I'm not joking.
Except, now there are super cute apps to make them on your phone, print them
and frame them so you can see your vision all the time 
front and center.

Here is what mine looks like this year:

💰 Pay off debt is front and center because it is one of the biggest things I am focusing on since having divorce debt these last couple of years. (yes, it's a real thing, and yes it SUCKS)
💕 Worthy and Clarity are my words for this year.
👠 40s and fabulous because I think women should know that they are NOT defined by their age and they can keep rocking it at ANY age. (hellllooo it's never too late & you are never too old)
🎙Keep building our couples podcast because it seriously gives us so much happiness to share our journey with other couples, it gives us even more time to spend together and to be honest, it's just freaking FUN!!!! If you haven't checked it out...go give it a LISTEN here
💪Keep working on my fitness and health because I feel sooooo much better inside and out. Getting to help people along the way is an added bonus! If you are interested in joining one of my challenge groups or finding out more info on what I'm doing, shoot me a message. I LOVE sharing! ;)
🧘Meditate more and keep doing all the self care - it has definitely helped my mindset. (I do need to get better at clearing my mind when I am doing it, but practice makes perfect)
🗣Learn Spanish - helllllooooo I can NOT be married to someone with the last name Estrada and only know how to say boogers, sleepy, and underwear. That's only going to get me by soooo FAR!! 😂
📸 I want to build my photography side biz back up. I haven't been shooting regularly and I MISS it. It's one of my creative outlets. I'm diving into some classes and refreshers and I'm loving it. (I have mini sessions offered right now. If you are interested in a session, message me! I would LOVE to capture some moments for YOU!)
👪 Family. No other explanation needed. They are my EVERYTHING! They support me, they keep me laughing. I LOVE LOVE LOVE our perfectly IMPERFECT blended family!!!
🍇 A HUGE dream I have is to go to Tuscany one day. (I'm realistic and know that isn't going to happen over night, but I like seeing it on my vision board as something I KNOW I will get to accomplish in my future) I did throw the idea out there to my hubby that I should turn 50 there because if I'm hitting that milestone I deserve to be eating pasta, chocolate, bread, cheese, and drunk on wine while in my dream location.....just sayin.
🌟Added a few of my fav quotes/reminders to keep me grounded and positive.

So there you go. That's my 2021 Vision Board.
I LOVE it!!!
What's on YOUR vision board for this year??

(Oh and because I mentioned it above, yes 2020 was ROUGH for most, BUT I still believe we will see some good come out of it.
We will look back at this time and appreciate the quality time we
spent with our loved ones. We will see it for what it was, something that happened to
all of us, and it wasn't ideal and it sucked balls, but we were able to adapt and overcome.
For many it made us slow down and really realize what is IMPORTANT. Enjoy
every moment of every day with those you love because you are not promised tomorrow.
End of soap box)

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