28 May 2015

Shrimp with Asparagus, Cherry Tomatoes & Goat Cheese

Welllll helloooo! As I said in my earlier coffee talk post this morning, I am LOVING getting to try some new recipes in the kitchen and this one did NOT disappoint! I am a HUGE shrimp & asparagus LOVER so this was seriously a dish made for ME! It got 5 stars from all the family EXCEPT the teenage daughter (um, she's hard to please these days so I don't TOTALLY count her rating because she HATES shrimp and doesn't like anything with ANY heat! LOL)

This was super quick and easy and it will DEFINITELY be in my rotation again! It could even be swapped out for chicken if you aren't a shrimp fan. Go ahead and whip this up and let me know what you think!!!


Whole grain penne
1 bag of shrimp
Mrs. Dash seasoning
1 tbsp of coconut oil (or olive oil)
a bunch of asparagus, chopped up
cherry tomatoes, halved (do this to your preference, I didn't use a whole container because we aren't all fans so I did maybe a quarter of the container)
garlic, minced (again, it's how much you like, I personally like to keep the Vampires away so I use quite a bit ;) )
Red pepper flakes (optional, I did put them in, but you can choose to omit them if you don't like heat)
Lemon juice
Crumbled goat cheese

1- Remove the shells and/or tails from the shrimp and season with a large pinch of Mrs. Dash seasoning

2 - Cook the penne according to the package

3 - While the penne is cooking, heat the coconut oil over medium heat, add the asparagus and saute for 3 minutes, Next add the tomatoes, garlic and red pepper flakes and saute another minute or 2 more.

4 - Add the shrimp and a large squirt of lemon juice (I know, I know, I don't have exacts, LOL) Cook until shrimp are pink on both sides and completely cooked through.

5 - Drain the pasta and add to the skillet

6 - Top with crumbled goat cheese.  VOILA!!!


(My necessary phone pics...because that's how I roll....LOL, Ok fine, it's because the family will seriously take me down if I whip out my big camera when they are all STARVING!)

Coffee Talk!

Hello lovelies! I hope everyone survived Memorial Day weekend!!! Can you believe it's coming to SUMMER?! Thank goodness! Now let's get to our gossip.....

5 Random Thoughts:

1 - Ok, that moment when you earn an exclusive phone call with the CEO of Beach Body!!!! EEEEEKKK! Oh you know, for doing what you love! Helping people reach their goals! I still feel like someone needs to PINCH me! I am soooo in LOVE with this company! My next challenge group is starting June 1st. Please message me if you would like more info or to join! :)

2 - Lucky...let's talk about LUCKY! Lucky is having a few absolutely STUNNING newborn shoots these past couple weeks and another one this Friday! Seriously, can they get any sweeter....between the lips, the hair, the cheeks, the rolls, the SMELL...hellooooo that NEW BABY smell! I heart it!! I can't thank everyone enough for referring me out and trusting me to capture one of the most important memories in your life. Muahhhh!

3 - Our Memorial Day Weekend getaway was so much fun! There was wine, cannoli ice cream, cafes, antiques, and just plain old relaxing! Cannoli ice cream would have been the death of me if I was there ANY longer! A girl can NOT survive on that alone....or can she?!

4 - I got to receive some super duper EXCITING news this past weekend. Yep, this girl is going to be an Auntie......AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Um, yeah, next to being a mom an Auntie is the absolute BEST. THING. EVER! If you aren't one yet and it's in your future, get ready, you will love it. :)

5 - These challenge groups are causing me to step out of my comfort zone and really experiment in the kitchen with some new recipes. I have been trying to post them on here as well. If you get a chance to try any of them, let me know what you think and if you have any new ones to share...please DO! I love new meals to put into the rotation.

Alright loves, I am in serious GO MODE....This being back at work & wrapping up all of my shoots before our vacation next month is draining me, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel so this girl is DETERMINED! I am off to get ready for a weekend full of shoots (which of course means you will get to see some gorgeousness on here soon) Have a wonderful weekend! XO

26 May 2015

Panko Crusted Honey Mustard Salmon

Hi loves! After the holiday weekend festivities it was time to get back on TRACK with our eating so I made this little lovely dinner last night. I can't say enough about the pure little taste of heaven each bite leaves in your mouth! If you are a salmon LOVER, definitely give it a try and let me know what you think. I can't believe it's back to work time! Have a fabulous week! XO


4 - 6oz salmon fillets
1 1/2 Tbsp dijon mustard
1 1/2 Tbsp honey
1 clove minced garlic
3/4 cup Panko bread crumbs
2 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1 tsp lemon zest
2 Tbsp olive oil
salt and freshly ground pepper

1 - Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spray a 13 x 9 inch baking dish with non stick cooking spray

2 - In a small bowl, whisk together mustard, honey & garlic. In a shallow dish toss together Panko bread crumbs, parsley & lemon zest. Drizzle olive oil over mixture then toss evenly to coat.

3 - Brush the top of each piece of salmon with the honey mustard mixture and season with salt & pepper (don't over do it with the salt & pepper because you will be doing both sides), then rotate and transfer to the bread crumb mixture (honey mustard side should be facing down), repeat the same process (honey mustard mixture and then bread crumbs) for the other side. Transfer to baking dish and repeat for the rest of the fillets. 

4 - Bake in preheated oven 13 - 15 minutes until salmon has cooked through. I served mine with roasted brussel sprouts and broccoli. Recipe for brussel sprouts is here. :)

Enjoy!!! XO

25 May 2015

Miss Emmerson Teresa

Happy Memorial Day loves!!! Ok, so I FINALLY got the A-OK from Mommy to post this session and I am ECSTATIC! Seriously, this little princess was to DIE FOR!!!! The hair, the cheeks, the lips.....I could go ON an ON! Instead I will just say that she was a perfect little angel and Mommy & Daddy are head over heels in LOVE....once you see her, you will totally understand why!  Thank you so very much for letting me be a part of Emmerson's FIRST modeling debut! She was a natural, of course!  Here are some of my favs!

I have a couple more sessions to get on here so stay tuned for some more my lovelies!!! XO

21 May 2015

Coffee Talk!

Well loves it's that time again! I swear we have to stop meeting like this!!! ;)  We are becoming coffee JUNKIES!!!

5 Random Thoughts:

1 - So we had our AWESOME visit with our fabulous friends and it was way better than we could have even expected!!! (Minus the fact that I was off my "A" game of being organized and put together! UGH, I think I was missing at LEAST one ingredient for every meal I attempted to make!) My daughter said it best....each time with them is BETTER than the last! We seriously CLICKED with this family and they just melt my heart!!! Now the countdown begins for our next visit! :)

2 - It's been an editing whirlwind! I HEART sessions sooooo much but when the editing gets backed up...WATCH OUT! I am a serious lunatic!!! Happy to report the late nights paid off! I am ALL caught up and now I have a new slew of sessions to edit! (pssss....I wouldn't have it any other way!)

3 - My little guy had his band concert this week and I must say he looked like a little heart breaker! What I wasn't prepared for (at the ripe age of 10)......being introduced to a girl AND her family! What THE?!! Awkward doesn't begin to describe that moment....LOL! I am putting this in the memory bank to bring back out in another 10 years!!! ;)

4 - I started reading a personal development book that I earned for reaching a milestone in Beach Body! (eeeekkkkk, I LOVE presents!) Yes, I LOVE it....I may NEVER put it down! 'You are a Bad Ass'.....why, thank you! I'm now starting my days with at least 10 - 20 minutes of this quiet time and it is really a great feeling! Speaking of which, this little side "gig", Beach Body....LOVE! I am getting some wonderful messages from challengers who are just seriously kicking BUTT and making changes!

5 - Is is possible that it is really going to be Memorial Day weekend ALREADY??!!! I can NOT wait! We are off on another getaway and I can't pack my stuff fast enough!!! Family time, relaxing, photos, cocktails, seafood.....BRING it!! I hope you all have a memorable weekend!!!

That's it for today while I scramble to finish up some editing and get ready to get out of here for a few days!!! There will be some serious cuteness hitting this blog here shortly, so stay tuned! XO

20 May 2015

Grilled Chicken Penne al Fresco

Hi Loves! Ok, are you looking for a super quick but absolutely scrumptious dinner for your family? I swear this one is soooooo good and EASY, a great combo for busy weeknights. This is one of my family's favorites! I can guarantee happy bellies when I whip up this dish!


4 garlic cloves, peeled
1 small container of grape or cherry tomatoes
1 box of whole wheat penne
3 cups low sodium chicken broth
3/4 cup cooking white wine or any dry white wine
salt & pepper
basil leaves
shredded Parmesan
2 cups grilled chicken breasts, cut into cubes

1 - Spray a microwave oven safe dish with olive oil (did I say, microwave?! Yes, I did, wait for it!) Slice garlic into the dish and add the tomatoes. Cover and microwave on high 4-5 minutes or until tomatoes begin to burst, stirring after 2 minutes. Crush tomatoes and then add the uncooked pasta, broth, wine, salt & pepper (these are to your taste)

2 - Return baker to microwave, cover and cook on High 18 minutes or until pasta is tender, stirring after 10 minutes. While that is in the microwave cooking that is when I go ahead and grill my chicken up on the stove top as well as slice the basil into thin strips.

3 - When the noodles are cooked, add, cheese and mix well, then throw in your chicken and basil. Mix it altogether and top with some extra basil and cheese if you like.  Serve it with a fresh salad and Voila! DONE!

Let me know how your family enjoys this one!! XO

(you are LUCKY enough again to earn another CELL pic!!! ;) SORRY!)

18 May 2015

My NEW Addition!!

Helllooo LOVES! Phew this weekend was BUSY!! Super fun, full of memories, but I am exhausted and I swear we really didn't do much but just enjoy the company of our friends. Can you say OLD?! ;)  Anywho, so last week I FINALLY went in and picked up a little something I have been eyeing now for WEEKS! I have no idea why I didn't buy it as soon as I saw it because I literally was head over heels in LOVE at first sight but I tend to do that with purchases. (um, think cart full in store, by the time I get to the register I have put back 90% of the stuff because, I didn't "need" it...It's a serious, REAL problem! LOL)

So here it is........My new Himalayan Salt Lamp!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, yes, I get that some of you may be shaking your head thinking What The?!! Let's go back to how in LOVE I was with the Laundry Room remodel and that should give you a little insight into what excites me!!!! :)

So there are said to be ACTUAL benefits to these little beauties: (I have no scientific evidence that any of these are true I'm just giving you the low down on what they are "said" to do)

  • Help with Respiratory Problems (including colds)
  • Allergies
  • Skin problems
  • Mental & Stress Related Disorders
  • Headaches & Migraines
  • Blood System Disorders
  • Improve the Quality of Air in their Immediate Environment
  • Achieve a Feeling of Relaxation & Meditation (THIS IS MY REASON FOR WANTING ONE!)
  • Improve Various Disorders and Maintain Good Health
So they say not to expect massive improvements if you tuck away a single lamp in the far corner of your house where no one ever goes. These lamps have a limited range. You will achieve the best results if you place them somewhere where you and your family spend a lot of time, or where there are a lot of electronic devices. 

It is suggested to have more than just one lamp. It's similar to plants - the more the better. Over time you should aim to have at least one in every room you frequently use, such as bedrooms and living rooms.

A good way to improve the quality of air in your house is by frequently airing it out, so the air can circulate. Of course, in the winter months or when there are high levels of air pollution, that isn't always possible to be leaving windows open, so that is when the salt lamps can be particularly useful and can help cleanse the air and remove the stubborn winter bugs. (Um, if that is true, my family NEEDS these...I swear sickness FINDS us, LOL!)

There are a lot of fake and cheaper versions on the market that don't use Himalayan salt. The real lamp is made from pure, food grade Himalayan salt. Substitutes from rock salt will not provide you with the same benefits.

So for me, I honestly got this because of the relaxation and mood benefit. I LOVE the ambiance it gives off and it's a beautiful addition to my office. I will keep you posted if I feel like it's helping with any of those other "said" benefits, but for now I'm going to sit back and enjoy the calming glow as I edit my photos and check in with my challengers!!! XO

14 May 2015

Coffee Talk!

Lovelies....bring on the java!!! It's been a BUSY week!!! Let's get to it!

4 Random Thoughts:

1 - So the newborn I had a shoot with on Friday....Um, she's lucky I didn't swaddle her, pack her up with my props and take her HOME with me!!!
Seriously, she couldn't have been more precious! I am DYING to post a sneak peek but have to wait because Momma has some presents she is surprising peeps with so I MUST knock out some serious editing and get to it so I can post away!! 

2 - Got to have a very impromptu massage on Mother's Day Weekend! Yep, in normal fashion for me (LOL) that night after my newborn shoot was over I ended up with some serious back pain (like couldn't bend, sit, lay pain) Yep, shake your head because that's what I'm doing! Anywhoooooo, by some MIRACLE and a very sweet British Masseuse, I got in for a quick fix that Saturday morning. I evidently have some SUPER tightness and mass in my upper back and neck which caused a pinched nerve. (like body builder mass and um, yeah, those who know me...that's NOT my thing so I had to laugh when she asked me if I do that)  Needless to say my issues ALL stem from stress (probably the 2 years of stress prior to me feeling so fabulous right now, you know think move across country, house falling apart, financial changes, hospital stays...yada yada yada) So she did as much as she could do for squeezing me in and I spent the rest of Saturday on muscle relaxers and a heating pad but by Sunday night I felt sooooo much better! I see a monthly massage in my future to loosen all that old baggage up!

3 - I can barely stand it!!! Sooo tomorrow we get to squeeze the peeps from this post!! I LOVE that after every visit we have with each other, we already have our next visit planned!! It sooooo gives us something to look forward to and of course a countdown to FUN! Now if Mother Nature cooperates and gives us BEAUTIFUL weather it will be even BETTER! Last time they came it was RAINING cats and dogs so I'm crossing my fingers for SUNSHINE and GORGEOUS temps so we can enjoy sitting out on the deck with a glass of vino catching up! 

4 - On week 2 of the 21 Day Fix EXTREME and I didn't keel over dead yet....good sign?! LOL! It's challenging but soooo worth it! My next group is starting up May 18th and I can't wait to see how these next challengers do on their new journey! Message me if you would like info! 

12 May 2015

Sister Love!!!

Helllooo lovelies! Ok, these girls!!! Where do I start!? They were seriously FUN! I love kiddos that find their inner RUNWAY model in the middle of a shoot! LOL! Each of them were seriously ADORB and so willing to do anything! I adore seeing the LOVE between siblings especially sisters! These girls have NO IDEA how lucky they are to have each other and how much more fun their future holds together! We had lots of laughs, a few 'pick on the photog so we can get our sisters to laugh moments', and GORGEOUS weather! Yep, it was a photographer's dream shoot!  Thank you so much for making my evening memorable and letting me capture some sweet sweet moments!!!

Here are a few of my favs!!

There's a super sweet Cake Smash/1 year session coming up next!!! Have a fabulous Tuesday! XO

11 May 2015

Almond Crusted Chicken with Roasted Garlic & Parmesan Brussel Sprouts and Broccoli!

Oh MY loves!!! So this dinner happened at my house TONIGHT and to say it got RAVE reviews would be an understatement!!! Some of the comments from my lovely family :

~ Oh, my goodness! This is out of this world!!!

~ My mind is telling me this is FRIED CHICKEN, but it's healthy!

~ By far your BEST chicken dinner...EVER!

~ This needs to be a REGULAR in the ROTATION!!

Well, all those BEAUTIFUL comments could give a girl a BIG HEAD!!! ;)

Now what I LOVE is it fits into my clean-er eating plan AND it was really DELISH! I totally heart the mix of the crunchy almonds with the little bit of kick from the paprika! Go ahead and give this a try and let me know what you and yours think!!! XO  (excuse the cell pics, I was in a hurry to dig into this while it was still hot and the family frowns on me snapping that camera ALL OF THE TIME...LOL, especially when they are HUNGRY!)



1/2 bag of whole raw almonds
1 TBSP Paprika
1 TBSP Minced Garlic
1 TBSP Onion
Dash of sea Salt
Dash of Pepper

Almond Flour: Blend all ingredients in a food processor to taste - mine had parts that were very fine and then parts that were chunky and honestly we LOVED it with the mix instead of just the fine texture, but whatever you prefer is fine too!

I had 4 thin chicken breasts (if you don't have thin, you will need to place them between plastic wrap and pound them until they are thin) Then, I dredge each piece of chx thru water. Shake off the water and then dip both sides of the chx breast in the almond flour/breading put on onto aluminum foil lined baking sheet and cook. (I sprayed the aluminium foil with olive oil cooking spray to prevent sticking)

Bake at 350 for about 20 mins, about half way through flip them over (you may have to scoop some of the almonds back up on there).. then I bumped the temp up to 450 and did about 10 more mins to let them get nice and golden brown on top! (all of these times can be adjusted depending on your oven, the thickness of your chicken etc.)


  • Brussel Sprouts (I had a left over bag of these that I cut the ends off of and then cut down the middle)
  • Broccoli (as much as you want, I used one head)
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan
  • Juice of 1 lemon

  • Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Lightly oil a baking sheet or coat with nonstick spray.
  • Place broccoli and brussel sprouts in a single layer onto the prepared baking sheet. Add olive oil and garlic; season with salt and pepper, to taste. Gently toss to combine.
  • Place into oven and bake for 10-12 minutes, or until tender.
  • Serve immediately, sprinkled with Parmesan and lemon juice.

Enjoy!!!! XO

07 May 2015

Coffee Talk!!

Well loves, somehow Thursday seems to get here QUICKER and QUICKER!!! What the heck? So let's get to it!

5 Random Thoughts:

1 - Hi Spring, um where did you go?! Summer already MOVED in!!! WHAT?!?! LOL I am totally not complaining because I am just thrilled to see green and SUN, but what a shock to go from freezing to 85 degrees like lightening FAST! ;)

2 - I had another wonderful weekend away, this time a girls only weekend at my mom's which included Hayley's friend who came along with us. We had so much fun laughing, shopping, and eating! It's weekends like this that really remind me how amazing it is to live here. (well, when you aren't shoveling yourself out of snow mounds BIGGER than your head!!!!)  ;)

3 - Two ah-mazing shoots this weekend...yep, happy happy HEART! Lots of new referrals = MOST AH-MAZING CLIENTS EVER!! Thank you so so much! It really warms my heart and means the world to me! 2 more shoots coming up this weekend so BRING on the BEAUTIFUL weather!

4 - Little vent sesh - Why, oh why, must people be negative and nasty when people are trying to make changes and are obviously happier than they have ever been? Ugh, nasty people be gone! No one has time for that! Lift people up and celebrate their success! And the old saying 'if you don't have anything nice to say'...totally APPLIES to adults as well! Vent sesh...DONE!

5 - Soooo Monday was my first day of the 21 Day Fix EXTREME!! Whew..to say it was extreme is an understatement! That was I N T E N S E! I have never sweat so much in my life! It was such an invigorating feeling and of course I'm head over heels in love with yet another Beach Body workout! Beach Body why must you keep woooing me!!?  My Get Ready for Summer Challenge Group starts May 26th!! Message me for details!!

That's it peeps, no hospital stays, no emergencies, just boring old ME! Thanks for coming and I will see you back here next Thursday for our weekly dose of COFFEE! XO

06 May 2015

What is a Challenge Group?!!

Hi little lovelies! As you all know from this post here I made the BIG, scary decision (well for me it was....LOL) to become a Beach Body coach!! Since becoming a coach each and every day just confirms more to me that I made the absolute BEST decision. If I get to help just ONE person lose weight and become healthier & happier, or if ONE person doesn't have to go on blood pressure or cholesterol medicine then for me, this was ALL worth it. Now I know some people don't know exactly what a "Challenge Group" is and quite honestly I was TOTALLY one of those peeps! (helllooo, my sister was a coach and I still was holding back on taking the plunge to join one of her groups, but the minute I did, I literally was HOOKED!) Although I will ADMIT to having been a facebook stalker before joining! Hey, I have to be honest!

So I'm here to explain what exactly a Challenge Group is!

A Challenge Group is a 30 day group that is all done through a closed/private Facebook support group.  So, only the members of the group can see what is being posted.  

What I do is help you customize your health and fitness goals to meet your needs.  My groups are FREE to my challengers.  The only expense will be what you need for your group (workout and Shakeology, which you can purchase through me at a discounted price for the challenge pack). I help you choose the best Beachbody workout to get there based on your ability level/interests. 

It's support from others JUST like YOU to give you the motivation to keep going. That motivation that says yes, you bought that workout now don't let it sit in that darn box and collect dust! Get up and do that work out because your co-challengers are counting on you to check in!!! 

It's accountability, when you really NEED it!  Let's face it, we all do better when we are held accountable! I know for me this was HUGE! 

It's meal planning ideas, recipes or what I like to call Kitchen Assistants, because who doesn't need one of those!? (and we all can use new recipes for the family meal rotation) 

It's 30 minutes of YOU time. You push play from the comfort of your own home. Hellllooo can it get any better/easier than NOT having to leave your house and who doesn't have 30 MINUTES?! NO EXCUSES, push play!

It's the inspiration and the lift you up to make a lifestyle change that I promise you...will change you FOREVER!! That little boost of get up and get moving that we ALL need from time to time!

I have said it before and I will say it a million trillion times.....these groups changed my life! I was crying, depressed, out of shape, and borderline ready to SNAP! (no joke, snap)  I didn't want to wake up, I didn't want to get dressed. Negativity was my BEST friend. I look at how far I have come and I KNOW there are definitely peeps shaking their head, rolling their eyes, making comments about all of my posts and happiness and you know what....that is OK. In the past that would have totally rattled me and made me even more of a mess, but now I'm in a place where others opinion of me doesn't matter. (this took oh, a good 39 years to get to, but hey I finally am at that point and it feels FABULOUS) I'm finally comfortable in my own skin and I'm HAPPY. I'm doing this for ME and my family and I know in my HEART this program works and it was the BEST thing that ever happened to me. Will you be PERFECT? Heck NO! I'm not perfect. There are days I don't want to workout but then I remember how good I feel afterwards and that my group is counting on me so I get my booty moving! Will you have CHEAT MEAL days? Heck YES! Life isn't about cutting every thing out, it's about making good choices 80% of the time and learning portion control. I'm a believer in the 80/20 rule. 

If you think this may be a good fit for YOU and you are ready for a new journey, message me for more info. This is NOT a diet, it's a lifestyle change. You will learn to eat clean-er, you will be lifted up by positive people who have been in your shoes and who also need the support. My next group starts May 26th and I'm looking for 6 people who want to change. Whether it be to lose weight, for mental/emotional well being (this is better than any PILL a Dr will give you), to just be healthier, whatever YOUR reason may be, message me! I would LOVE to have you in my group! XO

05 May 2015

Meet Miss Penelope Lane!!!

Hello lovelies!! As promised I am FINALLY getting this lovely little lady on here! Her session was truly just laid back perfection. She's a really GOOD baby and Mommy, Daddy and Big Brother Ben are seriously blessed!!! I had such a great time with the whole family, it felt more like hanging out with great friends. (of course they are totally friends with a dash of family in there too!!)  Thank you so much for inviting me into your home and letting me spend the morning with your beautiful family. I look forward to many more shoots with you all!  Penelope is a little DOLL and Big Brother Ben, well what's not to LOVE!! XO

Here are a few of my favs from our session!