25 February 2016

Coffee Talk the 3 Years In... edition

Sooo loves it won't be the normal Coffee Talk! Sorry! I've got toooo many thoughts to get out so we are changing it up today! My head is overflowing with thoughts and emotions. Well yesterday marked 3 full years here. I still can NOT believe it. I can't believe it because there have been DEFINITE moments I did NOT think I was going to make it here. There are STILL moments I don't think I can survive one more FREAKING day!! I've had definite bumps where I almost spiraled right down into a deep depression again, moments where I CRIED uncontrollably, moments where I felt lost, hopeless and flat out miserable.

I can't sugar coat this because I don't want to make my life appear all happy go lucky and then I'm over here dangling by a thread. That's not fair. I know because EVERY SINGLE DAY I see it on facebook and other social media - people portraying this fabulous life when in reality their life may not be so fab. Bottom line, I'm just getting by until we can get out.

Have I had some good times here? Absolutely
Have I LOVED getting to spend time with family? Yes
Have we made memories here? Yep
Have I met some incredible people? oh for sure
Have I found the most Ah-mazing clients? Heck Yeah

I don't mean ANY disrespect to those who love and adore it here. I get it. I feel that SAME passion for Arizona. All I know is I yearn for that sunshine, for that heat, for the landscape, for the lifestyle, for all that beauty in general. It's been a trying time for our WHOLE family these last couple months. Each of us is struggling in our own way.

All I can do is slap a smile on, stay positive and BELIEVE that there are bigger, better things coming our way. For now I will do my best and focus on making the best of it. I will keep working on my personal development, meditation, working out and lots of other relaxation techniques to better my inner self. For those who have been there thru the tears these last few weeks you have made more of an impact on me than you will EVER know. I am forever grateful.

First and foremost and what will NEVER change is my little family....we are the MOST important thing! We will ALWAYS come first before anything else and we will ALWAYS do what is BEST for us. Life is soooo extremely short. If you are unhappy, figure out what is making you unhappy and change it. If you need a career change, take the plunge - update your resume and get out there. If you are in a relationship that doesn't bring you at LEAST 95% happiness....maybe it's time to walk away. You deserve to be happy!!! If you don't like where you live.....MOVE! (hey, I'm working on this, but it takes time!) Whatever it may be don't just let it destroy you....make a change. Even if it takes baby steps...baby steps are better than NO STEPS!

Will this be the last countdown of being here? Who knows. Who knows what tomorrow will bring, but for now I will just keep swimming and making memories and capturing even more memories for my wonderful clients!!  Have a FABULOUS weekend!!! XO


LAC said...

I'm sorry you are struggling again, Momma. I hope you can find your soft place to land and that it doesn't take too long and too much of your joy.

Anonymous said...

Parts of this really resonates with me. Love you! xoxo

~Joelle said...

We will happily split the cost of a moving truck back to AZ with you, my friend! ❤️❤️ You have no idea how much I understand your pain!