13 March 2012

Tools of the Trade...

Tuesday is here and it still feels like a whirlwind!!! It started with an early morning stop at the gym....um yeah, this is necessary because of this new found seasonal addiction:

Seriously I CAN.NOT.STOP.EATING.THESE!!!!! I'm starting to think they are crack for bunnies!!! (disclaimer....I have NEVER touched a drug in my life, but the NEED for these eggs is what I'm imagining a crack addict would feel like when they 'need' more drugs)
Thank goodness, these are only out ONCE a year...for real.....no self control!!!

After that necessary chore, Hayley and I hit the stores for some fun St. Patty's decor/accessories for a get together we are having at our house on Saturday. Pretty excited with our finds and can't wait to get fun photos of all of us and our friends in our new get ups....hey it will be like a make believe photo booth! (yeah, the friends don't know this little secret tidbit yet, hellloooo......new photographer peeps, they should EXPECT to be photographed at any and ALL times!)

With St. Patty's taken care of it was time to relax with a close friend and a glass of wine...(lover of wine ~ SEE ABOUT ME) Always have a fun time catching up with her so that was definitely a 'high' of my day. :)

However the funniest part of this WHOLE day had to be that I posted my picture on face book for my Project 52 entry for week 11 ~ Tools was the the theme for this week......get ready.....(think girly girl, prissy, etc.)  And here is what you get........

Hey, it's what I think of when I hear the word 'tools'....LOL.....Happy Tuesday everyone!!!! xoxo

(get ready for fun pics....headed to Old Tucson Studios tomorrow for the FIRST time ever...my camera will be on over drive....poor thing.)

OMG...how did I forget!!!??? My photography course BINDER came in the mail today!!!! ahhhhh can NOT wait to start that course!


Bethany said...

The shot of the eggs is making me crave them! They are the best!

Melanie @ MP Bella Photography said...

LOL...I know Bethany.....I see them...and I Have.To.Have.Them.!!!! ;)